Part 2
Kailani POV:
*The next night*
Me and the girls had woken up around the time when the sun was setting. We were weak and our cravings for blood were getting harder and harder to resist. We had gotten dressed and hopped on our bikes in search of looking for our next victim.
We had been driving around for about 15 minutes so we decided to split up, me and Celeste went in a different direction and the rest went on their own. We had been driving by some boardwalk until we heard some laughing and yelling. We began walking in the direction of where we had heard the yelling and stopped once we had spotted about 4 men dancing their asses off. Little did they know it would be the last time they would do it, in fact it was the last time they would do anything. "Mm they smell delicious, I wonder how they taste." Celeste was already drooling as her cravings got worse.
"Wait let's play it cool and have some fun with them before we attack," I told her. "Ughhh why can't we just attack now?" She whined. I rolled my eyes at her before I started walking towards the men, "ohh what do we have here." One of the boys snickered. "Hello boys mind if we join?" I asked pointing towards me and Celeste, "sure sweetie, what's your name?" Another boy asked. "I'm Kailani and this is Celeste" I told the boys in a seductive yet innocent voice.
"Well, aren't those lovely names for 2 lovely women. I'm Roy. That over there is Jake, Felix and Xavier." The guy said. "Roy, I like that name" I smirked. "You got any beer left?" Asked Celeste "I like them, their hot and drink. Do ya smoke?" Jake asked while he walked over to the cooler and pulled out a new fresh beer bottle. "Ya sometimes." I replied.
We had been hanging around with the boys, shaking out ass and drinking for about a good 5 minutes. I could tell Celeste was on the verge of attacking the boys so I told her to wait another minute before doing so.
~Now!~ I thought. Without hesitation she flung herself towards Felix biting into his neck. He screamed in pain as the others screamed in fear for their lives. I couldn't keep my composure any longer so I grabbed the person nearest to me and bit hard into their neck, sucking their blood. It finally felt good to feed again. I don't know how I managed not feeding for 3 weeks straight when I could barely survive not feeding for 4 days.
I then attacked Roy while Celeste attacked Jake. The look in his eyes almost made me feel guilty for him, "shh sweetheart, it's okay. It will all be over soon" I whispered the last part slowly in his ear before looking down at his neck and sunk my teeth into him. He screamed and tried to shove me off him by grabbing my shoulder and hair trying to yank me off him which made me hiss in pain. I slammed him down on the ground biting him harder and sucking rougher, and soon enough his body stopped fighting and he went limp.
Once Celeste was finished we looked at eachother and smirked. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand while she let the blood drip down her face, "well that was fun" I giggled. She nodded her head and laughed, "you should have seen the look on their faces." We both started laughing uncontrollably till she asked, "what do we do with the body?" I looked at all the boys laying dead on the ground then I looked at the fire. "Nothing, leave them here. Let's this be a little shake up for Santa Carla before we come out of the shadows." (I honestly didn't know what to say soo yeah)
We had left the bodies there laying around the fire and went to our run down motel. When we got there the rest of the girls were already there waiting for us. "What the hell took you so long?" Exclaimed Natasha. "You had us worried, we thought you got caught or something!" Yelled Amani. Me and Celeste started laughing, "what's so funny?" Asked rose confused as ever. "We're okay, don't worry. Plus we're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves." Celeste told them while I nodded my head in agreement. "Whatever," rosalie rolled her eyes. "So what took you so long?" Questioned Amani. I spoke up, "We ran into a group of guys partying and decided to have some fun with them before we...ya know." They nodded their heads, "did you get laid?" Rosalie smirked. We all laughed before I shook my head, "sadly no, but I wonder how good they would have been."
"So what did you guys do?" Celeste asked. "Oh nothing, we just killed some young couple making out in an alleyway." I nodded my head before heading to the bathroom, I wanted to take a shower since I kind of got dirty while feeding off the boys. I grabbed a towel and some new clothes before shutting the bathroom door, I stripped down and turned the water on before looking in the mirror. I looked at every inch of my body staring myself down. Although I did have a pretty body and good looks I still felt insecure about myself. I remember when it was mine and victors first time doing it, I felt so embarrassed and Anxious wondering if he'll judge me for how my body looked. But he looked me dead in the eyes and told me, "you have nothing to be ashamed of. You're beautiful and you got a fine ass body, but I don't love you for your body. I love you for you and only you." I smiled at the loving memory and my hand reached up to touch my necklace but... it was gone.
Panic set all throughout my body, I couldn't lose that necklace it meant too much for me. I rushed out the bathroom to where the girls were at. They all looked at me weird besides Rosalie, she smirked at me and whistled. But once she saw my panicked face she looked confused and concerned, "Kailani what's wrong?" Amani asked. "My- my necklace, it's gone! I can't find it!" I was Hyperventilating and close to crying. Natasha came over to me trying to calm me down, "Hey, hey it's okay. We'll find it somewhere." "I'll go look back at the campfire, maybe it's there." Celeste spoke. "You better hurry, the suns coming up in an hour and the police will have a whole investigation scene there once they find the bodies." Rosalie told Celeste. "Wait what did you do with the bodies?" Questioned Amani. "We left them there," Celeste answered before she dashed out the door.
Celeste POV:
I dashed out the door heading towards the campsite where we last feed. But when I got there I saw a group of boys inspecting the bodies, in all honesty they were good looking and looked as if they ran the place. Although the strange part was I couldn't feel a heartbeat radiating off them, they didn't have a scent of sweet blood either.
'Could they be vampires too?' I questioned.
I noticed that they all had put their guard up, 'they know I'm here' before they could do anything. I sped out of there about 5 seconds before they attacked. They were close but not close enough, plus by the looks of it I was way faster so I escaped easily and ran back to the motel.
'Yeah they definitely aren't human'
Kailani POV:
The girls were able to calm me down slightly, but enough for me to stop hyperventilating. I took a quick shower and put some clothes on, when I was finished I came out and sat down on the bed by Amani That's when Celeste dashed into the room panting. "The fuck happened to you?" Rosalie questioned. I rolled my eyes and Natasha shoved past Rose, making her stumble a bit, Rosalie glared at her but regained her composure. "Did you find it?" Tasha asked. I froze waiting for her answer praying she would have it with her. And to my disappointment she shook her head, I began tearing up again till Celeste came over to me and patted my back. "It's ok, I didn't have time to look-" she started but Amani cut her off. "What the fuck do you mean 'you didn't have time to look'?"
Celeste rolled her eyes before continuing, "there was a group of boys there, they didn't seem like they were human but they looked like they ran the place and they were fine as hell. Somehow they knew I was there and chased after me, they were fast but not fast enough." She paused then continued, "there were about 5 of them and looked around our age." For some reason this brought an evil smile to my face. I stood up and stretched facing the girls.
"Well well, another vampire gang. How interesting, this could be fun. Tomorrow night we go out and make ourselves known, not just to them but to everyone else." I smirked wondering how 'fine' these boys looked, they just nodded before thinking about the same thing I was. "Who knows they might be good in bed" I winked. "You know you look hot as fuck when you do that" rose grinned. I flipped my hair back in a playful manner before speaking, "I always look hot. It's my true nature." We all burst out laughing when Natasha grabbed one of the pillows and swung it at me. "Ohh it's so on." I giggled and grabbed a pillow and started hitting her with it. You should have seen the mess we had made after that, but in all honesty it was fun and released most of my stress.
'Tomorrow is going to be fun'
~indeed it is~ chuckled Amani.
(September 20, 2020)