Chereads / Barely Even Friends / Mother Tongue Ch 1

Barely Even Friends

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Mother Tongue Ch 1

Kavitha shifted awkwardly in her seat as she gazed out of her window. She was in a car with her mom's friend Alya behind the wheel and her son Ajitha Manasa in the front seat. They were driving to school.

Ajith paid her no attention and was on his phone. Her family was friends with the Manasas for more than five years, yet Kavitha still hadn't had a full conversation with him. Kavitha was fine with that. To be honest. she kind of disliked him, he seemed kind of stuck up and too sarcastic for her. The car was uncomfortably quiet. Kavitha gazed at the pretty trees, wishing she could open the window but too shy to ask.

"How's school, Kavi?'' Kavitha diverted her attention to the front. Alya was smiling at her via the car rearview mirror. "It's pretty chill," Kavitha said not knowing what to say. Ajith snorted. Kavitha glowered at him, her glare shooting lasers at the back of his head.

Kavitha turned her attention to Ajith's mother. "I love my classes, the Sciences I'm taking which are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. I'm in love with Chemistry." She finished excitedly.

"Wow," Alya beamed, clearly impressed. She turned to her son. "அஜித், ஏன் கவிதா மாதிரி இருக்க முடியாது??" (Ajith, why can't you be more like Kavitha?)

Ajith rolled his eyes. "Amma.." Mom Alya laughed. "Ajii!' she retorted affectionately. Kavitha smiled at the adorable exchange. "அது பரவாயில்லை, நாம் அனைவரும் வெவ்வேறு நலன்களை வேண்டும்." Alya averted her attention to Kavitha and marveled at Kavitha's Tamil.

Kavitha's heart filled with pride, she always works hard in keeping her mother tongue close. Ajith grunted. " Show off" Kavitha felt hurt. She never meant to be pompous to be able to speak her second language. Kavitha dropped her head. "I'm sorry" she muttered. Ajitha let out a snort. "Whatever."

Everyone was quiet after that. Kavitha wiped her forehead. She felt hot and cramped. Brushing her black hair from her eyes, her gaze drifted to Ajith, His tawny skin looks clear and smooth and his brows were furrowed as he looked down on his phone. Kavitha felt an urge to smooth her fingers over his forehead to ease the pain as he seemed to have a headache. Despite the dislike Kavitha has for Ajith, she longs to see a bright smile on his face lighting up his attractive features.

Kavitha raised her eyebrows in thought. D-d-did I just called him attractive? I must be losing my mind. Kavitha still gazed at him. Sensing her eyes on him, Ajith turned his head to stare at her. Kavitha flushed and immediately turned to look at her window. She could feel his gaze on her. She brushed more sweat from her forehead and pulled at her clothes. A sweater wasn't the smartest choice she made.

"Press the AC button on your door" Kavitha looked up. "What?" She stuttered. Ajith rolled his eyes for probably the tenth time of the day." Are you daft? I said to press the button to elevate the air conditioning. I turned it on but in order to feel it, you have to turn on the button.''

Surprised he was being so considerate., Kavitha nodded. "Ok." Kavitha turned on the button and instantly felt cooler." Kavitha regarded back to Ajith." Thank you," She said softly.

Ajith nodded curtly, accepting the gratitude. "உங்கள் வரவேற்பு" You're welcome. The mother tongue smoothed out the roughness that occurred 10 minutes ago. Kavitha's heart did a leap. He knew Tamil after all.

The car stopped to a halt. "We are here!" Alya singsonged as she parked. Kavitha thanked Alya profusely as she got out of the car. Ajith ran a hand through hair as he swung his backpack on his shoulder. He opened the door with his elbow. got out graciously while throwing his head back to flip his hair out of his face.

Kavitha rolled her eyes inwardly. It was such an extra way to get out of the car. Kavitha turned to Alya who was steering the car out of the school's parking lot. Smiling lightly, she turned to Ajith who was already heading to Amber High School's entrance without waiting for her.

This time, actually rolling her eyes, Kavitha trudged after him, her hair blowing around her. She opened the door, Ajith had already disappeared into.

