Chereads / My New Fairy / Chapter 5 - Nico

Chapter 5 - Nico

It was just the second period of the day and Susan had already noticed James excusing himself to go to the bathroom.

"Is he going to 'use' Yui so early in the morning?" she muttered to herself.

"What happened Susan?" asked her classmate whispering so their teacher wouldn't hear.

"Oh, nothing I am just..."

"Staring at your boyfriend" Susan's classmate interrupted her and grinned mockingly.

"Anne shut up... "

"Hey don't take it so seriously I was joking hehe, but it's incredible, his grades have been going up since you started dating, must be nice to date the top student and have her teach you"

Susan thought to herself " that's just because he spends less time watching porn now, but that's thanks to the other girls, I feel like I haven't spent as much time with him even though I'm his girlfriend..."


"Oh, I spaced out... sorry Anne I also need to go to the bathroom" Susan then also excused herself and left the class.

Anne sighed and thought to herself "I was so surprised to find out Susan had a boyfriend, she is top of the class, she is the star of the swimming club and she tutors in her spare time, every girl basically wants to be like her, I didn't think she was interested in boys at all or that she even had the time... " Anne then felt a tingling on her nether region "Although I'm not surprised it was James who she fell for... he was already popular but lately he seems to be the only thing in every girl's mind... including me..."

Susan went to a storage room that was located on an old building that wasn't being used anymore, she knew that's where James went. She found him just before he finished, He was using his left hand for balance by placing it on a table and with his right hand he was holding Yui thrusting her into his penis as hard as he could getting even faster as he was about to finish, he had lost any sign of restraint as he realized Yui never got hurt nor seemed to feel pain from it, with his thumb he was covering her mouth so that her loud high-pitched moans couldn't be heard outside of the room. Susan was observing through the door's window, she couldn't believe how rough James was even though Yui was so small but then noticed the lewd face Yui was making as if she could only feel ecstasy, Susan wondered how that feels but then tried to shook the thought away. James came inside Yui and placed her on the table, Susan observed as Yui's belly inflated from James' white fluid. Susan went inside the room.

"James! why are you using Yui so early? don't you use her when you wake up in the morning before coming to school?"

"Hehe, hi Susan, I just don't get enough time in the morning"

"Jesus how much of a beast are you??"

"Hey calm down, what I give to Yui in the morning is not enough for her either" James then pointed at Yui on the table, her belly was inflated and she still had the lewd ecstasy filled face that Susan had seen before, it made her red from embarrassment which she tried to hide. Yui then absorbed James' fluids and her belly shrank to normal size, she then came out of her daze and noticed Susan, she had become fond of Susan, she flew toward her face to give her a hug.

"Yui! I am also happy to see you but don't hug my face when you just..." Susan couldn't finish the sentence from embarrassment but James got what she meant and chuckled. After greeting Susan, Yui went to James' shoulder.

"Whatever, that doesn't make you less of a beast, weren't you with Mimi and Lily all day yesterday?"

Since it was Monday Susan knew James probably spent the day with the other girls the day before, James would tell her sister on Sundays that he is going to study at a friend's house but would actually go to Lily and Mimi's house and stay with them the whole day.

"Yeah but Lily had stayed watching anime all night the day before so she passed out early on and Mimi was called to babysit someone, so I wasn't satisfied at all... and well you are always busy on Sundays tutoring your friends... "

Susan sighed "I guess we need to get more organized, I haven't got much time to manage our time since I have been super busy lately"

"Well let's worry about that later, let's get down to business", Susan stared down at James' erection and sighed.

