It was eight at night and the wind was blowing rapidly. The wind and the AC going all at the same time was making the building extremely cold. The wind was so strong, you could hear its howls from outside. It felt as if it was going to rip the roof off this dusty old building. All we had were some light sweatpants, short sleeve shirts and some socks to keep us warm. Not even our body heat could help, the mixture of the wind and AC were canceling it out. For me at least.
I headed down to the cafeteria slowly, shivering. It was absolutely unbearably cold. Maybe I was just anemic. I was the last one to reach the cafeteria. There were only three tables being used tonight. Each labeled with the numbers one, two or three. I remembered that my number was one and I quickly made my table of seven people turn into eight, just like the other two. In other words, there were eight people per three tables. Before I could even look around and see the people in my group, one of the men began by saying-
"Alright, listen up. Tonight is a very important night. This is the last night you guys will be here. Now I know this might sound confusing, but you're not quite out of the woods yet. You will leave this building tomorrow with supplies and everything you need, but you will not leave off the grounds of this platform. This is now survival of the strongest. These teams you are in are now called divisions- division one you are "Allegiant" division two you are- "Insurgent" and division three you are "Divergent". Everything will be left up to you and your division. If you want to have a leader you guys decide that, if not, that's fine too. You guys also decide how you use your resources. It's all up to you. You will be provided with a minimum amount of weapons and resources. This is survival. This is the fight to the death. Now, don't think this will just be to kill people and our cruel way of fun, it's nothing like that. At the end there is a prize for the winner or the winning division. Twenty million dollars in cash, your family will be taken care of, and you will have a personal mentor to help you expand your abilities to the max. Tomorrow at eight AM sharp. Let the games begin."
I knew I wasn't the only one dumbfounded. My mouth was hanging wide open. W-we'd have to kill each other? I finally turned around to take a look at my division- It was Violet, Akira, Me, of course, Rose, Chilo, Timothy, Jack and Johnny. I knew some people, but others, not so much.
We were all sent back to our rooms, where we would spend the night one last time. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I might have to commit murder. Was this whole thing even legal? I mean first they kidnap us, and now this? There was no way.
I lay down once more in the bunk bed for the last time. I take Violet's diary out from underneath my pillow and open it to page two.
"Dear diary- 12/11/3025
I know it's been a while, but no one else listens or has time for me anymore, so here I am. I don't know how to feel about today. It seems as though my friends have just turned on me out of nowhere. I don't know why!.. :( They just seem to hate me now. Maybe it's because they dared me to steal five hundred dollars from my parents and I refused… Maybe I'll do it.. Yeah, next time they ask I'll do it!
-Violet out."
I wish that I could've told young Violet that they weren't real friends. But what is done is done. Plus it's too late to go back now, it's ten years later.
Maybe I should get some shut eye. I have a very eventful day tomorrow anyway, I need as much sleep and or rest I can get.
-Authors Note: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I also hope you enjoyed my book so far. There will be a Vol 2. This book is not over yet, but just a heads up. Also, I know I'm using some movie titles and terms, but I like those movies and since this book is the slightest bit similar, I thought why not include that! I know the dates say 3025 and things like that- But that's because this occurs in the future. That's what I'm kind of going for. Anyways, I hope you have a good rest of your day and or a good rest of your night!