Part 3
The boys had gotten home and began talking. "Whoever that person was they were fast. Faster than us. But how?" Paul questioned. "I don't know but I didn't feel a heartbeat coming off of them, and their scent didn't smell like a human's would." Marko replied. "Could they be like us?" Dwayne asked. David was now getting annoyed with their rambling and Michael left them to go find Star. "Just shut up. Eventually we'll find out. Give it some time." The boys quickly shut their mouth and nodded. "Let's go, we need to get some rest." And with that they followed David and went to sleep.
Kailani POV:
The sun was setting and the moon crept its way to the surface. I had woken up along with Rose and the rest of the girls, we were excited to see what awaits us but at the same time nervous. I mean who wouldn't be nervous? Moving into a new town without knowing anything or anyone. Not to mention it's the, 'Murder capital of the world' supposedly. I mean what if there were werewolves roaming around here and causing us trouble?
~then well give them hell.~
I turned my head slightly and saw Rosalie putting on her outfit while smirking at me. I giggled and nodded my head in response before turning my attention back to my bag. I was having a hard time picking out what to wear. I already did my makeup and hair, I wanted to look badass but at the same time I didn't want to overdo it.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rose roll her eyes and walk over towards me. She skimmed at my clothes before picking out an outfit and handing it to me. "Put this on and stop overthinking." I rolled my eyes and thanked her, she turned around and walked into the bathroom giving me privacy to change. She had picked out some blacked ripped jeans and a cropped t-shirt with little circles around it. Once I was done changing I knocked on the door signaling she could come out and I walked back to my bed.
As I walked back to my bed to pick out some shoes, Amari, Natasha and Celeste walked through the door all dressed up and ready to go present ourselves to the rest of Santa Carla. "You guys ready?" Natasha asked. I nodded my head slightly and grabbed some combat boots, throwing them on. "Great! Let's go!" Amari shrieked, ~a little too excited if you ask me~ rose teased. "Whatever" Amari mumbled, in making us laugh.
Before we headed out the door I grabbed my jacked that said, 'Southside serpents' with a snake with a head on both ends. We locked our doors and gave the keys to Celeste since she was the most responsible out of everyone. We hopped on our bikes roaring them to life before heading straight to the boardwalk.
I noticed on our way there people gave us questionable looks while others were drooling. As we came into a crowd with a lot more people I had gotten nervous and reached for my necklace, only to be disappointed. We still haven't found it yet and it was slowly eating me away with guilt, it was the only thing I had left of victor. ~hey we'll find it. Don't worry, it will turn up somewhere~ Natasha tried to soothe. I gave her a small smile and turned my focus back to the crowd.
We found a little open area where a group of other motorcycles had been parked, so us being like any other person...or vampire we parked in a little area next to theirs but far enough to keep distance. We got off our bikes slowly and walked side by side, well they did. I was in front leading the way towards wherever and of course they followed and looked around taking in all the rides, games and stores.
"Huh, this doesn't look as shitty as I thought it would" rose blurted out. I chuckled and shook my head, she could be a complete idiot or asshole sometimes but we still love her. As we were walking everyone was either checking us out or giving us stares wondering who we were. The wind was blowing softly against our cold dead bodies, but the moon was shining over us as if it was giving us the spotlight. Not that we weren't but it gave us a little glow.
"I'm getting bored" whined Celeste "I want to do something fun. Like go to a party, or find me a nice hot guy and get laid." "Please spare us the details" grimaced rosalie. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and turned around. "Alright wait here. I'll go ask for directions or something"
Amari spoke up, "I think we're gonna need a map to figure this place out instead of 'directions' in mean, this place is huge." I rolled my eyes before walking into the nearest store by us which to my luck was a comic book store run by these too young boys, probably around age 16. Everyone seemed to stop what they were doing and had their eyes focused on me, " can I help you miss?" Asked the boy who had a red bandanna around his head, the other with black straight hair seemed to be drooling and in a daze. i chuckled slightly before asking, "Hi umm, I was wondering if you knew if there was a party or something going on around here? Or a club?"
The bandanna boy seemed to be deep in though and was about to say something till the other one interrupted him. "Yeah there should be a concert in 25 minutes." I looked at him, "how do I get there?" I asked.
That's when the bandanna boy interrupted him showing me the directions describing them with his hands, "Go straight down that way and make a left and keep going down and eventually you'll run into the concert." I nodded and thanked them both before turning and walked away. "Hey wait! What's your name?" The boy with black hair asked. I smirked and turned back around facing them, "Kailani. What about you?"
