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-The Lost Boys-

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(Lost boys x reader) Just like the group of lost boys with their motorcycles, what if there's a group of lost girls? What will happen when a new group of new vampires come to Santa Carla and catches everyone's eye including the lost boys? What will happen when they're being hunted by the frog brothers? What will happen between the lost boys and lost girls? What will the lost girls do? Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the boys nor what happened in the movie besides the lost girls. I'm not trying to steal the idea of the lost girls either. I had found out about the producers thinking about making a sequel to the lost boys, but instead with lost girls. Unfortunately the movie wasn't made but the idea was still there. Personally I think they should have made the movie of the lost girls because it would have been another hit and more badass and hope they could give a background of how the lost boys formed. But then again not because it would have ruined the original plot of the movie. It kind of got to me and made me irritated that they didn't make a movie, I can even picture the lost girl riding on their motorcycles acting crazy just like the lost boys would do. So eventually I came up with the idea to create my own story of the lost girls. (You can search the script and the original idea of the lost girl's up on google)

Chapter 1 - Heading To Santa Carla

Part 1

After the frog brothers attempt to kill the blood sucking vampires failed, the lost boys have been keeping their distance away from the frogs. Unfortunately for Michael, Laddie and Star they had to stay in the gang if they wanted to survive.

David had wanted Star and Michael to make their first kill and become a full vampire but Star had still refused and stood back at the cave with Laddie, while the others went to go hunt and find Michael someone to kill.

They had decided that going to the boardwalk was a good idea since the surf nazis were going to be having a party there, but to their surprise there were a bunch of dead bodies everywhere. They were curious and went to go inspect the scene.

"They're bite marks," Marko told David.

"Yeah but from who?" Paul thought out loud. "Or what." Dwayne spoke. "I don't have any idea," David replied. "But whoever they are they aren't very smart. They should have burned the bodies" all the boys nodded their heads in agreement. Michael had spotted something shining when the flames would sway back and forth. He set his gaze on the shining object as he came closer to it. When he picked it up he realized it was a necklace, it had a small moon with little diamonds in the middle and it was all made of gold. He put it in his pocket immediately before the boys could question him for he knew he was going to give it to star once he got back. After the events of the failure to return back to humans they both soon found out they were mates, even though he was only gone for a couple of minutes he missed her touch. He missed her sweet and bright smile and the way she would run her soft delicate fingers through his curly hair. Dwayne had given him a weird look but Michael could care less.

While the boys were inspecting the body's they felt eyes watching their every move. ~you guys feel that right?~ asked Paul through his mind. ~yeah we do~ they all agreed. ~wait a few seconds before we attack alright we want to catch them when they least expect it~ they all nodded their heads while Michael seemed a little panicked. ~anddddd... NOW!~ they all zoomed in the direction of where they felt another presence. But to their surprise before they attacked the person had already fled 5 seconds earlier. ~damn they're fast~ thought Paul. ~agreed~ replied marko.

The boys had been chasing after this mystery person for a few minutes until they lost them. ~shit they got away!~ said Paul irritated. "Alright boys sun comes up in an hour. From now on keep your guard up and if you see anything or anyone suspicious let eachother know." An annoyed yet demanding David said. They all nodded their heads not daring to say a word in hopes of not upsetting David even more. Michael didn't really care at all though, he just wanted to get home to star and make sure she was safe. He also wanted to give her his little gift he found.

All the while that was happening the mystery person had returned to their group bringing the information she had gotten about the boys.

"Well well, another vampire gang. How interesting, this could be fun. Tomorrow at night we go out and make ourselves known, not just to them but to everyone else." Someone spoke as the rest nodded their heads.

Kailani POV:

Once the sun had gone down me and the girls had packed a couple of bags, mostly with essential things like clothes, shoes, and money and some of our other shit. But nonetheless we had hoped on our motorcycles heading towards Santa Carla in hopes of finding a home there. As I was walking out the door of our old abandoned apartment my hand reached up and held my most prized possession. Something I could never get rid of. Something the love of my life had given me before everything turned for the worst.

