Chereads / My New Fairy / Chapter 1 - Yui

My New Fairy

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Chapter 1 - Yui

"Fuck I don't think I'll be able to make it today either, sorry.." said James as he talked with Susan over the phone,

"I guess we can meet tomorrow, sorry I couldn't help you again" replied Susan sounding sad and worried.

"It's fine don't worry about it, we'll talk about it later, bye" said James before hanging up his phone.

He sighed as he turned on his computer, he then took off his pants and started opening his favorite porn websites looking for videos and opening them in different tabs since he knows he will be there for a long time, once he was satisfied with the quality and amount of videos, he played the first one and took the cock sleeve from the desk's drawer and started masturbating with it, but after a while he was interrupted by something hitting the window. James thought a bird had crashed into the window so he put his pants back on and went to check it out.

To James surprise he was only half right about his bird theory, something flying had crashed into his window but it was not a bird, it was a tiny girl not bigger than a pet bottle, with pink wings on her back similar to those of an insect. She was wearing a pink dress with a low cut on her flat chest, pink bracelets on both of her ankles and she was not wearing any shoes. She was laying unconscious on front of the window, her dress didn't cover her legs and she wasn't wearing any underwear, her hair is black and long and her figure slender, her face is beautiful and innocent and her ears were pointy, the tips were sticking out of her hair, James could see her butt from where he was and thought how cute it was.

"A fairy!" shrieked James. He started thinking to himself "holy shit I have never seen one before, I cant believe one just crashed into my window like that, she must have smelled that I was masturbating, I read they can smell testosterone from very far away. I should check if she is ok" James opened his window and took her to his desk, carefully placing her face up.

"I cant believe how cute she is I can't stop looking at her." thought James. After being entranced by the fairy's appearance for a few seconds James remembered his earlier phone call with his girlfriend Susan and started thinking "this is just perfect! this fairy could finally solve my problem, she probably was born recently since an imprinted fairy wouldn't have crashed like that to my window so I can probably imprint her myself! being horny all the time is really starting to hurt my grades I could even fail to graduate this year, and having a girlfriend doesn't really help since my damn cock is so big that I haven't met any girl able to take it but a fairy's body is supposed to be able to take a dick of any size which is perfect!". Just as he was finishing this thought the fairy started opening her eyes slowly, looking a bit dazed.

"She is waking up" said James out loud "hi fairy good mooorning" said James while gently poking the fairy's cheek with his finger. Once she was fully awake she stood up and looked at James to his eyes and gave him a big smile, James blushed a little and gave her a smile back.

"good thing you seem to be ok" said James, the fairy tilted her head looking confused at James, "oh right fairies don't really have the intelligence to speak a language, sorry about that you little thing" said James while smiling. The fairy didn't understand what James said but she looked curiously at him with her big brown eyes wide open. The fairy started sniffing the air and started walking towards James crotch until her nose was touching his pants.

"You like that smell huh" James snickered "wait till you see what is giving it off" he said while unfastening his pants and pulling them down together with his underwear leaving his erection right on the face of the fairy.

"Waaaaa" the fairy let out in a surprised high-pitched tone that made James reaffirm how cute she was. She was in a complete trance, shifting her focus from the tip down the shaft to the balls and then going back to the tip, she did this a few times before finally focusing just on the tip and started moving her face closer to it until she touched it with her nose. Her head was a bit smaller than the penis tip, she started rubbing her whole face on it looking incredibly happy.

"Aghh! that is starting to feel really good" he said while moaning, she replied with a happy giggle she couldn't understand James words but she could understand that he was feeling good from what she was doing, wrapped her arms around it and started kissing the urethra with her eyes closed. She started alternating between kissing and licking and was moving to the rest of the glans. James penis was getting more erect, at the beginning the fairy's hands were touching at the other end but with the increase in size they weren't touching anymore. The fairy didn't seem to want to stop any time soon but James couldn't hold it anymore.

"Sorry to interrupt you when you look so happy but its time to move on" he said, the fairy lifted her face up to glance at him with a confused look "fairies don't really need foreplay apparently" he said while looking at the small puddle below her caused by her vagina. James gently grabbed her with his fingers and sat her on the tip of his penis and pulled her legs down a little by holding them with both his hand and opening them in such a way that left her legs at each side of his penis. The fairy looked surprised as she inspected her new position, gradually changing from surprise to embarrassment, she had never done this before but she had an instinct of what was about to happen.

"hmm supposedly fairies can take a dick of any size but looking at this in person makes it hard to believe" said James while noticing the huge size difference, James huge penis was taller than the fairy standing up and in this position the fairies feet didn't even reach half his penis., but those doubts weren't going to stop James, he toughened his grip on the fairies calves and slowly started pulling down with more strength.

"Unghhh..Ahh...ngg" the fairy moaned while the penis tip slowly stretched her vagina, James was surprised to see the fairy seemingly moaning out of pleasure and not pain, even though just half the tip of his penis had entered her it had already stretched her more than a human woman could take without being injured. Once around one fourth of his penis was inside her the penis tip had already entered her womb making her look pregnant, her moans got much louder, her eyes were closed and she was pushing her arms to her sides while clenching her fists as hard as she could but it all still seemed to come from pleasure and not pain, he continued pulling her down but it was getting harder since it was so tight, once the penis was about halfway inside, her eyes started rolling back and her face was getting much redder, she had a dumb look with a smile that went from ear to ear with her mouth open. James still thought she seemed to be only experiencing pleasure but he decided to stop pulling down for now.

"Wow you literally look like my cock sleeve...good thing fairies don't bleed when they lose their virginity" James said while seeing the huge bulge on the fairy's stomach, multiple times bigger than a pregnant woman's belly. James then looked at the fairy's lust filled face and grinned "you seem to be enjoying this but we have just started" he then let go from her legs and grabbed by the waist with one hand in the same way he grabs his cock sleeve when he masturbates. He then pulled her back up all the way up and then back down by the same length as before, the fairy moaned so loud someone outside his room might have heard it even though she is so tiny. Her face had long lost any sign of intelligence only pleasure remained. James repeated the motion again and again, she moaned every time just as loud.

"AAGH! This is fucking amazing! your pussy was definitely made for this!" James screamed as he starting increasing the pace. James couldn't hold it anymore just as he was about to cum he pulled her down with all his strength inserting his whole penis inside her in one fell swoop and immediately started cumming, at the same time the fairy also began to cum.

"UUNNNNGHH!" The fairy screamed to the top of her lungs, her eyes were completely open. Her already huge belly began growing more as the semen flowed into her womb, James came for a few minutes before finally finishing and taking his penis out. He placed her on the desk and sat down.

"Ha.. Ha.. amazing.." He said while panting, he then looked at the fairy, she seem to have fainted, her belly looked pregnant with all the semen inside her.

"I came so much as usual, you did a great job you little thing, you really are amazing" said James. Her belly then started glowing pink.

"Woah!" James gasped as he saw the belly slowly shrink without a single drop flowing outside until her belly was back to normal, then the glow sharpened into a shape that resembled a heart on the fairy's womb, the glow stopped but the mark remained.

"Imprinting successful!" James snickered. The fairy opened her eyes and looked at the strange new mark that was on her body and then turned to look at James in the eyes giving him a warm smile.

"I guess I should give you a name now huh... I have been thinking this for a while but you really look like this fairy from my favorite anime so I will call you like her" he said "Your name is Yui" he declared as he patted her head with his finger while she giggled.