The boy blushed till the bandanna boy spoke up, "I'm Edgar and this is Alan my brother." I nodded slightly wondering what life would have been like with siblings. I mean sure I had the girls but I mean real siblings, blood related like Tasha and Amani. Someone you've been through thick and thin with your whole life, someone you've known since you were babies. I gave them a small smile, "well it was nice meeting you two. See you around." And with that I left the store, the girls looked as if they were going to die of boredom. Amani gave me a death glare, "Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes and walked past them in the direction the boys had given me. "Hey! Where are you going?" She questioned. "You wanna tag along and find out? Or stay there complaining while the rest of us have fun and party?" With that she shut up and the rest started following me as I kept walking. We got a lot of catcalls and people eyeing us, there was this one group of girls that walked past us giving us a dirty look. Rose was not having any of it but I stopped her before she could cause any damage.
The girls were having their own conversations with each other. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a group of boys walking out of some video tape store. ~There they are!~ Celeste screamed in her head giving me a headache. ~Alright showtime ladies. Look presentable and don't give a fuck about anything~ I thought in my head knowing they would hear.
The group of boys walked in front of us stopping us from going any further. ~Natasha you know what to do right?~ I questioned. ~yeah, when they start talking step back and let them know you were in front because you were leading the way~
~I'm pretty sure she knows what to say already tasha~ rose said in a playful manner. We all giggled causing the boys to give us a weird look. Natasha was the first one to speak to them obviously. "Do you need something boys?"
They all turned their gaze towards her and the boy with white hair spoke, "we've never seen you ladies around. Are you new?" He was most likely the leader of the group. "So who's the leader of the gang?" One of the guys who looked like a twisted sister asked. "She is," I pointed towards Natasha. "Huh I expected you to be" the white haired boy said. Me and the girls smirked at them while they looked confused and thirsty for answers.
~She's right they don't have a heartbeat~ Rose thought. I didn't even realize that they didn't have a scent like any other human would have, it was similar to ours. I assumed they had thought the same about us considering the stares they gave. "Well boys we'd love to stay and chat but we don't have all day." I continued to walk again going around them till the white haired boy grabbed my hand forcing me to turn and look at him. "How about you guys come and tag along with us, we could even give you a ride around. What do ya say?" I looked at the girls and they nodded their heads. "Alright boys lead the way" I continued. "But give us your names first." The white hair boy grinned before giving out names. "I'm David, that's Paul, Dwayne, and marko." He pointed to each of the boys. They all looked hot, this got me thinking if they would be good with their mouth, mostly their tongues I could really use getting some head tonight. I saw the boys smirk almost as if they had heard what I thought. That's when Rose came beside me and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, if they aren't you still have me." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boys glare at her, wanting to rip her head off. I looked at them raising an eyebrow, they ignored my look and kept on walking straight.
It was about 2-3 minutes till we got to where our motorcycles were left, they had seen our motorcycles besides theirs but thought nothing of it. "Choose someone to ride with ladies" Paul smirked and winked at me. I looked at the girls and smirked, I turned my head and looked at the boys. "Sorry boys, but we won't be riding with any of you." They all looked confused and annoyed. "And why not?" David asked. I walked over to my bike and the girls following my same actions. "We've got our own. Now lead the way." They looked shocked at first until the curly head marko said something. "I like them, well ladies just follow us." He continued, "try not to get lost" he winked while facing me.
The boys turned on their bikes and zoomed down the stairs. I was a little uneasy with doing that but nonetheless I did it anyway, the girls following my actions. They zoomed towards the woods under a bridge? (not sure what you call it) They we're going pretty fast probably at full speed, but we were able to keep up but let them take the lead in front. I was in between Paul and Marko with Rose behind me and the girls either on her right or left side, Dwayne was besides Marko and David was leading the way. The wind was blowing in our faces, our hair flying in all directions. The boys were yelling and laughing enjoying the moment while me and the girls smiled and chuckled at their immature actions.
We had pulled up to an old cave? Or whatever it was, it was right by a cliff and looked as if it had collapsed years ago. "Follow us ladies. And be careful not to trip," Marko announced. He seemed to be the sweetheart of the group.
Rose gasped "Holy shit!"
"Welcome to our home ladies" David spoke out while walking over to a wheelchair and sitting down. "Huh, not bad." I said. "We have 2 other people living here with us." "Really?" I asked out of curiosity. "Are they hot?" Amani asked, smirking, I knew what she was thinking and if I'm being honest I was too. I heard a low growl behind me, and when I looked behind me I saw Marko have a deadly glare on his face and Dwayne was patting his back. 'Geez what's his problem?' "Sorry girls, but I'm afraid our other roommates... or roommate isn't available." David spoke, breaking the tension. "Aww how come?" Natasha whined. "Stop whining, you'll find someone else to fuck soon enough, be patient." Everyone chuckled at this. "Well 1. They're a boy and a girl 2. They're dating." David explained.
