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Barbaric realms

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"I will be ok papa," Shai said "I just want to make sure you're safe," Leif said "I will be fine I love you," Shai said "Love you too," Leif said Sadly It didn't turn out so, Shai Aqua went to work followed by a mysterious figure watching her before disappearing, she came back home to find it destroyed with a shining blue portal in the middle of her room. She was pulled into the portal away from her realm into another one, "What are you looking at Judy?" Eurus asked walking up to her, Judy pointed at a hole in the ground, when they looked into the hole it showed a woman with brown hair, Judy's instincts kicked and she slid down the hole to see if the woman was alive, "Judy!" Eurus yelled before following her, Judy puts her head on the woman's chest to hear her heartbeat, "She's alive," Judy said under her breath, Eurus stands next to her, pulls Judy off the woman, Shai was found by Judy and Eurus and brought to their home to be sheltered. Shai woke up after hearing from the figure in a different realm with an AI that had his own goal. "What is your motive?" Herman hums at this a little lullaby, showing her sites of mass destruction, Claire blocks most of it but she sees glimpses of mass death and ruin, she sees wars and rumors of wars, and she sees him above Judy and Eurus's dead body with Shai gets her throat crushed and thrown to the ground in front of her, Claire fell to her knees cradling Judy in her arms. She felt an odd pain in her head and opened her eyes still seeing him there, "Why do you want this? This is madness! we could live peacefully with them but you want death tell me why?" Claire asserted Herman just stared at her before chuckling at her, "Do you believe that I wanted to do this? I am programmed to be this way..... An AI that wants the death of humanity. that is made by insane scientists who wanted the death of all humanity, I'm what they couldn't even dream of, these humans don't deserve to live on this planet. That the elites of this world made it worse. So why not do what I am programmed to do?" Herman explained plainly, Shai didn't know but that was one of the reasons she was sent into that realm. To help this realm get rid of the AI and help twist it to their ways,

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 The Beginning

"I will be fine, Papa, don't you trust me?," Shai said

Shai looks through her purse for her car keys,

"I do trust you... but I don't trust the world. Honey," Lefi said

"That I can understand. Look, Papa, I have to go to work. I will call you after I get off, ok?" Shai said

"Ok. Be careful honey, I love you,"

"I will love you too, Papa,"

Shai hangs up and gets out of the car, Shai turns to a building, finding it quite endearing. Shai walked up to it and opened it. The fumes of baked goods flowed through the air as a familiar person pulled her into a hug and said,

"Shai, you are here,"

"Hi Cherry, thanks for helping me get this job," Shai said

Cherry lets her go and smiles at her,

"Don't mention it, Shai, you would do the same for me. Now let me show you the ropes, and I will leave you to it," Cherry said

"Whatever you say, boss," Shai said

Cherry chuckled at her and threw her arm over her shoulder,

"I'm not the boss here, you know that... say, doesn't your dad know her?" Cherry asked

They walked through the employee's only door, finding a warm kitchen awaiting them, and Cherry walked in front of Shai.

"Come on, I will show you the most popular pastry we have!" Cherry said

Shai walked to Cherry but couldn't help but feel a burning glare from behind her, She looked around to find no one,

"Is there something wrong, Shai?" Cherry asked

Cherry is grabbing ingredients for the recipe and finds Shai acting skittish,

"No, there was just something in my eye," Shai said

"Well, if you're sure then," Cherry said cheerfully,

Shai stands next to her for Cherry to put a bag of flour in her arms and says,

"If that's the case, then help me with this,"

Shai smiles and helps move the flour to the mixer, but something is watching her she can't quit placing it... if only she knew what it was,

"That's all you need to know. If you need help, I will be by the cash register," Cherry said

Cherry pats Shai on her shoulder and walks to register.

"Thank you again, Cherry," Shai said

Cherry was about to respond before one of her coworkers yelled for her,

"Coming! Bye, Shai,"

Cherry jogs away and disappears from her site,

"Bless her heart," Shai said

Shai hears her name being called and walks to the counter to take an order. A coworker placed it on the counter, telling her,

"This is for seat fourteen,"

Shai takes the order and walks to the table, finding a shady figure,

"Here is your order," Shai said

She places it on the table,

"Thank you," the figure said

"You're welcome. Do you need anything else?" Shai asked

The figure shakes his head, Shai looks at him before starting to walk away. The figure grabs her arm,

"Be careful," the figure told her

His tone is deep, almost menacing. Shai nodded as the figure let her go, and she walked back to her station, Shai felt a sharp pain suddenly in her head,

"Hey, Shai, are you ok?" Cherry said

Cherry walked up to her before putting a hand on her shoulder,

"Oh yeah, I am alright, just a headache," Shai said,

She is unsure of what was wrong with her head.

