Chereads / She Loves The Sky / Chapter 6 - 6 : Misunderstood

Chapter 6 - 6 : Misunderstood

"Careful Kir!" Andrew warned from below.

After shopping we thought it'd be good to atleast do the small things.

So I'm up on a ladder we borrowed from the staffs, while Andrew was looking all worried for my sake.

Why wasn't Andrew up instead of me? Turns out he's a scardy cat.

"Chill, I used to climbing,"

"Yeah, climbing tress but you had Raja get you down, and you were 16," Sarah mocked.

"Well now I'm 18," I stated "-and this ladder isn't as high as the tree,"

Steph popped her head out from the kitchen looking around to what was all the commotion about.

"So you done yet?"

I only had to hook them the rings up on the hooks and we were all set.

"Done," I announced proudly.

Sarah took a remote out and waited until I got down.

Pressings a button the curtains automatically opened

"Well that was easy enough," Andrew commented and we all nodded in agreement.

Thanks for the help." Said Sarah to Stephanie and Andrew.

"No problem."

"Do you guys want to join us for dinner, I'll make us something?" Sarah offered.

"Umm, we didn' groceries." I reminded her.

Sarah let out a sigh. "Right I forgot."

"How about Chinese?" I told her, I remember there was a small Chinese food store nearby, and they had flyers outside our door.

"Sounds good." Said Andrew and we all agreed.


The next day I woke up to that blaring rock music again.

Sarah has been really into Rock and sometime its concerns me. 'I'll just let her be'

After getting ready I got to the kitchen, and the usual Sarah had made breakfast, and due to the pans we recently bought, she made pancakes. Which I hadn't had in a long time. Taking a bit of the pancake made me nostalgic, remembering those warm mornings with my family and all gathering to eat some breakfast pancakes.

I finished up and got to wash my plate after I did, I went to get a cup of coffee-sipping it little by little, I was gazing at the window with the curtains aside.

"What are you doing today?" Sarah asked, making me break the gaze.

I glanced her way and to another sip. "Probably basketball, I don't have class today until 1. I guess I'll hang out with the team getting to know them." I answered, now that I'm out of thought, I notice the rock music was still on. "Sarah since when did it become a habit to blast on a rock in the morning," I whined complaining at the music.

A smirk crept up her face. "Since now, plus it gets you to wake up doesn't it." She teased.

Rolling an eye, I huffed at her, which she just snickered at. She went to change the music to a soft rock, nonetheless, it was still rock music, at least more gentle to the ear.

"How about you? Any plans?" I asked.

She had a thinking face on as if trying to remember something. "I think yesterday Danial offered to show me around town." Hearing this I felt my eyes nearly popping out of its socket.

"What? When? Where are you guys going? It's a date isn't it." I asked eagerly as I leaned over the table.

Sarah had a boring look. "No. And he's just showing me around." She explained while looking elsewhere.

This time I'm the one who had a smirk plastered on my face. "Sure. Tell me, if it isn't a date, why did he only ask you, when they're like me, Stephanie and Andrew, are also new to this town. I bet he likes you." I said smugly.

"Danial's a sweet guy, maybe he forgot to ask you guys." Sarah convinced, more like convincing herself.

I snigger at her cluelessness.

Hearing a notification from my phone, I swiped it on the counter. I was joined into a group chat called 'T-rex crushing them boys.' I had a confused look and opened the group.


Cass: Yea, I thought Jo was keeping her for himself. Hi, I'm Cassy.

Akira: Uh hi? What's this GC?

Clo: oh how stupid of us. This is the girls' basketball GC, I'm Cloe the Cap

Dew: I'm Dewa, the centre and Jo's sis;)

Cas: I think the others are still asleep, or busy

Akira: wow, nice meeting y'all

Clo: Are you coming to try-outs today?

Akira: Yea

Dew: no wonder Jo's all up in the morning

Cas: Ohh it's been a while;)

Dew: Yes, it has;)

Akira: what has?

Clo: just ignore those two Azkira, alright then meet you there.

Akira: Akira or Kira's fine, and yeah see ya

Putting my phone away I went to finish my coffee, Sarah sensing I'm leaving got up to her room, and returned with a small towel, I studied her and lifted a brow. "What up?" I asked.

"Here." She handed me the towel and I noticed it had a lavender colour, which made my eyes twinkle, I took it and it was super soft.

"I saw it yesterday and thought you might need it for basketball." I went over to her side and got her into my bone-crushing hug.

"THANK YOU, I LOVE IT," I told her in delight. Folding it in the bag I went my merry way to the campus.


Feeling like it was a great day I beam up the sky observing the clouds as they continuously keep on making different shapes as I stroll away.

"Akira!" someone called out, scanning the area I saw Jo jogging up to me. I waved at him.

"Hi" I greeted, in which he replied as he viewed upwards as well then took a glimpse of me focusing on the clouds.

"What are you looking at?" he asked curiously as I kept my head up.

Raising my hand I pointed to the white clouds.

"You like clouds?" He asked.

I nodded still mesmerized at the blue sky, taking a deep breath and exhaling as I looked his way. "Do you?" I questioned him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, their calming I guess." Not liking his lack of reply.