"Kailani if you don't hurry the fuck up and get your sorry ass over here!" Yelled rose. I sighed and turned around walking back to my bike and hopped one. "Whore" I muttered. She just smirked and said, "so are you, you fucked more men than I have." I rolled my eyes before turning my bike on zooming out of there down the road, the girls following in Pursue. 

Rosalie was in front leading everyone since she was the one with the map. I stood at the back just in case someone fell behind and got separated. The sun would be coming up in a few hours and we were in the middle of nowhere driving down the road. ~rose~ I thought. ~I know, I know. There should be a hotel or gas station up front. We'll probably get there in 15 minutes or so.~ she replied. Thank goodness, our bikes were running low so stopping by a gas station would be good. We could even buy some munchies...or get a snack.

I shook my head getting out of my lustful desire for blood. We hadn't eaten in 2 days since the werewolves at city hall had taken over and were threatening us to leave. We all know how vampires and werewolves are rival enemies and don't get along well. And they never will. But I guess they had enough of our shit and wanted us out or we would go to war. My beloved was killed by one of those mutts a few years ago and in result they repaid his death with their blood. None of the girls would dare bring it up or even talk about it for it was a touchy and sensitive subject for me. When he had died I was a whole different person, and I didn't eat for 3 weeks. I was depressed and desperate for his touch, to hear his soft and soothing voice. I prayed and prayed for him to come back to me. For me to at least say goodbye. Before I knew it we had come to a stop in front of the gas station, tears were flowing down my face as I thought of my love. The only person in the world who was the reason I was still being held down on this earth...was gone. I quickly wiped my eyes and hopped off my bike. Tasha gave a look of concern and I smiled reassuringly at her.

Me and the girls had filled our bikes up with gas and we walked towards the hotel getting a room. We had gotten a room with 2 king size beds, a tv and a bathroom. Me Natasha and Celeste were sharing the same bed while Rose and Amani were in the other. I was sleeping in the middle with Celeste on my right and Natasha on my left. We made sure to close the blinds before going to bed and brushed our teeth. To other vampires it might be weird to sleep in beds but we don't care, plus it's way more comfortable than to be hanging upside down.

*time skip*

The sun had gone down and we were now up and kicking. We all brushed our teeth and brushed our hair, we also changed outfits and Natasha and Amari took showers. Although I don't know why since we don't sweat, I mean if we're really dirty then of course we'll take showers to clean ourselves up but that's about it.

We got on our bikes and headed down the road again, Santa Carla wasn't too far away from where we lived so we would probably get there by tonight. We had gone into the same position we were in last night, me in the back and rose in the front.

Along our journey we had passed by this big bulletin board that had said, "Santa Carla" and on the back was written "Murder capital of the world."

'Huh, this is going to be interesting'

When we arrived we had about an hour to find somewhere to stay or the sun would toast us. Lucky for us Celeste had spotted a run down motel, but either way it was something to keep us from burning to death. This time we had gotten 2 rooms with 2 bedrooms in each room, me and Rosalie shared the same room while Celeste Amani and Natasha shared the other.

We were all hanging out in mine and Rosalie's room talking about whatever and just having girl time. I haven't been listening to what they were talking about as my mind drifted to my beloved, victor was his name. Oh how I mourned for him everyday. It still hurt like hell to know he was gone everyday waking up to an empty bed with no one to show you what love feels like. Sure I loved the girls but none of them could show me the type of love he had shown me. He taught me you don't need to have everytime to be happy or to feel good. He was my guidance in fact he was everyone's here as well. Besides Celeste, she had turned about 2 years ago and is still adapting to this new life but she knew who he was since we had told her. Well the girls had told her to be more specific, I just couldn't bring myself to talk about him without having breaking down.


It was a new day and I had gotten up to go feed with the girls. That day we hadn't had anything to eat and we're going nuts. We had found this woman walking down the street with her son. We pulled her into the alley and the girls sunk their teeth into her while I on the other hand stared at the little boy. He looked terrified and stood and watched while his mother was getting the life sucked out of her, I had already transformed back to my original face and approached the hound child. He didn't move or say anything; he just kept his gaze on his mother. I was now right in front of him blocking the view of his mother, I bent down slightly to his eye level. "Hello little one, what's your name?" I asked, he looked about 7 or 8 years old. He slowly lifted his eyes up towards me and looked at me. "M-matthew" he stuttered obviously scared shitless. "Ahh Matthew. Well my name is Kailani. Nice to meet you." The poor innocent child just stared at me not moving a muscle. "Wha- what are they doing to mama?" He suddenly asked.