"Your lust seriously scares me... " replied Susan as she began to take her clothes off and proceeded to pleasure James with her breasts. James praised her skills and mentioned that she had improved a lot since Mimi first started teaching her, Susan tried to hide her embarrassment by focusing on her task, she looked down and thanked him with a soft voice. James would pat her head while Susan used her hands to squeeze James' huge rod in between her breasts and licked the tip with her tongue. Susan could sense that James was about to finish so she swallowed the whole tip inside her mouth, Widening her jaw that much used to be impossible for Susan but Mimi had taught her exercises for loosening her jaw and she had been practicing in secret every day. Yui watched jealously as James came inside Susan's mouth while she swallowed. After ejaculating so much inside Susan's stomach, James calmed down and they both returned to class. During lunchtime, while Susan and Anne were sitting together, Anne who was eating her lunch asked Susan

"Aren't you gonna eat your lunch?"

"I am on a diet" Susan replied while laughing awkwardly.

"But why did you brought lunch then?" asked Anne since she saw Susan bringing a lunchbox from her home. Susan didn't know what to answer since she was lying about being on a diet, she wasn't hungry due to the big amounts of "milk" she drank earlier, Susan got red after thinking what Anne would say if she knew the real reason why she wasn't eating lunch, Anne looked at Susan suspiciously but then glanced at James and was surprised to see him studying.

"Wow James usually spends lunchtime who knows where doing who knows what but today he is here and with a book, Susan do you have something to do with that?"

"Of course I have been helping him..." Susan replied still red

"Hmmm, interesting... well just don't forget about yourself, you didn't do very good on your last exam"

Susan laughed awkwardly " yeah you are right..."

After school James and Susan walked together to James' house. Once they arrived at James' room Susan was surprised to see Mimi and Lily sleeping naked on James' bed.

"Wh.. what are they doing here?! isn't your sister coming back from school soon?" asked Susan worried.

"Hehe.. about that... she already found out... but is not a big deal she sees me bring girls all the time so she wasn't too surprised" replied James calming her worries.

"What a lousy big brother you are..." said Susan in a judgmental tone "but is it really fine? you didn't just bring a girl home, they are the neighbor and her daughter..."

"Well she didn't seem too surprised, I wouldn't worry about it, she is the calm type...". Susan was still concerned but tried not to think much about it.

Susan noticed the huge mess that was James room, everything was moved around, and there were fluids all over the place, it was clear to Susan that James had been messing around with Lily and Mimi all around the room, she couldn't help feeling jealous when thinking about it, a feeling that made her feel really uncomfortable. There were also pizza boxes on the floor, there was even a pizza slice on the bed by Lily's side.

"Hey, you two wake up! clean the damn mess you left!!" Susan screamed at the sleeping girls. " Lily sat up and while half asleep asked for James semen and then fell again to the bed and continued sleeping.

"We are tired Susan we spent the day trying different outfits to seduce James," said Mimi with her eyes still closed.

"Ugh, fine I will clean for now," Said Susan giving up on waking up the sleeping bunch. James decided to nap and placed himself in between the girls on the bed, after a while, James woke up and noticed Susan was still cleaning.

"That was a nice nap... you are still cleaning Susan?" asked James after stretching.

"Well yeah once I start cleaning I don't stop until the room is shining!" replied Susan with a hint of pride in her voice.

"Yeah you are not kidding, I had never seen my room so clean, even the windows are shining, great job Susan, thanks" Susan blushed from being praised by James but tried to rub it off.

"As I said this is how I clean, I didn't clean especially well for you or anything," said Susan, she knew she was lying but it embarrassed her to admit it.

"There's no need to be embarrassed Susan, it's normal for a girl to give her best cleaning for her man," said Mimi who had woken up too. Susan felt like Mimi saw right through her.

"S.. shut up Mimi..." replied Susan, Mimi chuckled at her reaction.

"Seeing Susan doing her best as your girlfriend makes me want to give my best as your cocksleeve James," said Mimi while touching James' bulge. "You are already hard? did seeing Susan clean your room turn you on?"