Ajith was only a year older than her, starting grade 12 while Kavitha was starting grade 11. Although, Ajith often ridiculed her and made her feel way younger than him. Which is why she was surprised at the small act of kindness Ajith did for her. It was almost as if he knew how shy she was to ask to turn the ac on so he did it for her. Kavitha made her way to the library. She passed Ajith with his friends.

At the corner of her eye, she saw Ajith threw his head back and laugh a melodious laugh at something one of his friends told him. Kavitha couldn't help but smile at the sight. Ajith should smile more often, it made him much more approachable. She might even become friends with him.

She chuckled at the thought. It was funny, they were barely even friends for the last five years, how would they even become friends now?

Kavitha rounded a corner and sat at one of the tables outside of the library. She chilled for a bit and listened to music for a bit. Baby, I by Ariana Grande was one of her favourite songs. it captured how she felt about Erik, her crush since grade 7.

During the most intense part of the song where Ariana was belting, Kavitha felt hands on her shoulders, shocking her ultimately shocking her. Behind her was her best friend Naruvi. In front of her were her two other best friends Rebecca and Adam.

"Hey, guys!" Kavitha was happy, as she always was with her best friends for life. "Hey!" Rebecca smiled just as enthusiastically. "Heyyyyy!!'' Naruvi brings out her jazz hands. Kavitha laughed out loud, she couldn't believe how lucky she was."Sup." Adam nodded.

Kavitha made a funny face, which everyone laughed at. She sat down, imitating Adam. "Sup" She said in the same monotone Adam's lips quirked up and then he grinned.

"That works every time" laughed Rebecca. "For sure" Adam agreed. " You know us so well" Naruvi added. Kavitha beamed at that comment. She loved making her friends laugh.

"Anyways, how was the Physics homework?" Rebecca asked changing the subject. The four best friends chatted up, catching up.

The first bell ranged. "Oh, time for class!" Kavitha chirped cheerfully. Adam groaned while Rebecca laughed hysterically at Adam's despair. Naruvi smiled watching the exchange between the two. "Well, I guess this is where we part ways" Kavitha stated.

Naruvi nodded. "See ya guys at Physics and then lunch." "See ya!" The rest of the crew said in unison. The three left for their Computer Science class. Kavitha made her way to her Chemistry class.

As she walked she passed the grade 12 Functions class, she spotted Ajith there chatting up with his friends. The gaze of their eyes collided.

Kavitha wasn't sure what to do. Should she wave? They weren't exactly friends. Heck, they were barely even friends.

Before Kavitha could make a decision however, Ajith already turned away. Ignoring her existence. What else is new? Kavitha thought bitterly.

Before, she left, she can see Ajith's jaw was tensed up and his brow furrowed as if he was in pain. Probably another migraine, Kavitha thought. She felt an involuntary urge to smooth her fingers on his forehead and gently massage to take his pain away. How repetitive. Kavitha chided herself.

It's not that she actually cared for the jerk. Not one bit. He was always mean to me. Kavitha convinced herself. However, she remembered that thoughtful gesture he did for her in the car.

It was just because his mom was there. Kavitha decided. If she felt any discomfort for him, it was because she hated seeing people in pain. People she was barely even friends with.

Kavitha walked past the classroom and entered her chemistry classroom. She gingerly sat down and smiled at her Chemistry teacher Mrs. Beverly.

"Morning, Mrs. Beverly!" Kavitha greeted her favourite teacher as she pulled out her binder and pencil case.

Mrs. Beverly smiled warmly at the kindred spirit before her. " Morning Kavitha, I believe, today we have your favourite lesson. The pH scale,"

Kavitha beamed " I'm so excited! That's one of my favourite parts of Chemistry!"

The teacher smiled at the child's enthusiasm. "I thought so, I'll be showing you a special trick! Kavitha's eyes widened. She knew what trick Mrs. Beverly was talking about. She could hardly contain her excitement.

Kavitha reviewed her notes about the pH scale. It was truly fascinating to her. She looked them over as students began to file in the class.

The last student came to the class. It was Erik. Kavitha's long time hardcore crush. His perfect skin and dark hair and his almond eyes were the perfect combos of a teenage boy. Not that his appearance was the only thing she likes, she also loved his outgoing personality. To be honest, Kavitha envied his carefree attitude.

