"What the…" [Dmitriy]
The man named Dmitriy Vellin groggily stretched. The coarse dirt rubbed against his body, his mysteriously naked body.
Pulling himself into a slouch, the man casually surveyed his surroundings with a slow turn of his head. In fact, Dmitriy, who had been abducted to another world with nothing to aid him, seemed almost too relaxed with how he accepted the bizarre situation before him. Although appearing unfazed, this was simply not the case. Dmitriy's mind was panicked, flustered, and working overtime. Simply put, he didn't know what he was thinking. Sleep deprivation didn't aid his situation either. The only reason Dmitriy was able to calmly analyze his surroundings was due to the instinctual experience he had gradually accumulated over his 16 years of existence. 16 unrelenting years of parental abuse, outback survival through brutal snowstorms, rigid training, and assassinations. 16 years of pain.
"Where... am I?" [Dmitriy]
Dmitriy's voice was slow and monotone, almost comparable to a mutter. The question was also the most obvious one considering Dmitriy's current predicament. After all, what Dmitriy was seeing was nothing like what he saw on Earth. The environment was cold yet reminiscent of the Russian Tundra, Dmitriy's home country. Small snow patches blew around in cheerful flurries in the afternoon breeze while white, flowery thickets dotted the landscape. An airy, bright coniferous forest lined the right side of Dmitriy's vision, stretching seamlessly over each horizon with no end in sight. Snowpack could be spotted on and under the trees but signs of spring were evident as mosses and grasses poked their vibrant, dew touched heads out of the snow. A small tributary stream congealed into a pool not far off from Dmitriy's current location. The brook babbled happily along at the forest edge, not strong enough to be a river and not weak enough to be absorbed into the dark, thawing earth. A few stray boulders lay around the area left by who knows what, offering much welcome definition to the repetitious expanse of land.
Finally standing, Dmitriy conducts another cursory examination of his surroundings, searching for signs of wildlife. Nothing. With that, the lone man totters down to the pond.
"Need food and shelter. Water is abundant due to the remaining snow. Fire is easily made. Human-like entities not known. Find weapons and clothing." [Dmitriy]
Mechanical, professional words leak from Dmitriy's mouth: assessing his situation, setting current objectives, and the like. Meanwhile, his eyes darted around the small pool, searching for something, anything. The eyes, perpetually angry for god knows what reason, appear restless for once, although they remain slanted into an expression resembling a grimace. Once at the water's edge, Dmitriy kneels. He proceeds to heft a small stone that fits snuggly into the palm of his hand. Minutes pass and the impatient eyes still scan the pool's surface and edges. Suddenly, they freeze onto something. Dmitriy gradually leans forward onto the balls of his feet and springs off, lightning fast, towards the location of interest. The stone is swung down and a heavy, disheartening crunch accompanied by a dull thud could be heard. Red liquid splatters across the rocks and into the once clear water.
"Frog meat. Clean and cook. Test for toxins." [Dmitriy]
Dmitriy, for all intents and purposes, had obtained frog meat, for that is what the dead creature was. To be precise, it was a stone frog that inhabited the tundra pools and streams. After this, Dmitriy took a quick drink. The water wasn't stagnant so safety from illnesses was assured. The crisp, cold liquid flowed through Dmitriy's dust-caked mouth and helped ease the burden upon his mind ever so slightly. With newly cleared thoughts and a face still perpetually fixed into a despondent glare, the Wildman set off towards the woods.
For the first night in a new world, Dmitriy peacefully slumbered on the lowest limb of the tallest tree he could find. Nothing disturbed him.
"How is the kid doing, Erebus?" [???]
"Oh he is doing just fine. You should stop nagging me- Oww!" [Erebus]
"Thank goodness he is safe. That boy almost had his life ruined thanks to you." [???]
"Or I could have made his life more fulfilling. Perspective is everything Tellus dear. [Erebus]
"You admit your faults, do you." [Tellus]
"What faults?" [Erebus]