YEAR 1052

By now the children have grown older with WolfGang being 10 years old, Louis is 9 years old, Malik is 7 years old, and Heinrich with Morrigan are both 6 years old.

On that year someone had broken into the castle at night and stole the 3rd prince, Prince Malik. No one knew of it till the following morning when the personal servants of Prince Malik walked into his room and he was no where to be found they informed the King and Queen of the incident only upsetting King Nolan. He set off on a murder spree to try and find one of his beloved sons. After a year of searching the king returned to the castle unsuccessful. Driving the Queen to go into a long life of grievance from the disappearance of her son.

When the king came back he decided to train his children to make them strong soldiers to be able to defend themselves in case an incident was to occur again. He did not want to lose another child he reinforced the security in the castle and trained them well.

By the time Prince WolfGang was 16 years old he had joined the Kingdoms Great Knights continuing in his father foot steps. As he resembled his father a lot the people would often confuse him as the devil of the battlefield just like his father. Only the ones close to the prince knew that he was no devil but a creature far worse than that. He was merciless just like his father, he would put fear into those around him as his aura resembled death itself. All the woman would throw themselves at him but he didn't believe in love. He just wanted to fight the more death he caused the better for him.

While WolfGang was in the battlefields winning battles for his kingdom, Prince Louis was nothing like his older brother. He would rather spend his time reading than fighting. By the age of 10 he had finished all his school years and would spend most of his days in the garden reading or in the library helping his younger siblings with their school work. He was known as the smartest kid in the kingdom by age 12 surpassing most grown men. He had actually fallen in love with a commoner in the near by town. She went by the name Anastasisa, she had light pink hair with brown eyes. She was quite lovely everyone loved her in town as she was kind. She met prince Louis when he was 15 in the town library. She was only 14 years old when her and Louis decided to get married that following season. He had actually stepped down on claiming the crown as he truly loved her they lived the remaining of their lives in a remote castle with their 3 kids. The kids were not allowed to try and steal the crown as the family line had stepped down which they didn't mind as they were happy living life away from the castle. They still lived like royalty just without the title.

Grandpa what about prince Malik? asked Fort

Well Fort, Malik actually comes further down in the story as he came back to the castle but not as their son but the enemy.

Grandpa Grandpa what about Heinrich and Morrigan what happened to them? asked Reyna

Well I'll continue the story tomorrow. Right now its getting late you need to get ready for dinner now go inside and tell the maids to help give you a bath as its almost dinner time. The grandfather said with a smile on his face.

Okay Grandpa we will. See you inside. The two children called out to him and they started to run back to the castle.

Hmm those kids are getting big now aren't they? How long are you going to be hiding behind those bushes Merrick?

I'm so sorry my lord I didn't mean to pry on you with the young masters.

It's okay Merrick, now are you going to tell me what exactly are you doing here. Said Wolf with a cold arura coming off of him.

Well my lord, your son told me to come see what you were doing out here with the young masters. He doesn't want you telling them about the family history, Merrick said as he showed now expression on his face.

Now Merrick, you can go and tell my son that it is tradition to tell the younger generations about the history as I know that he wont tell my grandchildren our family story. I am forced to tell them myself. I'm telling them the same thing I told him when he was younger.

But my lord we are no longer the royal family the history of the Kings and Queen no longer partake to us.

AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT. Wolf shouted at Merrick giving him a cold stare that sent shivers down his spine. If it wasn't for my son, Fort would be the next KING or even REYNA THE NEXT QUEEN! Exclaimed Wolf. He gave it all away for a WOMAN!

My lord without that woman your grandchildren wouldn't be here.

That child is not my grandchild his blood is tainted by that woman.

My lord you shouldn't speak of master Rhett like that he adores you.

DONT YOUR DARE SAY THAT CHILD'S NAME AROUND ME! He is not my family only Fort and Reyna are my grandchildren. I want you to tell my son that, now get out of my face Merrick.

Yes my lord as you wish. Merrick said with a look of defeat as he began to walk back towards the mansion.