I froze not knowing what to say. "Don't worry about mama, they're just making her become stronger again so she can take better care of you. She'll be alright, think of it as her getting shots."

'What a horrible excuse'

He seemed to have bought it surprisingly and became less tense. "Now come here, it's time to get yours so you can take care of mama." I told him opening my arms inviting him in . He looked Skeptical but did so anyway. He walked right into my arms and laid his head on my shoulder. "Goodnight sweetheart", my lust for blood became uncontrollable and I bit into his neck making him scream in pain and agony. I slowly sucked the life out of this poor young and innocent child, I felt guilty for taking his life but I did this to survive. I had felt his tiny figure go limp in my arms and knew immediately he was dead.

'At least he'll be with his mother again'

After we had finished feeding and feeling charged up again we threw the bodies in the dumpster. When they threw the mother in the dumpster while carefully laying the child by his mother's side. We headed home for the sun was starting to come up again.

Once we got home we immediately went to our rooms collapsing on our beds. When I had reached my room I saw Victor sitting there waiting for me, I smiled and walked towards him and fell into his arms. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and leaned back into the bed. "I missed you" he whispered in my ear, his breath sent shivers down my spine. "Me too." I told him snuggling closer to him, "how was your 'feeding time'?" He joked. I tensed a little at the mention of that, he seemed to have noticed because he asked me what was wrong. "Nothing it's just..." I paused. "It's just what?" He questioned. "There was the mother and her child walking by and well... the girls feed on the mother while I feed on the child. I felt guilty for ending his life at such a young age." He sighed and lifted my head to look at him, "it's ok. I know how you feel sometimes, but trust me we don't do this because we are selfish. We do this to survive." I nodded my head before looking down again. He sat me on the other side of him and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked, "Just wait, I have a surprise." I whined, "aww c'mon you know I don't like surprises."

"Well you'll like this one" he grinned. I rolled my eyes and laid back into the bed snuggling with a pillow. "Wow I see you've already replaced me." He teased. "Only for now." I giggled, "whatever" he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

He came back and sat next to me with a little box in his hand. "What's that?" I asked. He didn't say anything but hand it to me, I rolled my eyes before grabbing it. When I opened it I gasped, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Well second most victor being the first of course. It was a thin pretty necklace that had a small little moon on it with little diamonds on the inside. "This is- it's beautiful," I said, still admiring the necklace. "Yeah, it reminds me of you. Beautiful, sweet caring. You don't give a shit about what anyone has to say and you have Sympathy unlike other vampires. I'd be lost without you, you mean everything to me. Hell you are everything. I love you so much and nothing will ever change that." He told me staring me deep in the eyes to show me was sincere. I started to tear up and kissed him passionately. "Thank you. I love you too" I whispered. "Now turn around so I can put it on you." He smirked as he said this. "Are you sure that's the only thing you're going to do?" I teased, he removed my hair that covered my shoulder and coated my neck with soft kisses. I leaned my head back and moaned slightly, I felt him smirk against my skin and he came dangerously close to my ear and whispered. "No, I was hoping you wanted to have some fun tonight." That had turned me on giving my kitty a heartbeat. I turned around and attacked his lips, shoving him down roughly and got on top of him. Whenever me and victor did it we liked it rough showing no mercy, we never bothered to use condoms since he was always good at pulling out.

*Flashback ends*

The girls had gone back to their room while me and rose were laying in bed. We were exhausted and growing weak since we hadn't had anything to eat for a while. It was decided that tomorrow we would go and hunt but not make ourselves noticeable till after a while. I felt my eyelids become heavy and I was slowly slipping in and out of consciousness, I didn't fight it any more and drifted off to bed dreaming about my wonderful days I had spent with my love.