Chereads / #AnotherChance / Chapter 1 - Back


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Chapter 1 - Back

Blyx's P.O.V

I smiled as I look at the mirror seeing that I really am back. When I came out of my room fully clothed, I saw the maids lined up and greeted me. It really is true. He erased their memories of me being dead except for one person and one person only. I smiled sadly and skipped breakfast. My maids couldn't argue anymore since I already drove away from my parents' house. Time limit. I entered the school knowing that she will be early. She was always early. I parked the car and proceeded to my assigned classroom. I put the bag and slowly examined the place. I'll surely miss this living hell of students. I went outside and into the rooftop, where I found her reading. I crept behind her and scared the shit out of her which I successfully did.

"Y-you... Why are you a-alive?!" she exclaimed as her book fell down. I smirked and made my went up to her. Her fear evident on her face. She thought I was gonna do all those things again but no, I won't. I've learned my lessons. I gave her my smile which confused her. I picked up her book and gave it back to her.

"Here. Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you." I grinned. She took a step back.

"W-why are you alive?" I gave her a sad smile which made her to stop moving.

"I... want to say sorry." I was planning on doing this as early as possible before I disappear again forever without her forgiving me. I don't want to prolong this since I know it will be harder every second of my damned life.

"What?" she started laughing which made me grunt.

"Sorry? Are you fucking kidding me?" I was taken aback by her words. I never knew she can be this....aggressive. I didn't respond.

"What? You want to say sorry after all of those things? After all fo those horrible things you've done to me? And my family?!" she hissed. She began to cry slowly.

"Yes, I want to say sorry and want to replace all of those horrible things I've done to you with something also valuable." I said in a straight face.

"Don't you dare fuck with me again, Blyx!" she then stormed off.

I wanted to really say the real reason behind why I did that to her father. She knew one thing but it was only one thing. She doesn't know the second one. Her life is so messed up that she doesn't care about herself!

I skipped the morning class. Hell, I wouldn't even care if I missed the entire school year or even some months knowing that I already died and can't really ran away from it. My main objective is to tell her how I feel. As lunch came, I went to the cafeteria where my 'friends' are.

"Oh! Ms. Fashionably Late is here!" Jarred announced. As I took a seat beside Luija, she suddenly kissed me. Yes, we're both girls. I'm a lesbian, and so is a lot from this school. But they don't really care as long as we're in school and not get involved in drugs. I gently pushed her away as I stared at one person who was eating alone.

"Ooh! We heard her said that you love her and she even said you're sorry! How crazy was that, huh!" Yuri said which made everyone laugh. I want to tell them off everytime but something always cuts my throat. She suddenly stood up and leave. I want to trail her but someone grabbed my hand.

"Baby, stay! You just got here!" Klearra said. I gently sat back down, cursing at how vulnerable I am right now.

"You know, I can believe you when you said you were inlove with her just to fool her and fuck her but say sorry? PFFT! What the fuck man?! I never even heard you say that to our teachers!" Chrim said as he slammed the table still laughing. I gritted my teeth. I have to put an end to this shit. I stood up and faced everyone.

"Guys, I'm leaving the group. And yes, I am inlove with her and I am saying sorry for everything I've done to her." everyone listened then laughed.

"Dude! That was a funny joke!" one of the jerks said.

"No, it is not a joke." I said and left trying to find her. I began cursing. Where the fuck is she?!

"Paging Ms. Carly Thompston. Please come to the Principal's Office now." it repeats but I ignored it. I made my way to the P.O which was 10 minutes away from the cafeteria.

"Please Mr. Walters! Please no!" I heard Carly screamed.

"Help!" she screamed again.

"You're not getting away this time!" I heard the old man's voice said. I kicked the door and saw that he pinned Carly at his table. He sighed and Carly screamed again.

"I thought it was someone else." he said. I angrily punched him.

"Don't you dare mess with Carly!" I angrily said and dragged her out of there. I removed my jacket and put in on her which she didn't hesitate. Her top was torn.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. How am I going to end this shit if everyone here wants to fuck her?!" I angrily hissed at myself. I dragged her inside my car and drove.

No one said anything. It was a quiet drive to my house. She was shivering from fear. I cursed again and got out of the car. I opened her door and carried her bridal style to one of the rooms I especially built for her. She was still shivering.

"Don't disturb Carly, got it?" I said to the head maid and she nodded right away. I ordered one of the maids to open Carly's room. Once I was inside, I gently put Carly on the bed. Just as she made contact with the bed, she want to the end part of the bed.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything anymore but to swear to protect you. Rest well." I said as I closed the door behind me. I went inside my room and found my guide there sitting.

"This is actually quite a shock. MOST people wouldn't believe it and just continue their life before then eventually end up back there." she crossed her legs and arms.

"Yeah well... I really love this girl to the extent of hurting her more than showing her my love." I said as I took a seat next to her and remember all the horrible things I did to her.

"We're glad that you know that." then she disappeared. I sigh. I called my Dad.

[Hey, kiddo!]

"Hey, Dad."

[Hey, something wrong?]

"Dad, if I'm not around anymore and there's no one that can inherit the company, who would take over?"

"I.. just want to know." I heard him sigh.

[I'll probably give it to the person who seem worthy.]

"I have someone in mind, can you guess?"

[Of course! Is it the same girl who you bullied?]

"Yeah... She's really worth it Dad. She's something. She works hard for the sake of everyone but herself. She never imagined herself sighing in relief but just work hard for her family."

[Are you in love, cakes?]

"Yes, Dad. Yes, but she hates me."

[Awww! Anyways, don't worry cub! If you really are not around by then, then we'll gladly give her the company. That way, this company will help a lot of people.]

"Thanks, Dad."

[Anything for you, dearest.]

"Tell Mom I said I love you both."

[We love you too, honey!] I heard my Mom said on the other line.

"Bye, Dad, Mom."

[Bye cub! See yah soon!]

I laid down on the bed and curse and curse until I decided to sleep it off.