I nodded my head slightly in disappointment. I felt someone place their arm around my shoulder and whisper something in my ear. "Don't worry kitten, you've got me." It was Paul. "Leave her alone dofus." Dwayne stated while whacking Paul in the back of his head. Paul removed his hand from around me and rubbed his head. "Party pooper" he muttered under his breath getting a glare from Dwayne. I giggled at the 2 before walking over to a little couch they had there. "Marko, how about you get us some food?" David asked.
Marko nodded his head before heading out the cave. Just as he did I saw about 3 figures come towards all of us from the entrance of the cave, by the look of their shadows it seemed to be 2 adults and a child?. ~Someone's coming!~ Natasha exclaimed. ~I know keep your guard up.~ I thought.
A girl with long curly hair and a dress, a tall boy with curls and blue eyes and a little kid with blonde hair walked in. "And who might this be?" Amani asked, eyeing the blue eyed boy. "Ahh this 'lovely' couple are Michael and Star." He said, "And that little one over there is laddie" he pointed at the little kid. I saw Celeste pout a little which brought a smirk to my face. He was good looking but I didn't have it in me to mess around with him while he already has someone.
'Victor wouldn't have liked that'
All the girls looked at me with a sympathetic look, while the boys looked at me with confusion. I turned my gaze away from them looking at the ground. "Who are they?" Michael asked, looking at each of us. I smiled laying back crossing my legs, "well hello there Michael, I'm Kailani. That over there is Amani, Rosalie, Natasha, and Celeste."
"Well it's nice to meet you" Star spoke out. Just then Marko walked in with 2 boxes of pizza. "Well that was quick" Natasha commented walking over to marko to get first slice. I shifted my gaze to Star checking out her features and clothes. She seemed a little disturbed as I was looking at her, that is until my eyes landed on her neck. I quickly stood up glaring at her, "Where did you get that?" I asked, pointing my finger to her neck. Everyone shifted their gaze to us...well mainly me.
She had my necklace around her neck, the same necklace my mate had given me. I felt anger boiling inside me and I wanted to rip her head off and pull her heart out of her chest (Yikes). Rose was quick to react, she growled and sped over to her yanking the necklace off her. Michael pushed her behind him in a protective manner, she looked so confused and scared. In a split second rose was by my side handing me my necklace.
"Woah, what did I miss?" Marko questioned, completely confused. "Ouu rose that wasn't a very smart move, you just gave your identity away."
The girls stiffened up and stood on guard. "Ehh it's alright you just won't wake up to see the sun rise again." I replied nonchalantly while shrugging my shoulders. "And what makes you think you'll be able to kill us so quickly?" Paul taunted. "Tasha sped over to him pinning him to the wall by his neck, "Let's start with you first" she had her fangs out and her eyes were now yellow.
Before she could do anything she was thrown off Paul by Dwayne causing her to fall onto the table crushing it. Amani ran over to her sister while I sped over to Dwayne trying to attack him when Marko came from behind me and stopped me. "Get off me!" I screamed at him. Rose came to my rescue and threw him off me, just then David appeared in between me and Dwayne with his hands up signaling me to stop. "Everyone calm down, we don't mean any harm."
"Bullshit!" Rose spat out. "Ladies calm down, we won't hurt you." He said, trying to calm us down. "How do we know we can trust you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because we're just like you." Marko spoke. I turned to him looking confused. "Look." He staid before turning into his vampire form. Me and the girls relaxed a little knowing that our secret would be safe with them. "Are all of you like this?" Amani asked. They all nodded their heads, even the little kid laddie? I think it was. "You guys turned a little kid?" I asked in disbelief. David nodded while shrugging his shoulders walking back to his wheelchair. "The sun is about to come out, we need to leave." Celeste warned. "Shit" I cursed under my breath. "No sweat ladies, you can just stay here, we have plenty of room." Paul smirked, eyeing me. "Plus you wouldn't even make it back to where your 'hideout' is at without burning to a crisp" David said.
I sighed and gave in. "Alright you got any spare rooms?" The boys all looked at me in confusion. "You guys sleep in beds?" Dwayne asked, pointing a finger back and forth at us. "Yeah weird right?" I asked sarcastically. David cleared his throat before speaking, "uhh yeah, we have 2 spare rooms over there." He pointed somewhere near the back. I nodded walking over towards the rooms the girls got on my heels.
*Time skip*
I was laying in bed besides Celeste. Rose volunteered to sleep on the couch while Amani and Tasha slept in the room next door. There were so many things on my mind right now that I couldn't even sleep.
'Rose' I thought. I chuckled before closing my eyes trying to fall asleep.