Cheva, Lian and Diaz have left the cafe. Now only Ben and Evita are still in the restaurant.
"Vit, do they really have a lot of problems huh? Why is their life so complicated? I don't really understand what they're talking about." Ben said, trying to get rid of his curiosity by asking Evita
Evita played a drink in front of him and smiled gently at Ben
"I just don't understand what they're talking about. Maybe there's a problem with their company. Because I know when I was in college, Bro Diaz will start to enter the business world as well as Cheva. They must be talking about it" Evita tried to guess
"What is Lian's name? Does he also come from a rich family?" Ben was curious because Lian's calm and thoughtful demeanour
"As far as I know Lian's father also owns a fairly large company, although not as big as Diaz and Cheva's company. start managing his business " Ben nodded his head repeatedly, indicating he understood what was being said, Evita