It had been two weeks now and not much happened with the new family that moved in, they seemed to stay away from everyone else in this neighborhood which was weird but James didn't question it much because the people here weren't the sweetest people ever. James was in the living room reading when he heard a loud knock on the door so he slowly got up and walked over to the door, looks through the peep hole and sees the new kid that moved in so he opens the door and the kid sticks his hand out with a big smile on his face. "Hi, i'm Kai". James smiles softly and shake his hand slowly before he looks into his eyes. "I'm James, how do you like it here so far??". James asks softly as he pulls his hand back and studies the boy in front of him, he had beautiful brown skin, stunning blue eyes, freckles on his cheeks, long curly hair that went to his shoulders and a few tattoo's on his arms that you could see. He also seemed to wear black and only back which wasn't weird to James since that's what he did but something just seemed off about this family, he was never the one to judge anyone but his gut was telling him to stay away from the family because something just didn't seem right about them. James gets snapped out of his thoughts by Kai waving a hand in front of his face as he chuckles softly. "Where did you go, i thought i lost you for a second there James". James shakes his head slowly before he looks up at Kai and smiles softly and sweetly. "Sorry, i just sometimes get lost in my head while i think". Kai hums softly and nods as he leans against the doorway and smirks as he looks James over slowly. "Do you maybe want to hang out with me later tonight? My parents will be out so you can come over". James knew it wasn't the best idea since he didn't know Kai that well but his mouth started moving before he could think about what Kai just asked him. "Yeah sure, that sounds fun and since my mom is at work and my sister is with a friend i'm all alone, so what time should i be there?". James asks and starts yelling at himself in his head, how could he tell a stranger who he had a bad feeling about that no one else was home and it was just him? Like how dumb could he freaking get? "Great! Come around my place in a few hours?" Kai asked unsure of what to answer since he didn't know what time James was free, even though he was alone he could be doing something so he wanted to give him sometime to sort things out before he came over. "Yeah that sounds good, i'll see you in a couple of hours". James then shuts the door and locks it before he lets out a breath and slides down the door, he knew this was dumb especially since neither his mom or sister was here in case he needed an excuse to leave. But that's his fault because he stupidly told Kai that his mom and sister weren't here, James sits there for a few minutes before he gets up and makes himself a tea. He knew that today could either go so well that his mind set changes about the family or go so bad he never wants to hang out with anyone again and maybe he's being a little dramatic but that's James for you. James takes a sip of his tea before he walks up to his bedroom and strips to his boxers before he looks through his clothes but he could feel eyes on him so he turns around and sees Kai looking at him through the window of his bedroom and that freaked James out so he closes the drapes and takes a deep breath. What was that? Why was he staring at me? And why did i love it? These were the questions running through James's mind as he quickly got dressed, he sits down on his bed and thinks. He knew that today was going to be interesting and weird but the only way to get the answers you need is to start thinking like your a undercover agent and not a 19 year old boy. James knew that the only way he could get his answers about this family is if he became close with this family so that's exactly what he was going to do.