Arcin learned the reason the other head were calm and not too long later as the second head began to grow back and split into 2 making the total heads now up to 4. Arcin clicked her tongue in annoyance she spun the glaive in her hand. She ignored the pain she felt as she stood ready to fight. She raced forward and jumped up into the air she begun to twirl around her glaive but the 4 heads acted together and swung around to attack her.
One of the heads slammed into her chest throwing her backward she flipped herself in the air when Saisako made an air platform underneath Arcin which she could see and she jumped off the platform and spun in the air as she slashed 2 of the heads neck which Saisako attacked with some waters magic-making more damage.
As she was falling down to the back of the hydra she spun around the glaive and stabbed it down into its back as she landed. The glaive married into its back not wanting to stay long she begun to pull out the glaive from its back and dragged the glaive up and slashed it back causing a large slash. She sang the glaive around her causing a number more slashes on its back the head spun around and tried to bite Arcin. She jumped back when a mother's head snapped at her.
Arcin turned and blocked the attack with her glaive it bites down on the staff. The hydra lifted it had started to lift her off the ground and begun to swing its head around side to side trying to throw Arcin off who was desperately holding onto the staff. "Saisako!" Arcin yelled as she began to feel dizzy from getting swung around like a rag doll.
Saisako fired attacks of water trying to hit the head that had Arcin in her grasp but the other heads would block the attack destroying the head creating 2 more making 6 more heads in the process. "Fuck fuck fuck! Stop destroying the heads! It's just getting worse!" Arcin screamed as she was avoiding being bitten by the heads.
Realizing she couldn't rely on Saisako's help to get her out of this she grabbed the staff of the glaive even tighter. "Platform!" Arcin called out and beneath her, the platform appeared. She pushed off it and twisted her body using all her strength twisting around the head and breaking the neck and teeth as she yanked the staff out of its mouth. Arcin landed on the ground and the neck she just broke fixed itself and hissed at her.
She clicked her tongue as she looked it returned to normal. "'How the fuck am I to kill this thing. It can regenerate quite fast when it comes to its head and destroying ahead just creates two more. Aside from the regeneration it similar to the hydra of ancient myth for Terra… could that legend help me beat it? Hmmm before it was an explosion that destroyed the heads. Let's see if slashing is the same or not, otherwise, it might just be that.'" Arcin thought as she spun the glaive around in her hand returning it to a fighting position.
Saisako raced past Arcin and jumped up her claws begun to glow blue and become long she passed between two of the heads and spun around as she slashed the two heads causing deep slashes in the necks. Arcin then rushed forwards and distracted the Hydra with slashed and swings to allow Saisako to get away. Arcin spun the glaive around her back as she made the blade of the glaive larger and she slashed one of the necks of the heads that Saisako slashed severing it completely.
Arcin changed the blade back to normal and jumped back to avoid the falling head. She deflected the attacking heads and watched as the head she just severed became two causing her to click her tongue. "'It's like I was worried about. It probably likes the legend if we cut off all the heads at once before it can regenerate them that should kill it no matter that amount of health is left.'" She thought as she pushed off the ground with the bottom of her staff flipping in the air as she avoids the maw of another head.
Currently total there were 8 hydra heads which were difficult for Arcin alone to hold off with Saisako's occasional assists it made it a little easier. Though Arcin was dealing a large about of damage compared to her level due to her stats. The fight was still difficult as with the number of heads, boss monster stats getting close to that of Saisako's, it made it like fighting 4 different bosses at once. Arcin knew that something had to be wrong since this was so different from what she was told and learned about dungeons.
Arcin jumped back and away from the Earth Hydra to take a moment to breathe taking note that it was at half health and rising. But she didn't have the chance to breathe for long as the heads opened their mouth and a glowing light began to form in their mouth. The energy it was giving off made Arcin's hairs stand. Arcin raced over grabbing Saisako and slide behind a pillar, Arcin closed her eyes covering Saisako as the Hydra fired out a crystallized laser. its chards the ground and destroyed part of the pillar.
Arcin felts the energy dissipate and opened her eyes placed Saisako down on the ground as she grabbed her staff and raced out hoping for a cool down on that attack. She changed the glaive blade to be larger as she planted her feet hard on the ground and pivoted as she swung the blade with a large slash Arcin managed to cut down 6 of the 8 heads leaving only two left realizing the mistake/problem she changed the size of the blade back to normal as she twirled the blade in her hand to change the positioning in order to swing with another attack to take out the last 2 heads before the others regenerate and multiply.
But the two remaining heads were not about to let her do one head fired a laser blast with less power and smaller the beam hit Arcin in the side just missing vitals the next head lunged at her. Arcin slammed the bottom of the staff into the ground to force herself into the air quickly to avoid the attack. But the first head was not finished and begun to fire more lasers at her.
Arcin began to twirl the glaive in her hand and deflected the blasts away from her and into the walls. Arcin landed on the ground just in time to be slammed by the Hydra's tail in the wall and having to watch as all 6 heads grew back gaining a total of 14 hydra heads.