Chereads / VVAMPIRE / Chapter 11 - Chapter 3A

Chapter 11 - Chapter 3A


Everything was slowly going back to normal for me, there was no enimity between vampires and werewolves, all was good.

I was on the computer checking which rooms were free.

The entrance doors slammed open, causing me to look up from my computer,  there was a man there, a vampire he had a stake in his heart

"He's coming" he choked and fell to the ground, I blinked over to him the man was dying, taking his last breath

"Who's coming?" I asked I pulled out the stake hoping to save him he gasped hard lifting off the ground, his grey shirt was really bloody and there was blood on the floor, the man closed his eyes "hey, you okay?" I slapped his face but he didn't respond, I smacked him again, he opened his eyes a little

"Hu, hu, hunt, hunt" he died, I thought for a while his body turned grey, then slowly rotted away, and finally turned to ash, I sat there for a minute trying to make sense of what the man had said, I had taken the stake out and he had still died, I had seen this before but it couldn't be the same thing

"What happened?" I looked up to see Eli

"A dead vampire,  he had a stake in his heart..." I explained everything

"Hunt? What does that mean?" he asked I just shrugged and shook my head as if I didn't know the answer, there was no point in worrying him yet, I needed to be sure first.

I went into my office, I switched on my computer and checked online I found that spain, and France were both vampire free, every vampire was dead, my hunch, it seemed, had been right, the vampire hunter had been awakened and no vampire was safe.

I picked up my phone and rang Damon, the vampire hunter was still hunting Europe, but I needed to talk to him

"Hello? Did you ring the wrong phone?"

"What?" I looked at the phone and saw it was Damon I was calling "No I'm calling the right phone Damon"

"Ok, I was just checking, what's up?" I could almost hear his smirk and I rolled my eyes

"I need to talk to you,  can you come to the hotel as soon as possible, please"


"I can't do this over the phone Damon" I snapped, not really meaning to, but I needed to see him, to embrace him

"Fine" Damon hung up and I put down my phone and leaned back on my chair, tears rolled down freely as I thought about the past, what I had been through, what I never wanted to go through again, and most of all I cried at the fact that I never told Damon how I felt about him, I dated his brother to make him jealous, but it hadn't worked, I loved him and I needed to tell him, I did realise that with him coming here it meant he would die faster, but I wanted to be with him when I died, I wanted to be in his arms.

"You know if you wanted to declare your undying love you could've come to Mystic falls" the door to my office opened, and Damon walked in. I rolled my eyes at him jokingly, I stood up and  hugged him, "ahh, did you miss me?" I smacked him letting go of him, he pretended it hurt, I sat at my desk, and turned the computer screen towards him,

"A witch, somewhere, has awakened the vampire hunter,  I don't why, I don't know where, but I do know the vampire hunter needs to be stopped"

"Don't worry,  we'll get him, and kill him,  it'll be a piece of cake" Damon winked, I would've swooned but I didn't

"No Damon,  you can't kill a vampire hunter, if you kill the hunter your greatest fears come to life, in turn you die at the hands of your greatest fears.

"How do you know so much, it's like you've seen a vampire hunter before, I nodded, I took a huge breath, and went down memory lane.


"Over seven thousand years ago vampires were living peacefully, we never killed anyone, we took the blood we needed and the humans were okay with it, they offered their blood to us. Vampires could go where they wanted, they didn't need an invitation because they were good, they were not monsters.

I had been a vampire for about a thousand years, when a human body was found, she had been bitten by a vampire, drained of blood and she wasn't the only one, five bodies had been found all killed by vampires, drained of blood, we didn't know if it was one vampire or more, but we knew that something had to be done, the witches came up with a solution, they created a vampire hunter,  a man that was made, not born, to kill, he was ruthless he hunted village by village, country by country, continent by continent, he killed every vampire.

Some hid in the woods some hid underground but the hunter always found them, every vampire died not one survived, he spared me, I don't know why, after they were all dead he was put to sleep.

I now fear that he's awake" I finished my story


"Wow, that's.....I mean.... wow" Damon was lost for words. If I wasn't so upset I would've laughed

"Yeah, I know, anyway I spent the next three thousand years being the only vampire in the entire world, I layed low, drank blood in secret, compelled the humans I drank from to forget I had drank from them, I bought a small pub from a man that wanted to retire. The  world moved on, vampires became legend, stories."

"But vampires exist now, how?"

"A witch decided to help a family around a thousand years ago, the Mikalsons, they are now known as the original vampires, I'm sure you know about them?" I raised an eyebrow

"Yes, everyone's heard of the original vampires" I just nodded.

"Look, I've faced the vampire hunter before Elena killed him, she almost died at the hands of her greatest fears,  but we helped her and she was fine, I've done this before, but I still don't think it's a good idea to kill him, we'll compel a human to bury him alive" Damon shrugged I almost laughed, but nodded my head.

"Ok Damon you're right, that's what we'll do" I lied