I woke to a sharp beeping noise then I heard the A.I.'s artificial voice
[Awaken User, the first light has come. I recommend that you provide me with as much information as possible within the first three days. If you do so I will be able to give a better answer to what type of planet this is before my batteries die.]
I sighed and got up out of the chair that I had slept in. It was better than the metal floor at least. I carefully unlocked the door and opened it enough to look outside, and sure enough the sun was just cresting the mountains off to one side (I'm not saying a direction because I didn't know how this planet worked at this time). I took three steps outside before I stopped and thought to myself for a moment before going back inside and grabbing my backpack and putting the tools inside it.
I took my metal file and hammer out of my toolkit and slowly worked my way through one of the bones that was small enough for my hand to wrap around it but long enough to use as a spear. When I finally got the whole bone that I wanted snapped off, I found out it was far too heavy and dense for me to use as a weapon but I carried it with me anyway for an idea later.
There was a small cluster of trees and, using my tools, I was able to gain a branch that could be used for the spear haft and spent some time using my pocket knife to peel off the bark. What I saw was both interesting and disgusting at the same time. Where the bark peeled off fresh blood would ooze out so I took the branch down to a small creek that I could hear by the clearing of trees.
I looked into the water which was fairly clear, but what surprised me is that it was deep, like fifteen to twenty meters deep. I kneeled by the edge of the creek and finished peeling the branch that was in my hands and was about to wash off my hands and the branch when I saw a frog-like creature jump into the water and right before it touched the surface, a huge snake type creature launched out of the water and swallowed the frog thing whole. I immediately stood up and backed away from the water before I met the same fate.
I wandered around for a while before seeing a much more shallow and thinner part of the creek and rinsed off there because the snake wouldn't fit in this part of the water. Once the blood was gone the wood was practically bone white and it was extremely sturdy so it was a good choice on my hand. I broke off the tip of the bone I had been carrying around and took quite a few pieces of the leaves that were on the blood tree. Using the leaves and stripping them of everything except the stem and midribs I had a decently strong rope.
With the bone, the bonewood, and blood tree rope, I set to work making a functional spear. I used the pocket knife at first to make a small groove then used my file to make it a little deeper. After that I made to small grooves on either side of the bone for the rope to sit in so it wouldn't cut the rope, then securely fastened the bone to the bonewood staff that I had made with the rope. It took me a few tries to get the bone to stay steadily on the wood but after I had succeeded I realized the bone wasn't as sharp as I was hoping so I spent about an hour sharpening it until it could even scratch the metal on the Final Test. I had a fully functioning spear that could cut metal. I was finally ready.