Chereads / The Wave Heard All Around / Chapter 5 - Chapter 6

Chapter 5 - Chapter 6

I lay down and reminisce this crazy day we had. When my body finally relaxes I can feel the pulsing all through my body. That first wave really did take a toll on me. It feels like I worked out nonstop for hours. It hurts all over. But I'm breathing through it and the pain slowly begins to go away. Once I finally get comfortable I fall into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I wake up hoping that yesterday was just one big nightmare. I look all around and see that I'm not in my house, and I see Iris laying in a bed next to me. Then it hit me, yesterday really did happen. I sit up and I'm so sore. And once I get up off the bed I feel like I was hit by an eighteen wheeler. I walk to the restroom and I get a new toothbrush from the medicine cabinet. After brushing my teeth I go to the living room where I see Isaiah and Gracie watching tv with the twins.

"Good morning guys. How are you all doing?" I ask.

"Good morning mom. I'm ok."

"Yeah Vanessa we slept ok, Gracie on the other hand had nightmares last night." Hannah said.

"Oh gosh, Gracie are you feeling ok sweetheart?" I ask concerned.

"Yes ma'am I'm ok now. I was afraid that my mom was dead. But I saw her this morning so I'm better now." Gracie says and she looks like she is calmer then yesterday after the train incident.

"Alright then guys is anyone hungry? I'll whip us up some pancakes, bacon and eggs." I ask.

"Oh that sounds amazing." Hunter says.

"Yeah mom I'm starving." Isaiah says.

"Oh breakfast does sound lovely and a beautiful woman making it makes it even better." I hear a familiar voice behind me. I get chills all down my spine with the tone of voice. I slowly turn around and that's when I see Alejandro standing behind me. I squealed and then he chuckles and says, "Good morning everyone. I have some news can you get everyone here to the living room, please." Hunter says yes and goes to get everyone in the living room.

Once everyone is down Alejandro begins, " Ok everyone, now I talked to my superiors and they said that by next week you guys will be able to call home and get in touch with families that are out of town. Now everyone else that doesn't have family out of town I'm sorry but so far there isn't any survivors. But we are still hopeful. There was still some signs of life so we aren't giving up....."

"Ok, but why do we have to wait until next week to talk to our families I mean why wait?" Iris interrupts.

"Look I am not sure why my bosses want to wait but I go based on what they tell me ma'am."

"Ok but I have to make sure that my dad is ok. I was on the phone with him when the wave hit. He is old and has a heart condition and I'm worried that he might have had a heart attack or something. I've been so worried about him. Please can you help me with at least that." Iris says pleading with Alejandro.

"Yes Iris. I already talked to some of my men about going to check on your father. I only need his name and address." Alejandro says.

"Thank you 'Guy' I appreciate it." She then gives his name and address and he writes it down then says, "Got it ma'am I'll have some of my men go and check on him and make sure that he is ok. I promise. Now, other than getting ahold of family members from out of town is there anything you all need. Like food, videogames?" He said that while hinting to Isaiah and Hunter.

"Really you can get us videogames?" Isaiah asks with the cutest smile on his face.

"Of course I can. I mean if that is ok with your mom over there."

"Yes. That would be great. Especially since we are going to be here for a while. Anything to keep the kids entertained for the mean time." I say smiling but also blushing.

"Alright then. I'll bring in some videogames in a few minutes." Guy says.

"Well are you staying for breakfast? I can make enough for everyone if you like?" I ask.

"Sounds lovely. I'll just tell my men to get the ps4 and some kid friendly videogames for you all and I'll be right back."

Guy leaves and everyone turns their heads to me. Mr. Sanchez says, "Well when were you going to let us in on this crush you developed on 'Guy' huh?"

"Ok, first of all... I don't even know if I have a crush on him. Second of all he has just been very friendly and I want to give back."

"You mean give him some sweet, sweet loving huh? HAHAHAHA" Iris says while cracking up.

"IRIS! Not in front of the kids." I say while covering Isaiah's ears.

We all have a good laugh and start trying to make some breakfast for us. All of us being together reminds me of when they would take turns spending the night with me while I was pregnant and even after having Isaiah, these people mean so much to me. I'm so happy that we are all in this together. We are laughing and making jokes about before. They bring up when they would spend the night and how one time I slept through the whole night with Isaiah crying, and how it took Mr. and Mrs. Villarreal both to get him to stop crying. But all in all escaping the horrible relationship I was in with Isaiah's dad, was the best thing I ever did. I got a great family in this small town.

"Alright kids come and get your plates and lets sit down and eat." I yell. It wasn't long after 'Guy' left to get the ps4 that he came back and the kids immediately started to play on it. Which is why I had to yell for them to hear me. They get their plates and go back to the living room where they are go back to playing while eating.

"Wow! It smells amazing in here." Guy says when he walked in through the door.

"Come on 'Guy' and get yourself a plate. There is plenty." I say.

"Yes come and get some. Vanessa is an amazing cook." Mrs. Villarreal says, and I look up at him blushing.

"I'm sure she is everything smells incredible."

Everyone gets a plate and we take a seat at the table.

"I still can't believe yesterday happened. But I'm glad it is over with. This next week is going to be so long. 'Guy' is there any way that you could persuade your bosses to I don't know, maybe move a little faster. I mean, I think I speak for everyone when I say, we appreciate everything you all have done for us. But we have to move on and find our families." Iris says.

"Believe me I agree with you 100%. And I am pressuring them as much as I can. I want you all reunited with loved ones. But I am still not sure why they want to wait that long. That is above my pay grade." Guy says.

"Well as soon as you can that would be great." While I'm trying to talk to "Guy", he gets a call and he excuses himself from the table to take the call. When he came back he his face was pale, and he looked worried.

"I'm sorry guys I didn't realize that I have a meeting to get to. I'll see myself out." He says and as he walks out I run after him.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask

"Yes everything will be just fine. I promise I will keep you guys safe you have my word on that. I'll be back tonight to see you again, if you don't mind." I nod my head and then he leans in and gives me a tender kiss on the cheek while giving me the biggest and tightest hug, and then walks out. I feel like I should be worried, but somehow he makes me feel safe. I hope I can trust my instincts.