Third Person POV
"I HATE YOU!" she screamed, throwing the precious sweater in his face. The piece of polyester was meaningless to everyone else who saw it, but meant the world to Taeyong and Heather. She had saw a picture of Taeyong wearing the same sweater as Jaehyun had given her when they first started dating. The picture was of the two of them on Jaehyun's 18th birthday, obviously drunk, with Taeyong kissing his cheek and Jaehyun smiling dearly.
Jaehyun slowly removed the sweater from his face with an irritated look. "You and I both know he means nothing to me anymore. This sweater is yours and only yours now," he said, not know he was referring to his own heart.
"So then why do you still have photos of him in your room?" She scoffed at him. He steps back, shocked, not knowing how to answer her question. He truly didn't know why he hadn't gotten rid of them. Every time he made plans to remove the pictures he would always stare at them, lost in a bout of nostalgia.
Heather, disappointed in his lack of answer says, "You know what. I can't even look at you anymore. Get out. Come back when you figure yourself out." She pushes him out the door and slams it in his face.
Jaehyun sighs, shuffling to his car, thoughts racing and heart beating. He gets in his car and stays there, not knowing what to do. Slowly, he starts up the engine and the cloud of thoughts in his head clears up. He knows where he needs to go.
He began driving, not paying attention the sunset that was firing up in the sky. The sunset was pretty but Jaehyun's frustration consumed all, just like Heather. He finally reached his destination, feeling as if he finally entered the eye of the storm. He walked up to the top of the hill, using the trail no one else knew about. No one except... Taeyong.
Taeyong knew almost everything about him. All of his secrets, his likes, his dislikes. Jaehyun's mind floated back to the topic of his childhood best friend. He knew he had been ignoring him. It was easier than feeling so conflicted about him all the time. He sat in the grass with his eyes closed trying to forget. But all he could think about was Taeyong. He knew he should be thinking about Heather and how to fix their fight but it was as if his mind wouldn't let him.
The sound of footsteps behind him dragged him out of his thought process. He looked back and saw the beautiful boy he was just reminiscing about, with tears streaming down his face.
I'm really excited for the next chapter ππππ