"It did, actually" replied James as he began fondling Mimi's huge breasts. James and Mimi began having sex, Yui was particularly tired so James placed her inside his drawer so she could rest. Susan kept cleaning, she was already used to James doing stuff with Mimi and Lily as casually as if they were greeting, she would try to stare without getting caught from time to time. After a while, Susan began feeling hot and excused herself to the bathroom but she just wanted to get out of the room to calm down. She heard some noises coming from the kitchen and followed them. She found Nico, James' little sister. Susan tried to go back without being noticed but Nico's sharp ears detected her before she could escape.

"I hadn't seen you before, are you also James bitch or something?" asked Nico in a surprisingly calm tone.

"Bi.. bitch??"

"Bitches like you are always chasing around my brother but he gets tired of them pretty quick apparently"

"Well he won't be getting rid of me anytime soon" Susan then realized what she said and try to fix it while laughing awkwardly. "I mean, I'm not his b.. bitch, I'm his girlfriend!"

"his girlfriend?"

"Yes and he actually worked hard to win me over," said Susan with a smug smile.

"You do know two other girls are lying on his bed right," said Nico breaking Susan's smile. Nico chuckled at Susan's reaction. Susan got visibly grumpy, she had been laughed at too much in one day.

"Calm down I'm just messing with you, I have nothing against brother's girls, I am actually grateful to you he usually spends too much time at his computer 'playing games' " said Nico. Susan laughed understanding immediately what Nico meant.

"You are taking this whole situation way more calmly than I thought Nico".

"Well unlike what James thinks, he is not very discreet, so I have always known how much of a pervert he is, it has caused me problems in the past..."


"Um.. nothing" Nico swiftly changed the topic "so you are his girlfriend and the other girls, his 'cocksleeves' huh?" When Nico had found Mimi and Lily before, James had explained the situation to her, so Nico was more or less aware of their arrangement.

Susan didn't think Nico would be so understanding of the situation, as they talked about it, Nico revealed she knew about fairies but didn't say how she knew about it. Susan mentioned how even with Mimi and Lily's help, incidents like the one at school that day were still happening. After hearing about this Nico seemed thoughtful.

"I'll help you," said Nico with a grin after thinking for a while.

"Help us?"

"To get organized, I have tried to help James manage his time before when he started failing badly at school but it was impossible when he spent all his time with girls or at his computer, but now if you can actually satisfy him I could make enough time for him to study!"

"To get organized? you mean like managing his calendar?"

"His and his bitches, that includes you"

"That's mean Nico, I said I'm his girlfriend"

"Same difference"

Nico laughed and calmed Susan down when she got grumpy. Nico explained to Susan that she was good at organizing and thought that they could become much more efficient at calming James lust. After discussing it Susan started thinking it might actually be a good idea, she was really busy lately but with Nico's help, she might be able to spend more time with James.

They went to tell the others in James' room. They all agreed quickly, James felt a little weird about it but he trusted Nico, and since she already knew about all of this he didn't think it was a big deal.

As they talked Nico quickly realized how much time they were wasting. Nico began planning how she would arrange the girl's time to satisfy James as efficiently as possible. She realized she needed more information and suddenly blurted

"Ok everyone, have sex with my brother!". Everyone was surprised by Nico's request.

"W.. What? you are going to watch it? you are James' sister, how can you ask that?" replied Susan.

"Don't be so surprised ok, I don't feel sexually attracted to my brother at all, trust me" replied Nico calmly, already expecting the question. Susan noticed Nico seemed strangely confident so she believed her but made her think whether there was a reason for Nico's confidence.

"You don't have to tell me twice," said Mimi while laughing.

"Moom let me go first, you just did it with James!" complained Lily

"Of course you are going first, I told you that since you can only use your mouth, it's your job to clean James' cock every time he uses it" replied Mimi.

"I guess we are doing this" sighed Susan.

Susan took her clothes off while Lily licked James' cock with her tiny tongue, making sure to clean every inch of it. Nico sat down to observe, she was curious but didn't seem particularly embarrassed or having any strong emotion. Lily was her classmate and Nico had always thought she was annoying and loud so she wasn't too happy to know that she would have to deal with her much more from now on, but she put those thoughts aside as she focused on observing how James reacted to her actions. Nico was surprised to find out that even though Lily seemed to just be doing whatever she wanted she was still quick and thorough with her tongue, Nico thought that at least she was used her energy for something useful now.