There were no seats left in the class except for her seat. Beside her. Kavitha's blood ran cold. That would mean that Erik would have to sit next to her.

Mrs. Beverly smiled brightly at the Vietnamese boy. "Erik!, how good of you to join us! Sit next to Kavitha Raj. Mrs Beverly seeing Erik's dumbfounded face added. "Kavi?:

Looking confused, Erik ran a hand through his hair. "Who's that?"

Ouch, thought Kavitha. Been in his class, since grade 7 and he doesn't remember me? These thoughts rammed hard at Kavitha's low self-esteem.

Mrs. Beverly pointed to Kavitha. "This smart, young lady right here." Erik raised his eyebrows, remembering. "Oh right, Kavi."

Her pet name rolled perfectly off his tongue. His melodious deep voice was rich like honey. Kavitha broke out of her trance. She was being too dramatic about this. She needed to take it down a notch or she will scare Erik away.

"My bad" Erik half-heartedly apologized and strutted to the seat next to Kavitha and plopped down.

"It's ok" Kavitha breathed out.

Erik looked at her weirdly for a minute. Kavitha's heart dropped. Too forward? She thought miserably.

Erik's lips quirked up in a crooked smile. " So you do talk, huh?'' Kavitha couldn't breathe.

"Y-yeah" She stuttered. Erik chuckled mildly. "You're cute" Kavitha stared at him. "I'm gonna call you Kavi? K"

He reached forward, the sleeve of his thick sweater brushing her cheek and he gently pinched her cheek. "Adorable"

Kavitha's cheeks felt hot. "I think you're cute too. " She managed. Erik winked at her. "So, Kavi" Erik started gazing at her with his hands propping his chin up.

"Yeah?' She smiled trying to seem more outgoing. Erik distractedly looked up and said. "This class is boring, isn't it?"

Kavitha looked at him quizzingly. "I think it's quite interesting actually, Chemistry is my passion."

Erik shrugged. "Sure" Kavitha looked at him, trying to understand him. "Well, why did you take it." Kavitha paused and laughed easily. "I mean, Chemistry is an art. You'd need to be passionate about it to do well. It's not the easiest of subjects."

Erik tilted his head, his brow furrowing at her words. "I don't know, I took since it will look impressive for universities, but meh, you know? Besides, you can help me out, right? He winked.

Kavitha smiled uneasily. "Well, we all have different perspectives, right? That's what chemistry is all about. Looking at life in different ways."

Erik was staring at his phone. " He looked up. "Huh? you say something?" Kavitha must have looked shocked, cause Erik pouted. "Sorry babe, I got distracted."

Any discomfort, Kavitha felt disappeared. He called her babe. At this point, Kavitha was pudding at Erik's feet.

Kavitha smiled brightly at him, then turned to face Mrs. Beverly who was waiting for the class's attention.

"Alright, folks!, Welcome to Chemistry!" Mrs. Beverly cheerfully called out.

There were cheers all throughout the room. It was music to Kavitha's ears. She turned excitedly to Erik.

Erik looked bored as he aimlessly doodled in his notebook. He flashed her a grin.

Kavitha laughed, growing fond of Erik. She couldn't wait to teach him the ropes about Chemistry. She didn't expect him to love it of course but she loved talking about Chemistry so she was certain it would be a breeze.

Kavitha couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed though at his lack of enthusiasm. Despite different interests, Kavitha would support anyone's passion in a heartbeat.

Kavitha wasn't discouraged. She believed people had good hearts and intentions.

Kavitha knows without any doubt that she will support all of Erik's interests and decisions.

With that thought, she gave Mrs. Beverly, her undivided attention, however it was with doubt weighing heavily on her mind. Mrs. Beverly looked excited and Kavitha couldn't help but be ecstatic.

"Ok, now you guys all know from grade 10 that pH scale is acid and base. Correct?"

A chorus of yes surrounded the room as Kavihta also thought yes! in her mind.

Mrs. Beverly looked pleased. "I'm glad you understand that because gr 11 chemistry is built on the Chemistry unit that was in grade 10. Chemistry will be difficult otherwise."

