Shai stirred in her sleep, the night wind blowing at the window. The cold air went into the room and got cold, very cold. Shai curled into her blanket, trying to get warm, but then she heard a knock on the window. Shai sat up and looked to the window. She saw the curtains move. It was only a tree. Shai looked away baffled and stretched, Shai heard a grunt, she looked at Eurus sleeping in the chair, Shai noticed that she's moved her to the living room, Shai got up and walked to the kitchen,
"I feel hot. Maybe some water on my face would help,"
Shai went to the sink turned it on, Shai cupped the water spashing it on her face, She looked up to the window and saw the figure from before, Shai backed away from the sink but kept her gaze on it, The figure pointed at the hallway, Shai didn't want to follow it again, but it wouldn't leave it she doesn't. The figure huffed, staring at Shai's shaken form,
"Follow me,"
The figure walked away from the window and into the hallway, Shai stared at him frightened. It offers a hand to her, Shai felt her body shake as she looked at their hand, the figure waited for her, and said
"I know I scare you, but you need to hear this, preferably away from here,"
Shai looked to its face, seeing that it's covered by a cloak. If it's this important, then why not tell her in a dream, the figure let out a chuckle hearing her.
"Because it serious Shai, I can't tell you in your head,"
"Did you read my mind?"
"No, you said that out loud, we must hurry,"
Shai didn't trust this entity, but it wouldn't leave her alone. Shai took its hand, staring at him, unsure. she pointed at him and said,
"You said it's serious?"
"Yes, very Shai,"
"Better be for this,"
The figure walked to the corner, glacing at Shai. It went into the wall disappearing, pulling Shai with him, Shai walked within through the wall filled with dread. She felt a light. it felt like a cloud. Shai stepped onto the ground outside. but the figure wasn't there.
"Where did he go," Shai muttered
Shai looked for the figure confused. It needed her for something and then vanished. She stopped hearing birds not far from her, Shai turned to the birds, they are in a tree limb over the figuer, it looked up to the birds looking at them, the birds flew away, past Shai. The figure gaze went to her and said,
"Follow me,"
The figure turned, walking into the forest in front of him, Shai watched him weary. She started to follow the figure but then noticed dead grass where it stood. Shai stared at it conflicted. It could make grass die just by standing on it. Shai hears the figure call out for her, Shai worried walked after the figure,
"It was able to do that. What is it?" Shai thought
Shai didn't notice that the figure stood in front of her. She collided with the figers back, and Shai let out a grunt, holding her nose,
"Damn, that hurt," Shai let out
Shai looked up at the figure. It stared down at her... counserned. Shai stood up, and the figure looked away. She pointed to the sky, and Shai looked up and saw the stars sparkling in the sky, glowing brightly. More than it should. Remnants of clouds around them, blue and black mixed together in harmony, Shai felt safe looking at the burning stars. There was something off about them, the glowed gold. she looked to the figure beside her, its covered in the shadow of the trees, staying in their shadow,
"Why are you hidding from?" Shai asked
The figure glanced at her and then looked at the sky,
"The sky's bright, isn't it?"
Shai looked back at the sky, the moon Its crescent shape and had a gold glow, It's odd. the moon wasn't like that before.
"You were brought here for a reason," the figure told her
Shai turned to it hisedent. Why would they want her here and what for. The figure noticed how counfused she was about this. It's understandable to it.
"What do you mean by that?" Shai inquired
The figure grabs his cloak, taking the hood down, Shai saw there face stunned, he smiled at her reassuring, his eyes are red with, with a a more masculine face, Shai stared at him In a daze but stopped when the figuer says,
"I will see you soon, be watchful. He's active,"
The figure stared at her urgently and disappeared. Shai reached out to him, but he wasn't there, Shai stared at where he was and drew her hand back. He just warned her and then left. Shai didn't know how to get back to the house, Shai felt dizzy from this and sat down
"He's active. What did he mean?" Shai said,
Eurus moved on the chair to his back. He opened his eyes, looking at the couch. His vision was blurry, but he could see the blanket he placed on Shai, but it's on the floor. Eurus sat uprubbing his eyes and looked at the couch,
"She must have gotten up,"
Eurus muttered. He got up, stretching, but he felt a cold wind blow into the room. He shivered, walking to the kitchen, and he stopped at the doorway, seeing the window open. and the sink is still running. Eurus slowly walked to the sink uneassed by this he stopped at the sink watching the water fall from the tap, Eurus turned off the tap and hear birds chirping from the window, he stared atbthe window finding a bird on it, he caught off guard let out,
"You're not supposed to be there,"
The bird chipped flying away, Eurus watched it go but noticed the yard, their dead grass, so sporadically. There's patches of grass crushed following it.