"Well Susan you get the first load since you are his girlfriend," said Mimi. Susan knew Mimi was joking but she felt special, she had come to accept James lust but she wasn't able to shook the feeling of insecurity, ever since she first became James girlfriend and wasn't able to satisfy James by herself made her feel worthless as a woman, that's why she had been practicing in secret, Susan suddenly realized that Nico would be deciding the time each of them spends with James based on how efficiently they extract his fluids. Susan's determination suddenly fired up, she decided to use everything she had learned to make James cum so much that Nico would recognize her as James' primary woman. Susan stared at James with fire on her eyes, although her face was still red. James smiled at Susan.

As usual, Susan kneeled in front of James, a sight that always made James bulge grow bigger, she got her nose close to it and sniffed deeply, letting the strong smell penetrate her brain, making her feel light and dizzy, she then pulled James underwear down revealing his huge erection. Nico was already expecting James to be big but she was still surprised, she understood now just how much of a female destroyer her brother was, she couldn't help but feel proud of being his sister. Susan began strong, using everything she had learned, using her tits and inserting the tip inside her mouth just like in the morning, but James was lasting longer this time and she began to lose to the pleasure, usually, at this point, James would finish inside her throat but James felt it was time to take it to the next level, James told Susan to get on all four, she understood that he was finally going to take her virginity, she didn't know if she was ready but she was determined. Susan turned around and did as James said and lifted her ass, her pussy was overflowing with fluids and expectation, Susan had completely forgotten about Nico and the others, all she could think of was James penetrating her. James first used the tip of his penis to kiss Susan's lower lips and then suddenly pushed the whole thing inside her with one thrust, Susan screamed loudly, her eyes went up to her head and her tongue fell out of her mouth, while her face somehow became redder, she had orgasms before just from being deepthroated but this was definitely the strongest orgasm that she has had so far, she wasn't thinking anymore. She lost all her strength, she was only being held up from her lower half by James' long rod. Even in Susan's deplorable state James proceeded to move, not holding back on his girlfriend, he took it out almost completely before thrusting all the way inside again, repeating the motion again and again getting quicker and rougher, it had only been around 20 minutes but Susan had already come 5 times, she was clearly about to faint so James decided to end it there and came inside her while she came for the last time before fainting. James then took his penis out and Susan fell to the floor, laying down unconscious with semen flowing out of her pussy. The other girls had all been paying close attention to the intense scene, even Nico who had kept a calm composure so far had become embarrassed looking at Susan's face of complete defeat, Nico realized Susan didn't have any chance against James cock. Mimi wasn't as surprised, she knew even her with all her experience didn't stand a chance against him. Lily seemed jealous as she touched herself. The atmosphere was quiet for a few minutes after such an intense scene. But the silence was cut by a pink glow filling the room. At first, it seemed the glow was coming only from Susan but then it was clear it was coming from all the girls present in the room.

"What the hell is going on??" thought James, Susan was lying face down but the glow seemed to come from her front so James flipped her so she was facing up, that's when James noticed where the glow was coming from, just like Yui a crest had appeared on Susan's womb just like it had happened with Yui the first time he used her. He then immediately noticed something similar was happening to the other girls, a crest had appeared on their body, but unlike Susan and Yui the crest of the other girls were on different places of their bodies, Mimi's crest had appeared on her left boob, Lily's one had appeared on her right cheek and Nico's crest had appeared on her forehead. There was confusion around the room until Yui came out of the drawer and flew around the room looking excited.

"So we have been chosen" Mimi finally said to cut the silence and confusion.

James looked at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means Yui has chosen us as worthy women that can take care of you"

Mimi's answer didn't satisfy James at the moment but he knew he would soon find out.

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