"Now, the pH scale is a range of....." Kavitha raised her hand. Mrs. Beverly picked on her. "The pH scale is a range of 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. A pH of less than 7 is acidic and a pH greater than 7 indicates a base."

Mrs. Beverly had a look of approval on her face. "Very good!" Kavitha beamed.

Mrs. Beverly smiled. "Now, this is where the magic trick comes in, it will show you what Chemistry is all about!"

"We all remember indicators, correct? Well, for those who don't know indicators are the color that chemical solution changes to indicate whether it is acidic or basic and how much."

Kavitha nodded hanging on to Mrs. Beverly's every word. Mrs. Beverly gestured with to the table there were 7 glasses with clear looking liquid filled in them.

The chemistry teacher then took out an opaque jug and poured it in each of the cups. One by one the liquid changed color, the first red, second one orange, yellow, green, blue, a darker blue, and the violet.

There were gasps throughout the class. Kavitha could feel the energy in the room. Excitedly, she turned to Erik who looked totally bored.

"Isn't this cool?" She asked. Erik snorted. "What? This? All it's doing is changing color. Can't you do that with food coloring?"

Kavitha's bright smile dimmed slightly. "Do you know why it changes color?" She asked.

Erik shook his head, his bangs falling into his almond eyes clouding his vision. "Nah, what difference does it make? This class is pointless."

Kavitha felt a pinch of sadness taking over but she brushed it away quickly. She immediately took his hands in hers, surprising him ultimately. He stared into her eyes. With the warmth from his hands, Kavitha could make out the golden specks in his irises and the curl of his lashes.

Kavitha inhaled and let her passion shine. "Chemistry is more than just colors, Erik, it's being creative and exploring the world around you. This science is absolutely breathtaking. It's about your creation and with confidence, you can discover the elements of how the world comes together. You know the magic trick, Mrs. Beverly taught us, well inside the jug is the juice of red cabbage, an incredible indicator! The clear liquid in the jugs is different chemical solutions. The color the change you saw was the result of a physical reaction. The chemical solutions react differently to the red cabbage. We can find a whole world of colors with just this one indicator! Just imagine what more we can discover! " She finished happily, her cheeks flushed.

To Kavitha's great surprise and great discouragement, Erik let go of Kavitha's hands and shrugged his typical shrug. "I guess it's ok, I just don't see the point."

Kavitha smiled weakly "I understand, well hopefully you can through this class. Erik leaned forward to tweak her nose. " Sure thang, Big K"

The lesson went by fairly quickly than she expected and then the rest of the day. Kavitha still felt ultimately disappointed. Kavitha packed up, feeling determined, she was not gonna give up. She left her grade 11 functions class.

Still feeling sad, she made her way to meet her friends. She saw Naruvi at one of the library tables, on her phone. Kavitha approached Naruvi. Naruvi noticed Kavitha and came in for a hug. "Hey Kavi, how was chemistry?

"It was awesome" Kavitha half lying with a faint smile. Naruvi searched Kavitha's face. "You sure? you seem a little down"

Kavitha shrugged, gazing at her shoes. Naruvi gave her best friend a knowing look. "Is this about Erik? Kavitha, you shouldn't worry about him. Your heart is too pure."

Kavitha smiled warmly. "I'll be fine Naru, I have to go now. Good luck with your Kinesiology test and tell Rebecca and Adam I said hi!"

"Bye!, Thank you and I will tell them" Naruvi gave out her jazz hands. Kavitha waved and made her way outside the building and to Alya's car. She got in and shut the door as quickly as possible to shake the memoirs that left such a blow to her heart.

Alya gave Kavitha her signature smile. "How was school, Kavi?" Kavitha put on her best facade. " It was good, my Chemistry teacher did the pH scale magic trick as an introduction."

"Ah." Alya nodded seeing how excited she was but not completing understanding. All of a sudden to Kavitha's shock, Ajith spoke.

"Yeah, my teacher also showed us that trick. It was an awesome representation of the pH scale and chemistry itself. Though I'm not taking chemistry now, it made me so excited about chemistry. It will always be an interest of mine."

