Chapter 11 - Chapter Eleven

Laughter pierced the air, echoing through the bar as he huddled in the corner, watching with amber eyes that pierced the dark.

He lowered his head, pushing his wolf down as he took a sip of his beer.

Where the fuck was he? He said he'd be here!

He growled, glancing up again as someone slid into the booth in front of him, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

"You smell like shit!"

"You could offer me a place to shower Jones!" Came the retort.

The newcomer growled lightly, looking around the room and lifting a finger to order a beer before turning back to him.

"So, what was so fucken urgent Braaka?" Jones snapped

"I've discovered that the Alphas can't sense people crossing the borders."

"Bullshit!" Jones growled in response as a beer was slid in front of him.

"I've made it into all of the packs undetected." Braaka answered, smirking at Jones. "Several kilometres in fact."

"It's not possible." Jones snapped, sipping his beer. "The border spells..."

"Fuck can you just trust me when I say they can't sense you crossing the border!"

"I dunno what you want me to do with this information!" Jones snapped, looking around the room before looking back at him.

"Start a rumour in the Zones." Came the response. "Make up some bullshit about how the Alphas are trying to impose a new tax or something. Make sure you mention how people can cross the borders without being detected."

"You expect people in these zones to rebel?" Jones snapped. "The new Luna of War Pack is originally from Zone One."

"Then say it's the Luna who's being a jackass." Braaka snapped "For fuck sakes use your imagination"

"Watch your mouth rouge!" A voice snapped and the two turned to see a hulking man glaring over at them.

Braaka suppressed a growl, turning to look at Jones.

"Just see to it." He snapped in a low voice, standing and walking from the bar.