Back in France...
"What should we do with her?"
"I don't know, no wait a minute yes I do. I have a friend who is a doctor, we are not safe here so let's take her there."
So the monks took her to the hospital three hours away from the monastery.
I wake up in a bright room. It smells like chemicals. I hear other people around me. I am scared, my head hurts. Inside me head I feel empty. I don't know what to do. I slowly sit up when I hear a women yelling,"Doctor, doctor come quick she is awake."
I am holding my head in my hands as I hear two people walk up next to me.
"Good afternoon my dear how are you feeling?"
"My head hurts. Where am I? Who are you? Who am I?"
"My dear are you saying you can't remember who you are?"
"No I don't, my head hurts a lot. Do I actually know you? Do you know me?"
"My dear I only know a little bit about you. You were brought in here three weeks ago by some monks. My friend the lead monk of the monastery said it was attacked. He thinks they were after you because of your powers. As you were trying to save the man and child you were with the bandits blew up part of the wall. You were burried underneath it. The people who attacked thought you were dead. When the monks realized you were badly injured they brought you to me. They tell me your name is Natasha. My name is Racheal and this is my nurse Belinda. We have been taking care of you since the monks dropped you off."
"Do you know anything about the man or baby they say I was with?"
"No they didn't know anything about them. All I know is they went back to check for survivors and then went to the monastery in England. I will tell you now there have been people asking about you but we tell them we don't have anyone by that name here. When you are well enough to travel I want to send you to my sister's school for the gifted. She will know the best way to protect you."
"So who ever is after me has been here already? So you are not safe either? How long before I can leave? I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me."
"Well let's see how you do now that your awake. I will call my sister after I check you out and see what she says. Then we will go from there okay. And for now I want you to stay away from the windows and don't leave this ward. No one here is contagious this is just my protection ward."
"Okay I promise to stay away from the windows and not leave the ward. Umm do you have any idea about what my powers are supposed to be?"
"No I was going to ask you about that. But since you can't remember I will let Patricia know and she can work with you."
After she gives me a full check up she says I am healthy then she calls Patricia while she is standing next to me. She asks me many questions that I have no answers to. She tells us it is best for me to leave at the end of the week, that way I can rebuild my strength. After that she says that she will be watching for me. They figure it should take me two weeks to get to the states.
For the next three days I go for walks up and down the hall always staying away from the windows. I join the therapy group to try to remember who I am. I even play with the children on my floor.
Then on that Thursday there is a fire in the little village at the bottom of the hill. Mostly everyone had minor injuries but one little girl got seriously burnt. They put her on our floor. That night I couldn't handle the pain. I knew it wasn't my pain so I went looking for it. I found her at the end of the hall. I could hear her crying. I walked in the room and took the little hand she held out to me.
As I was standing there holding her hand Racheal walks in to check on her. She watches as a faint glow surrounds us. The as the minutes tick past she comes closer. When she gets right behind me she hears the little girl say,"Thank you."
Then she falls asleep and I hit the floor.
The next thing I know I am being shaken awake. Racheal is desperate for me to wake up but I can't get my eyes to open. Then I feel ice water being thrown in my face. I jump out of bed.
"You have to leave now. Their are three men and a woman looking for you. Belinda will get you to the car. The car will take you to the airport. We got together some food money and a passport for you. I also told my sister you were headed out. Now go."
I hugged her said thank you and Belinda and I ran for all we were worth. As the car started pulling away from the hospital I looked back to see several people looking out the window. Then I ran for my life.