Father what did you tell Fort and Reyna? Percy asked Wolf looking rather upset at his father as he entered the room.
All I did was tell them what you refuse to tell them , Wolf replied with a smug look on his face knowing his son wouldn't approve of it.
And what exactly is that father?
Our family history that's all.
Father I told you that I did not want the kids hearing all your crazy stories about our family history especially when we are no longer in line for the throne.
And whose fault is that? Wolf glared at Percy anger clear on his face.
It's mine I know that, you don't have to keep reminding me of the mistake that I made.
Why shouldn't I keep reminding you of the catastrophe that you brought on to this family. Percy when will it get in your head that you didn't make a simple mistake but ruin our royal lineage for the future generations. You have brought nothing but disgrace to the Bonvaich family name with scandal after scandal I still question to this day if you are my son because you are nothing but a disappointment. Wolf said as he turned towards the near by window refusing to look at Percy's face as it only made him upset.
Now that commoner has claimed to be part of this family and has taken the crown away from us while you just pretend like nothing happened.
Father our ancestor was a commoner do you not remember about King Nolan how his roots started.
That is an exception he is the beginning of our ancestors. Besides he left a great legacy for us to continue and you threw it all away for a girl. Someone who isn't even the mother of your children.
FATHER! That woman is the mother of my children she has raised Fort and Reyna after Fawn passed away while giving birth to Reyna. She has also blessed me with another beautiful child, your grandchild Rhett. He is just as much my child like Fort and Reyna are we all share the same blood. Now please stop bashing the woman I love, she has filled the space in my heart that Fawn left behind when she passed away. Besides Alaric is not a commoner he is of royal descent. Don't you recall he is of Heinrich bloodline.
So he claims you can never truly know.
Then why don't you get him tested? Percy said with a cocky look in his eyes
He has refused especially now that he is King. But I refuse to not tell my grandchildren our family history.
Fine I will allow you to tell them the story but only if you agree that Rhett can hear it too, he is apart of this family like you and me, and you stop speaking of my wife with such ill manner.
I guess I could try to come to your terms. I just hope you know that I am not going to be happy about it. Wolf said with an unhappy look on his face
Whatever you say father. Now get some rest you got a story to tell tomorrow.
Get out of my face Percy you disappoint me, Wolf said while sighing
I LOVE YOU TOO FATHER! Percy exclaimed while laughing as he walked away.