"Shai, you're pale. How about you take a break, drink some tea, and relax,"

Cherry walked her to a chair before helping her sit down, Shai nodded. She turned to look where the figure was to find them not there, Shai sighed in relief, but the hairs on her neck stood up.

"Shai, your destiny awaits,"

Shai jumps out of her chair and looks behind her to find nothing,

"Shai honey, you scaring people, are you ok?" Cherry asked

Cherry rubbed her shoulder while Shai could feel her head pulsing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is my break over?" Shai asked

"No, you still have thirty minutes. Are you sure you want to get back to work," Cherry said

"Maybe if I work, it will keep my mind off it," Shai said

"Mind off what?" Cherry asked, concerned,

Shai realized that she had it out loud, Shai gave her a sheepish smile,

"Sorry sometimes to need to talk to an expert. Sometimes it's yourself," Shai said bashfully,

She giggled before grabbing Shai's hand,

"If that's the case, I can show you how to make my favorite muffins," Cherry said

She pulled Shai to the kitchen. The figure watched on from outside the window with a small smile before disappearing,

"These are delicious, I didn't know you cooked well," Cherry said

"Thanks, I have been trying to get better at..."

Shai is cut off by an elderly woman shorter than her but happily walking into the room

"Cherry sweetie, can you lock up the store for me?" Miss Jackson said

"Yes, Miss Jackson, I can do that. This is Shai," Cherry said

Miss Jackson looked at Shai. She looked familiar to her.

"How was your first day?" Miss Jackson asked

"It was great thank you for the opportunity, Miss Jackson," Shai said

Shai reached out her hand as Miss Jackson shook her hand she saw flashes of visions, Shai let go of her hand, Miss Jackson backed away from Shai,

"Miss Jackson, are you ok?" Cherry said

Cherry helps her stand up, and when Miss Jackson stands back up, she hugged Shai. She wrapped her hands around the old woman and heard her mutter but couldn't hear what she said. Miss Jackson pulled away from her,

"Be careful, Shai... somethings looking for you," Miss Jackson said

Miss Jackson looked at Shai before leaving them alone in the cafe, Shai stared at where she went, and Cherry ashed her,

"What was that about?" Cherry asked

Shai was still a bit shaky but answered the question,

"I have no idea. But it felt like there were eyes on me all day,"

"I'm sorry, Shai. Did you call the police yet," Cherry asked

"No, I haven't, I will do that when I get to my apartment," Shai said

They wallked out of the cafe, locking it up, and Shai put on her jacket and unlocked her car,

"See you tomorrow, Shai,"

Cherry hugged her before walking to her car, Shai looked back at her but stared up at the night sky. She smiled, having the moon shine on her,

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Shai said

Shai went into her car watching Cherry drive away, she turned her car one diving to her apartment, Shai saw that she was at the apartment already, it was only thirty minutes away from the cafe, she got out locking the car,

"God. what a day. Should I call Papa before I go to bed," Shai said

Shai walked into the apartment to her door to see it opened. It wasn't broken, but it was unlocked.

"Should I go check?" Shai asked herself,

Shai felt something off in her apartment, She begrudgingly walked into the apartment to find her furniture destroyed. The vase on her coffee table was broken. The glass scattered across the floor, Shai walked farther into the apartment to find the door to her room broken into pieces, before she went into the room she grabbed a damaged table leg, she went into the room hugged the table leg to her chest, Her eyes widened at what she saw, Her bed shattered across the room with a blue and gold portal in the middle of the room,

"What should I do with this? should I call the police or Papa?" Shai thought

Shai didn't notice that the portal started to grow until she dropped onto the floor,

"What? No!" Shai yelled

She felt the wind starting to pull her into the portal, She felt her grip start to loosen, Shai saw flashes of her father,

She lost her grip and got sucked into the portal,

"What are you looking at, Judy?"

He walked up to her and Judy pointed at a hole in the ground, when they looked into the hole it showed a woman with brown hair, Judy saw that she wasn't hurt badly but that didn't stop her from sliding down the hole to see if the woman was alive,


He watched her slide down before he followed her, Judy put her head on her chest to hear her heartbeat, Judy heard a thud next to her and saw that he was sliding down the dented dirt.

"She's alive," Judy mumbled

He stood up, walking to her and but something caught his eyes scaring him. He pulls Judy off the woman, Judy looks at him confused,

"What's wrong, Eurus?" Judy asked

"Look at her," Eurus tells her

Judy looked back at the woman to see that she's glowing a vibrant gold, Eurus let her go,

"What happened to her?" Eurus inquired

"I have no idea," Judy said

Judy went to the woman, hesitantly touched her, waiting for something to happen, but it never came. Judy looked to Eurus and said

"Eurus, help me pick her up quickly,"

"You want to help her?"

