Chereads / When I Found Out / Chapter 2 - Chapter two

Chapter 2 - Chapter two

After going through some doors, we arrived to the room and I dropped to my knees as soon as I saw her little fragile, lifeless body on a small bed.

I went up to her and carried her in my arms as I cried and cried, while Nick was rubbing my back again. "you'll never be forgotten, my angel. I love you" I whispered.

"H-hey, Arab-bella?" Nick stuttered. I didn't respond.

"Hey look!" He said a bit louder, but yet again I ignored him and cried. I know that it's rude to ignore someone, but I could care less right now.

"Would you please just listen to me?" He kind of yelled. "What?!" I looked at him, but he was smiling.

How could he smile right now? I know it's not his sister, but at least he should be respectful! Maybe he's actually heartless and likes seeing people suffering from losing a loved one.

"Why are you smiling?" My voice filled with sadness and hatred.

He just looked at Angel smiling. I looked down confused at the lifeless body in my arms, seeing her opening her eyes!

"Oh my God, I can't believe this!" My sad tears turning into happy ones. "I'll get the doctor." Nick said. I looked at him and nodded with a big smile on my face.

*Nick's POV*

"You'll never be forgotten, my angel. I love you." Arabella whispered. I felt tears in my eyes as I rubbed her back, to try and comfort her.

I looked down in her arms just to see Angel trying to open her eyes!

I tried to call Arabella, but she won't even look at me. Finally when I got her attention by raising my voice a little, I told her what Angel tried to do with a big smile on my face, knowing it will definitely bring her to smile and be really happy.

"I'll get the doctor" she looked at me with a big smile on her face and happy tears in her eyes, nodding.

I left the room looking for the doctor that broke the news to us. I told him everything when I found him and he looked at me surprised and shocked.

"I'll get a nurse and be right there to do some tests" he said making his way to the front desk.

I went back to the room where Arabella and Angel were in.

I saw Arabella playing with Angel while she giggles.

Arabella has long light brown wavy hair, beautiful hazel eyes, rosy cheeks and straight white teeth. She also had a nose ring, which looked adorable. I think she's between 5'5-5'6, she's a lot shorter that me, I'm 6'3.

Angel has a few lighter brown hairs on her head, she had grayish blue eyes and even rosier cheeks than Arabella. She looks so adorable and cute and obviously Melody will  look like her; seeing as Arabella told me they were identical twins.

"Hey, Arabella?" I asked. "Yea? Oh and call me Bella or Belle or whatever you want." She chuckled.

I chuckled and said. " the doctor is on his way with a nurse, they're going to do some tests to make sure she's okay."

"That's great, thanks for getting them." "You're welcome." I smiled at her.

I went and sat next to her on the floor. I looked at Angel, she looked a little weak, but strong enough to laugh and play with Bella.

"How old is this little munchkin" I said and held her little hand, making funny faces which made her laugh, causing me to smile.

"She's going to be 7 months next week, same as Mel." Bella said.

"Mel?" I asked confused. She laughed and looked at me.

Was she talking about her other sister, Melody? Oh now that I think about it, it's obviously a nickname for Melody.

"Yea, never mind it's obviously about Melody. I can be stupid sometimes." I felt my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"Haha it's fine and yea it's about her" she said still laughing causing Angie to giggle, then went back to playing with her.

Damn. They're laughs are so cute.

"Hey, Bella?" She looked up at me. I take a deep breath and started talking "would you like to go on a da-" but I got cut off by the doctor and a nurse knocking on the door then coming in right after.

I sighed. Maybe it was for the best that I got cut off.

*Bella's POV*

"Would you like to go on a da-" Nick got cut off by a knock on the door followed by the doctor and a nurse's footsteps.

Was he about to ask me on a date?

I blushed at the thought, but brushed it off quickly.

After some checkups and some more tests, I asked the doctor if Angie was okay "I see that she's doing just fine! It was a miracle that she's alive! She's  going to have to stay at the hospital for a couple of days to make sure everything is okay though" he said. "Hey doc? Can you get someone to bring Melody to this room, please?" I said hopeful. He nodded and walked out the room.

Nick fell asleep on the chair next to Angel's sleeping body. They looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake them up. Nick has been nothing but nice and helpful to me and we barely know each other. I don't even know why he's still here, he could've left once he heard that Mel was doing fine. But he stuck around and was there when I needed comfort, and I'm really thankful for that.

The Next Day...

They brought Mel's small bed in the room an hour after the doctor left the room. Nick's asleep and do are the twins. I couldn't sleep all night thinking about my mom so I got out of the room, going to the front desk. "Hey um, is there a phone that I can use, please?" I asked the middle aged nurse behind the desk.

"Of course you can , dear here." She sweetly said handing me a surprisingly modern phone, not one of those old ones with wires and complicated stuff.

I dialed my mom's phone number that I memorized by heart over the years. She wasn't answering her phone though. I called her for over five times but every time it would go to voicemail. "Hey mom. It's Bella, the twins and I are in Toronto General Hospital. Don't worry everyone's fine, now. Please come here when you get this; I'm worried about you. I love you." I sent the voicemail and gave the phone back to the lady and thanked her.

I'm really worried about my mom. What if something really bad happened to her? She hasn't been doing really good since my dad. She hasn't been doing really well since my dad, she hasn't been herself either.

I went back to the hospital room. Room 546.

I saw Nick holding Mel in his arms, singing to her softly and her eyes closing, his back to the door.

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

You were only waiting for this moment to arise" he finished Mel fell back asleep and he put her back in the hospital bed.

"I didn't know you could sing!" I whisper-yelled excitedly.

He jumped a little and turned around seeing me with a huge smile on my face.

*Nick's POV*

I woke up to soft cries. I was totally confused for a second. I looked around the room then I remembered what happened I didn't see Bella in the room though. I jumped up seeing one of the twins crying. I quickly picked her up not wanting her waking her sister up. I tried to calm her down, but nothing worked and her tears-stained face became red, I felt bad and started singing 'blackbird'  by the Beatles. It seems to be working.

When I finished she was fast asleep, I put her back in the hospital bed.

"I didn't know you could sing!" that made me jump and turn around quickly.