Alya smiled at her son affectionately as she took one hand off the steering wheel to ruffle Ajith's hair.

Kavitha looked at the back of Ajith's head astonished. As confused as she was, she cheered up knowing at least she wasn't alone about her passion.

Kavitha broke out of her daze when Ajith turned to face her. "What you think of the trick?" Surprised at the question, Kavitha gazed at him. Then, her passion for chemistry took over.

"I absolutely loved it! It was such a beautiful thing. It really applies to daily life, It proves how chemistry is more than the periodic table and polyatomic ions. It's our whole world and we can discover the beauty of it with the knowledge from our minds and above all, our hearts." Kavitha finished. She hesitated, afraid she said too much.

Ajith was looking at her with a face she never saw before. Something changed in his expressionless face, his eyes were full of emotions she can't seem to decipher. She could have sworn she saw a hint of a smile on his reserved face.

Though she can't calculate any clear emotion, she did catch, one thing. A look of approval from those dark eyes of his.

Kavitha's breath hitched and looked down at her lap, feeling slight discomfort in her neck. When she looked up again, Ajith was still staring at her.

Kavitha looked back, wondering what his deal was. Then Ajith leaned forward, his face close to hers. Then he placed his palm at the side of her head and pulled her gingerly into his chest. The crown of her hair was underneath his chin. Kavitha could smell his cologne and feel the warmth of his sweater.

With his strong hand still stabilizing her head, he very gently removed her locks of hair that were stuck in the car door. He released her hair after that and let go of her. He turned back in his seat.

Kavitha tentatively touched her long black hair which was still in place and her head along with her shoulder still feeling the warm pressure from his chest.

"Thank you" Kavitha felt ever so thankful. If it wasn't for him, she would have lost a chunk of her hair.

Ajith didn't bother to turn around. "Mmph" Kavitha accepted it. It was as far a "Your welcome" she was gonna get.

Kavitha's stomach churned and then growled. Ajith turned to look at her. A bitter smirk gracing his features.

Kavitha glowered at him. Jerk. His warmth on her head muffled the thought.

Alya chuckled graciously. "Someone's hungry and just in time! We are at Tim Hortons!" Sure enough, the red curly font came into view.

Alya parked the car and looked back at Kavitha. "Well, Kavi do you want anything?"

Kavitha smiled profusely. "No, thank you" There was a tiny bit of resentment to her words which was directed to Ajith.

Ajith, who was exiting the car was frozen in place. His gaze trailed to her face, the smirk was gone and his expression emotionless. Then, his features hardened and he turned on his heel and stalked off with his mom.

Kavitha felt guilty. She didn't mean to make him upset. She leaned her head on the window, lost in thought. He started it though, making fun of her with his taunting eyes.

It wasn't long when Ajith on his own came, holding two ice cappuccinos in a gray mesh tray. Their eyes met. Still keeping his gaze on hers, he walked to the car and opened Kavitha's car door. He pressed one of the cappuccinos in her hands and made his way to the front seat.

The ice cappuccino was salted caramel. Kavitha's favourite. Kavitha's eyes widened. How did he-

While she was in shock, Ajith turned back to her again, slipped a red straw into her cup.

As he pulled away she got a whiff from his cologne again.

Kavitha sighed. How long are they gonna keep at this? "நன்றி thank you" she mused shyly. Ajith nodded. "உங்கள் வரவேற்பு your welcome."

Kavitha rummaged through her bag. "I'll pay you back." Ajith shook his head. "Don't bother." But Kavitha was adamant. She touched his shoulder making him turn around to look at her. She pressed a five-dollar bill in his hand.

Ajith gazed at her, seeming to be drinking in every feature of her face, the money in between the chaste touch of their fingertips. Kavitha blushed profusely, her heart hammering in her chest. His eyes then drifted to her lips. It was then Kavihta realized she was still pouting. She withdrew from him and relaxed her features. She nodded at him.

Ajith turned back in his seat, looking satisfied. Kavitha stared at the back of his head. God, it was so infuriating. Kavitha could never figure him out.

Ajith Vikram Manasa was a mystery to her.