"Well I think it's astonishing, I could just sleep on top of a hill all day and admire the blue skies and be in my world until night falls. My family and I would paint the ceilings blue and spray clouds on it, and we would also paint my room as if I was on clouds. And yes it is peaceful, and for once I can feel calm and can wonder where ever I want and I-" I realized I began to ramble, I stopped my tracks and peeked his way, Jo was observing me as if he was listening to everything I said. "Sorry about that, it's just- I extremely love the sky," I confessed to him as a tint of red surfaced on my cheeks.

I heard a pleasant sound coming from beside me, I peered to my side and Jo was chuckling, I frowned.

"Am I that amusing to you?" I asked, getting offended.

"Yes, I mean not in a bad way. It's just I haven't seen anyone so passionate about the sky and looked cute rambling it all and stuff." He admitted as heat crept its way to his cheeks

My mouth went to an O shape. "Thanks- I guess," I muttered.

We walked in comfortable silence, I was trying to hold a smile to myself and kept on stealing glances at Jo who too had a smile.

Sliding open the gym door, eyes were staring at us who entered. "Aye, what's this I see. Jo! Akira! You guys finally came, try-out hasn't started yet." Shouted Andra informing us as he smirked seeing us together.

Suddenly a tall girl with the looks and figure of a model walks to me and waved at me smiling "Hi, it's finally nice meeting you in person, I'm Cloe." The girl introduced herself.

"Oh Hi!" I chirped

A few other girls jogged towards us. "Akira! Finally, I'm Cassy." A pale-looking girl introduced.

"I'm Dewandra, but call me Dew." Introduced a tan girl with short hair, she has similar features with Jo, then it hit me, she's Jo's sister.

"I'm Haelynn but call me Lyn"

A few more girls came and I greeted them all as they welcomed me. And now we're all seated down chatting, getting along as if we've been besties forever.

Ok so I got to remember their names and position, so there's Cloe the Cap aka the Mum of the group, Dew and Cassy the blocker aka the troublemaker, Lyn the centre/the vice cap aka the older sis, but sassy, and Zora the quick but deadly striker, Della the ball maker the chill girl and lastly Ava the softy. They said that they don't get many girls in basketball, because they usually don't pass try-outs, but they didn't mind since the girl who wanted to get in are usually some fans and they didn't need some annoying stuck up biotch, Cassy's words not mine.

It was time for the try-outs and people started to come in, there was a particulate group of girls staring at us well at me. "Just ignore them, Kira." Assured Ava who noticed my discomfort.

"Yeah, they're just jealous." Stated Zora. I questioned her why.

"Duh was in the basketball team that itself is awesome, and were surrounded by some very attractive guys, minus Jo and Andra, my bros ew," Dew scrunches her nose in disgust.

"Girl, you have got to meet MU's official Men's Basketball team." Gushed as she fans herself.

Zora who was rapidly nodding agreeing with her. "Them hot men".

"Ok guy welcome to day-2 of try-outs." Announced Cloe on the microphone beside her were Alex and William.

"Oops got to go." Told Lyn saying something about duties, but a guy caught her before she had a chance to get out and dragged her beside William.

While practice went on the girls and I moved to the top bleachers.

"-yes! That lay-up was cool." Cassy told us excitedly.

Dew turned her attention to the court and after seeing something she had a smirk on her face. "Would you look at that!" She whispered.

The curiosity got ahead of me and I peered down below, try-out was fine so I didn't know what she's talking about. "What?" I asked as I turned to her.

Now she had an amused face. "My bro's taking a liking toward you." She told me, while I was there dumbfounded.

"What?" I asked if I wasn't hearing her well, Della snickered the pointed at the side of the court, glancing at where she pointed, stood Jo and he was looking at us.

I smiled and waved to which I waved back and went away.

"Oh my god, this is hilarious." Cackled Dew.

"What is?" I asked again, I feel like 'what' has been my daily word after meeting these girls.

Zora looked my way. "You are too clueless." She told me and patted my head.

Well, I wouldn't have been if they told me what's up. "Whyyyyy?" I whined since every time I asked they would only laugh.

"And Jo doesn't like me, I think. I mean we just met." I tried to assure them.

"Sure, keep saying that." Laughed dew.

I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face. We continued talking about tricks which somehow leads to boys.

"So Akira, do you have a boyfriend?" Cassy asked to bring up the topic I dread.

I had a tight smile plastered and shook my head. "Never had one." I shrugged.

Suddenly I was pulled to a tight hug, Cassy had me in her arms swaying my body back and forth as if I was a baby.

"Lil precious! Hush-hush now. No need to be sad." She said dramatically.

"You...have never had a boyfriend?!" Dew shouted, sounding very shocked.

Getting out of Cassy's grip. "Is it that hard to believe?" I asked.

"Well yes! How come, someone, this pretty does not have a boyfriend. Wait are you lesbian?" She asked, whispering the last part.

"WHAT! IS THAT THE REASON WHY?!" Cassy shouted standing up from the bleachers.

Due to Cassy's shout, eyes were looking our way. "Cassy doesn't shout that loud, now everyone's staring at us. Even if that's her choice she shouldn't judge her, that's her decision to make not ours." Scolded Ava then she gave me a gentle smile saying it's OK to open up.

This time it was my turn to stand and shout. "What! I'M NOT LESBIAN YOU GUYS MISUNDERSTOOD!" I realized my volume had been a bit too loud and now everyone stopped to look at me.

Feeling embarrassed, I sank to the bleachers and covered my red face.

"Well, that's good. But explain why you don't have a boyfriend?" Dew asked eagerly.

I then explained everything not wanting another misunderstanding.