Chereads / The Wave Heard All Around / Chapter 7 - Chapter 8

Chapter 7 - Chapter 8

After going over the plan so many times, I worry that "Guy" would get caught. But no one seems to think anything of him always spending time with us. Which is good if he is going to help us escape from here.

Its hard trying to put this plan together when the soldiers are right outside. We are as quiet as we can be and we may have come up with the best escape plan and "Guy" is going leave with us.

This man whom I just met has become a huge part of my life and I think I'm falling for him. He has done so much for Isaiah and I, and now he's doing even more risking his own life for us. It took us all night but we finally come to an agreement in what we are going to do. The day after tomorrow we will be escaping this "safe house."

That night when we finally went to sleep "Guy" snuck a phone in with me. He says its a way for us to stay in contact with each other until the night we leave. I just can't help but think, "where are we going to go? Where are we going to hide? How CAN we hide from the government?" With all these thought in my head it was hard; but I finally fall asleep.

The next morning when I wake up I immediately look for the Buckley twins. They have to be in on the plan as well. They have a critical role in this as well.

When I tell the twins what is going on and their reaction is to be expected. I tell them about the plan and they agree to it.

The rest of the day everything went smoothly. Soldiers came in and out of the house like nothing. Right before bed I let Isaiah know that things are going to be crazy from here on out. He looks at me confused but I just tell him that he needs to follow my lead. He agrees with me and then goes to sleep. Iris and I go to our room and I tell her, "We are going to be on the run for a good while. I don't think that it is a good idea for the kids to be hiding with us. What do you think we should do?"

"We can leave them with my family. My family has a house in the middle of no where and 2 satellite phones that way we could stay in touch while we figure out how to get this big target off of our back." Iris suggests.

"Look we can't just leave Isaiah and Gracie we have to leave the twins with them as well. Do you think your family would mind that?" I ask.

"No. I mean once we get there and tell them the situation then they wouldn't mind. And well the twins are also very responsible and so protective with the kids that it might be a good idea to leave them with my family, it could be a lot of help. "

"Yeah you are right. We have to get some sleep tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day. Just promise me something, if anything happens to me during this time promise me that you will take care of Isaiah." I say.

"Vanessa nothing is going to happen to you, but I promise that I will take care of Isaiah just like if he was my own. But I need you to promise me the same. Promise me that if anything is to happen to me you will take care of Gracie just like she was your own daughter." She pleads.

"I promise Iris." I say while I go towards her and hug her. We were both in tears worrying to death about our kids.

The next morning we woke up and there was a note from "Guy" and it was a list of instructions on what we have to do tonight, and where he will meet us. We have told him several times that he doesn't have to come with us but he wants to.

We go about our last day here before it is go time. And we eat and rest up because we know its going to be crazy. "Guy" came over for lunch and hung out with us for a bit and to make it not so obvious the "guards" that are usually outside with "protecting" us we were inside with us playing video games until it was the shift change.

"I'll see you guys around." "Guy" says to the guards as they leave.

"I'll walk you out 'Guy'." I say.

We get up and walk to the door.

"Are you ready for tonight?" He asks.

"I don't think that I can ever be ready to be on the run for the rest of my life. You know you can still back out if you want. You don't have to come with us." I say.

"Vanessa listen to me." He says while holding me. "I know we just met and we don't know much about each other, but I'm falling for you. I want to be with you and Isaiah. I love you." He says. I'm in shock and don't know what to say. I'm mesmerized by the way his eyes are piercing into mine. And then he leans in and he kisses me. I start to melt into him. I placed my hands around his neck and I start to feel a spark of electricity pass right through me. It felt almost like it was going to be our last kiss. Then he lets me go. I finally catch my breath and I tell him, "I guess I'll see you later tonight." And he nods his head and gives me a tight and tender hug.

Mrs. Villarreal made us a light dinner. We didn't want to be to full. After dinner we tell the kids that they need rest. They went to go and nap.

"Ok guys. 'Guy' said that we needed to be ready by 8. So are you guys ready?" Mr. Sanchez said.

"I think that we are all ready." Iris says. "Guys we need to take the kids to my parents house, Isaiah, Gracie and the twins can all hide out in a cabin that my family has. Its so remote and hidden. We can't have the kids with us while we are on the run. They will have to stay somewhere until we figure everything out."

Everyone agrees with that plan and we prepare. It is now 10 minutes until we have to execute our plan. We don't hear the guards outside as much which is weird. Then one of the twins comes to us and says, "Ok lets not all freak out. But I heard one of those guys out there say that they were going to need about 10 gallons of gas. And then some of them left. Now there is only two of them out there."

"Ok guys I guess its time. We have a window now and we have to take it." I say.

"But 'Guy' said at 8." Mr. Villarreal.

"It doesn't matter, we have to get things going. Hannah go get the kids remember what I said. You and Hunter have the responsibility of taking care of the kids." I say.

"Guys they are throwing some type of liquid around. Is it time?"

"Yes lets go already." Mrs. Sanchez says.

The kids come to the living room and its go time. We just need to know who is going to go first. We didn't even have time to think about that.

"I'll go out first. All of us adults will go out first, and the kids are going to go after us." Mr. Villarreal said. "I'm old and I've already lived my life so if anything happens to me at least you guys will have a head start."

While we are sitting here debating on what to do, we hear the door open and I look around and say, "Iris what are you doing?!?!?!?!?!"