"We can't leave her here, Eurus,"

"I know,"

Judy put the woman's arm over her shoulder, Eurus did the same, lifted the woman off the ground and carried her out of the dent of dirt,

"Do we tell anyone," Eurus asked

"We don't. They dont need to know about this," Judy said

Eurus hears the anger in her voice, they must have pissed her off again, they weren't to far from there house,They made it to their house and walked into the living room, Judy looked to Eurus saying,

"Can you take her into the lab. I can check her there," Judy said

"Yes ma'am," Eurus said sarcastically

Judy handed her over to him, and Eurus walks to the lab, holding the woman to his chest, Judy shook her head at him, not hearing a buzz behind her,

"Claire, how was the house when we were gone," Judy asked

A hologram appeared next to her, a bright blue body shaped to be a woman with glowing bright blue eyes,

"Nothing much mistresses. Who did you bring home, if I may ask," Claire said

Judy walks into the kitchen and starts to make coffee, Claire follows her, watching her,

"We found her in a hole in the ground, but she does not seem like she's from here?" Judy respond

Judy turned to Claire, she was confused by the woman, she didn't notice it at first but the woman didn't look like someone of their time. But he will find out about that later she is to figher out how her works going.

"How is the admission?"

"It went well it is into Senate. We will see how far it will go," Claire said

Judy stirred her coffee with sugar and milk. She looked to Claire leaning on the counter,

"Good, this is important for them to see. If we want to make a difference in this world and expose what has happened, " Judy explained

Claire saw the look on her face, seeing tired but proud grin apper was all for Claire to know that he was alright, but a voice called out of the lab.

"Hey, you might want to see this!"

Judy looked to Claire before she booked it to the lab, with Claire not far behind her, Judy made it to the doorway and said,

"What's the matter,"

Her voice got quiet, seeing the woman floating above the lab table, colorful electricity came off her before she fell back on the table, rolling off the table and fell face first on the floor, Eurus whines at the this while, Judy ran to her tried to pick her up. Eurus stopped her.

"We don't know if she will hurt us or not," Eurus said,

Judy got out of his grip, turning to him, and asked,

"Well, then what do we do then? Let her kiss the floor until she wakes up,"

Eurus rolled his eyes before continuing,

"No, just poke her with something,"

Judy gave him a glare and picked up a scapula, poked her with the end of it. They both held their breath, waiting to be electrocuted, but nothing came of it. the woman lay there motionless. Judy placed the scapula back and looked at Eurus,

"Well, pick her up,"

Eurus sighed and went to her, picking her up and placing her back on the table,

"Do you have any idea of what just happened?" Eurus asked

Judy looked back at the woman she didn't have any damage from the electricity. Judy answered,

"I do not know what happened, but one thing is for certain she is not from here. I am willing to find out why,"

Judy looked at him with a happy shine on her face,

"Are you willing to go down this road with me?" Judy asked,

"What else would I do, watch anime? That's not that bad of an idea," Eurus said

"You little brat, you ruined the moment, plus you already watch all the seasons," Judy said angrily

"You got a point," Eurus said

They went silent, staring at the woman before Claire popped up before them. She looked at the two before glancing down at the woman,

" Sorry to bother you but Mistress, there is a phone call waiting for you. It seems very urgent," Claire told her

"Answer it for me, Claire, and bring them through to my office, Eurus watch this woman for me until I come back," Judy said

Judy walked out of the lab, not waiting for his answer, Eurus stared at where she was with a huff.

"Yes, Auntie," Eurus said

Eurus grabbed his phone and sat in a chair, knowing it was going to be a long night, Claire chuckled before teleporting to her mistress,

"Can anyone hear me,"

Shai walks through a black landscape, her voice going around the black void. She felt a cold chill hit her walking through the dark abyss. until a voice came to her.


Shai flinched at the sudden voice and turned to around, saying,

"What are you?"

Shai looked around, waiting for the owner of the voice to appear,

"You are needed,"

"What are you talking about?"

Shai wanted to know what happened to her,

"What does that mean?"

She felt shocking pain flow through her, and she looked down seeing lights appear on her.

"Your help,"

Shai screamed in pain, feeling her body on fire, sharp pain in her head before she fell into the black void. with the light gone.

"Eurus!" Judy yelled

Judy watches the monitors act off. Eurus jumped and landed on the floor, whinging in pain, holding his lower back,

"What was that for," Eurus said,

"Something is happening. Her heart rate is fine, but her brain activity is high," Judy explained

Judy looked away from her and saw sparks started to fly off the monitors as the woman starts to wake up, Eurus ran to Judy protecting her fromt he sprks as the woman turned to them, and her face looked frightened

"Where am I?"