Claire appeared beside him, hearing his voice sound so urgent. Worried her. Claire looked to him, asking,
"Yes, little Eurus, why do you sound so urgent?"
Eurus glanced at her and pointed out the window, Claire looked out the window and saw what Eurus saw, crushed grass bext to dead grass, the birds were still chirping, but she didn't see them, somthing bugged Eurus he looked back at the living then he realized what's bugging him.
"Have you seen Shai?"
"No, I haven't seen her since three in the morning, Would you like to check the security cameras?" Claire suggested
Claire turned to him and noticed his face, he's truly worried for her.
Claire pulled up the footage and they checked the security video, they watched a black figure throught the wall in the kitchen to Shai, taking her hand and went through the wall again, Shais hisedent but follows him, Claire let out a gasp and Eurus stares at it perplexed, Claire looked to Eurus asking,
"She is outside?,"
"With what took her with them," Eurus let out
Eurus walked to the living room, grabbing his shoes, Clare followed him, and Eurus put them on, looking at Claire,
"Go tell Antie. I'm going to search for her, "
Eurus rushed past her, and Claire watched him, worried. Claire hears the door close with his footsteps fading,
"I will tell her just be careful," Claire muttered,
Claire looked up, appearing in Judy's room,
"Where did they go?"
Eurus walked through the woods, he pushed past the tree limb and noticed how bright the moon is, he looked up at the sky a beautiful shade of light blue with clouds, Eurus heard a birds chirping from beside him, Eurus gaze went to the brird on the branch he pushed past, it chipped again tilting it's head then flew to him,
"What is your deal, little guy?"
The bird flew around him and stopped flying above his head. It chirps again, trying to tell him something. Eurus confused said,
"You're trying to tell me something?"
it chirps flying ahead, Eurus didn't expect it to fly away, he followed after the bird yelling for it,
Eurus runs after it, watching it fly in front of him. The bird glanced at Eurus and then flew around a tree, sitting on a branch, Eurus stopped at the looking up at the bird,
"You're not a normal bird, are you?" Eurus asked
The bird chirps at him, turning to him, looking at Eurus colly,
"Are you a bird from one of those fairy tale movies big companies like to make,"
The bird turned away, getting off the branch. flying away, Eurus let out a curse and followed the bird, Eurus followed it to a hill, it lands in the hill it's back to Eurus, He stopped breathing heavily,
"That's where she is?" Eurus implored
The bird chipped at him flying away, Eurus huffed and looked around, Eurus walked down the hill, he didn't notice Shai lying on a tree, sleeping peacefully, Eurus stopped at the tree line seeing her,
"Thank God," Eurus said,
Eurus went to her sleeping form, falling on his knees next her, he watched her breathing, he didn't noticed that he's touching her face, he felt a shock come from her, Eurus moved his hand away staring at her confused. He didn't want to get shocked again,
"Young man,"
Eurus turned to him frightened, Eurus eyes widened by the site in front of him. A black figure staring back at him, he's not menacing, but he's cautioned, Eurus tried to think of what it would want from him, and the figure pointed at Shai,
"Help her,"
Eurus glanced at Shai's sleeping form. He looked back and nodded at the figure. Eurus lifted her into his arms, cradling her to his chest,
"She will have a headache for a while," the figure spoke
Eurus turns to it , but it's gone. Eurus let out a sigh, then looked down and stared at Shai, she's ok. Eurus heard a voice in the distance, coming closer to them,
"Eurus!" Judy yelled,
Judy ran up to them, Eurus stared at her softly, and she stopped in front of them,
"What did Claire mean by black figure?"
"So, no hi?" Eurus inquired
Judy checked them for injuries, Eurus wounder about what he had witnessed walking home with Judy asking him what happened,
"I don't know if you'll believe it,"