Chereads / Forty Thieves / Chapter 37 - Queen of Nowhere

Chapter 37 - Queen of Nowhere

I am not Theeya.

I am not Queen Cassandra.

I am not anybody.

I am Nobody.

I don't know who I am.

I kept repeating these phrases as I wailed.

After what seemed like an eternity, I felt empty. No more tears. No more wailing. No more grieving.

The seemingly never ending well of grief apparently had a bottom after all when only moments ago, I thought that it was bottomless. There is a limited amount of sadness that a soul can hold and store in its memory.

I sat up and looked up. All the beings looked back at me with anticipation and so much gentleness in their gaze.

All I saw were eyes filled with love and compassion. So much love and kindness going around the space.

I closed my eyes as tears of joy and a sense of peace filled up my entire being.

From my back an accumulated pool of heat concentrated on my back. I felt tingling sensations as the heat increased in intensity, and with a slight sting like needles pricking I let out a gasp.

Suddenly, without warning I felt my back opening up and my skin stretched to its limits as two huge white wings flapped at my side.

I grew wings!!! They were as white as snow and looked smooth to touch. I reached out and touched the wing on my right and indeed it was fluffy, soft and smooth to touch.

I turned to look at Zaccheus who was smiling at me brightly with a knowing look in his eyes. Just then I noticed that he flapped two beautiful golden wings behind him, they looked quite similar to mine.

"Do all gods have wings like ours?" I asked, my eyes as huge as saucers.

"Only some of us," he replied gently.

He took my hand in his and turned to look at the beings, I would not call them people, as they were not humans or even remotely humanoids. These beings were our loyal subjects.

I remembered everything. The oppression. The humiliation. The despair. The betrayal. The anger. The hurt. The disappointment. The pain. The suffering. The sacrifices. The losses. The deaths.

I also remembered the good stuff. The glory. The success. The achievements. The advancements. The celebration. The happiness. The blissful life I shared with Zaccheus.

I turned to look at the side profile of Zaccheus.

How did I miss this?

His dashingly handsome good looks with a god-like aura.

He bade his time. Always patient. Never rash. Well, not until he kidnapped me to marry him.

I frowned for a bit and he noticed it.

"Where does Jeff Everett fit in all these?" I motioned with my other hand that he was not holding.

His smile faded as he also frowned.

"You don't remember?" He asked, both his brows raised into a frown.

I shook my head.

Just when I was on my third shake my head spun around and I was attacked by a slew of images, flashes of light and I watched the movie reel in my mind.

When I opened my eyes, I was deadly calm.

"Now I remember."

I stood up straight and held up my chin high as I addressed my subjects.

"I am back."

The roar and cheers from those present were deafening.

"Queen Cassandra! Hail our Queen Cassandra!" I turned to look at Zaccheus who was still holding my hand.

"Is he still here right now?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"He came here to find you. So all of us returned," Zaccheus said.

"Is this about the cave?" I asked, the Forty Thieves a distant memory right now despite it being set in the future that technically had not happened yet.

"Partly," came the reply. Zaccheus drew me close and kissed me lightly on my lips. As he drew away, I took in a deep breath and sighed.

Jeff played a big role in forcing all the beings away from our home. A distant land where all creatures and beings lived in harmony.

In this incarnation he was a King and a God ruling a different sector of the Universe. What he did was not exactly allowed yet it did not violate any rules or laws either.

In order to reclaim our land, there was really only one way to do it. The same way it was taken from us.

"Are we ready for a war?" I asked him.

He smiled and turned to the audience.

"ARE WE READY FOR A WAR?!?" he shouted.

"YES!!!" And the deafening cheers went up a hundred notches.

"Let's get back our home!" he raised his hand holding a sword and the rest of them raised their weapons as well.

"When do we attack?" I asked.

"No better time than now," Zaccheus said.

Queen Cassandra will be no longer Queen Cassandra of Nowhere!