Chereads / Rebirth Of A Male Empress / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Two weeks have past by in a blink of an eye.

The slender body have transformed into more like of a man. In the past, even though Xiao Bai's body is already fit, you couldn't really tell that he have muscles unless you're close to him or touch him.

But now, due to his extra exercise learning the basic of martial arts, body became more defined. He really felt good whenever he saw himself.

It's just that, the pretty muscles are still hidden in his robe which is a little disappointing, in short he can't flex this define body at all unless he strip or change into a warrior's suit.

In the first week as he promised, he focused on studying politics and literature which is like a piece of cake for him.

In terms of literature, the ancient times don't have that deep history yet except for the founders of each kingdom and some legendary figures which are not that hard to familiarize, so poems and such are it's mainly focus and Xiao Bai as someone whose also a writer in his past life felt that he could even write better.

In the past, he wrote at least 5 books. From Boys love, to fantasy, to horror and so on. However, he only managed to finish one, and it's the book he wrote with the inspiration of his lover, thinking about it makes him bitter once again.

The other books will always have 1 to 3 chapters forgotten for how many decades╮(─▽─)╭.

You know, the typical, I have an interesting plot, I write it, then get a writer's block, and finally give up(╥_╥).

Going back to literature. This includes painting, music (either singing or playing instruments), calligraphy and intellectual games like Go, Chinese chess, and many others.

As for the topic of politics. It mainly focuses about the knowledge of an individual about the country.

Just like the in the modern times when the government would conduct many researches,  sensus, collect data, etc. to have an idea about the life of it's people.

And as a modern man he was confident that he could use some methods to make this place better.

Politics as the name suggest, one must have high political insights. In short, this scholars are likely to be an advisor to help the emperor in many ways. Like tactics to be use for controlling some corrupt nobles or officials, advise on how the emperor could maintain his image in the people's eyes.

Choose the trustworthy persons to be put in positions.And help the ruler to choose a country worthy of their alliance.

Xiao bai is a cautious person. He grew this personality as soon as he found out that his best friend and boyfriend was cheating on her.

So being observant and vigilant had been etched in his heart and soul as if he couldn't really trust anyone. The only person that he could trust for now are Xiao Ling, Uncle Zhao, and Ming xue but that doesn't mean that he's unguarded.

It's better to be careful. This is a foreign world for someone like him. He remembered those TV series where the enemy would always end up just walking around near you. Is it okay to compare this to a scripted show though?




3 weeks ago, prior to his uncle's words, he started to train Xiao Bai martial arts. Everyday, the two of them would rise up early in the morning just before the sun rises.

Fengsheng instructed him that meditating early in the morning would help one to have focus and calm their hearts.

After meditating they would have a small exercise, like a stretching to prepare the body.

Xiao Bai is also forbidden to have breakfast and would only drink water in the whole morning. This was to cleanse the inner body and get rid of all the unwanted toxins and help the body grow healthier.

About 7:00 am, the real training would start.

The first thing that FengSheng thought him was self-defence which according to his uncle is the very first step in martial arts.

Originally, martial arts are tend to be used in defending ones self and not for destruction, however as time passes, the hearts of the people became greedy and strengthened the techniques to be used in vile methods.

Ancient martial arts is also a medicinal practice. For it mainly focuses on a human body's pressure points which could be use to locate or know certain illness that a person has.

But this also has a disadvantage because some pressure points can lead to death.

Xiao bai took at least a 10 days to perfectly defend himself against his uncle's attack.

On the first day he almost broke his leg, the second day he got a black eye, on the third day he got a scratch, and slowly he got used to moving his body like a flow of water, and simply evade all of his uncle's attack.

This was also thanks to him delligently studying the scroll technique that fengsheng gave him and seriously listening to his uncle's word, sometimes Xiao Bai would even go to some seniors and help him have a few more ideas and such.

Fengsheng was overjoyed the day when Xiao Bai succeeded. To be honest, he expected that he would take a little longer in learning it.

The technique that he thought him was truly not a basic one and was a master level. The scroll is very high level, the master that made the said technique is very highly skilled actually combining defense and attack.

According to him, Xiao Bai don't have that much time to go from the beginning, and hoped that even if Xiao Bai can't perfect it, it was already powerful enough to protect himself from an amateur enemy.

Upon going back to the main manor Xiao Bai was following behind fengsheng then asked, "Uncle zhao, I already passed the self-defence. Are you teaching me attacking tomorrow?"

Fengsheng stopped on his tracks and looked back at him, "But you already knew how to attack though."

Xiao bai tilted his head, obviously confused, "What do you mean, uncle Zhao?"

Fengsheng, "I know that you also felt it earlier. When you are defending against me, don't you feel that if you could find an opening on my attacks and use the technique to hit the vulnerable points with enough strength, you could beat me down."

Xiao bai, " Well that is indeed true but I'm not quite sure if my observation is correct and stayed as the defender."

Fengsheng suddenly leapt towards him and attacked with no rhymes or reason.

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, thankfully his body moved on instinct and got out of the way before Fengsheng could land a hit, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Fengsheng continued his assualts and said with a smile, "Don't you think it's time to find a conclusion?"

Xiao bai agreed with him and seriously watched his uncle's every move, waiting for the right moment to attack.

But it seems like FengSheng is more energetic than usual and kept giving Xiao Bai a hard time.

They got all out for about 10 minutes, the only difference this time was that Xiao Bai and fengsheng are exchanging punches and kicks to each other, it became a so-so situation, either side backs down.

Then at a split moment Xiao Bai found a chance. He ducked down and tried to sweep fengsheng at his feet, fengsheng jumped up.

Xiao Bai predicted at he would do this so he immediately pulled him (ZFS) down, in hopes that his uncle would lose his balance.

But fengsheng just landed with both feet spread apart to support him from falling.

Xiao bai,seeing that the situation might turn a little bit dangerous, jumped back a little then took a comeback.

Taking advantage that fengsheng was still a trying to regain his posture, Xiao Bai aimed at him, spinning a little to add a momentum and finally kicked towards his uncle's neck, just stopping an inch away.

But it all still became a draw at the end , it turns out that his uncle also managed to do the same thing as he did.

So there position right now is the same, their kicks aiming at each other's throat.

The both of them laughed at the situation and slowly retreated. Suddenly cheers from all around the corner entered their ears. Finally realizing that many spectators are watching in the sideline.

The audience are very amazed at this two people neither of them are to be looked down, among them, no one has won over the general but this young master actually managed to make it a draw.

The young master might be a genius!, thoughts like this filled their minds after that.

The uncle and nephew duo just walked away not caring about them at all while discussing their match a while ago and exchange some pointers or checking what moves are good or bad.

Xiao ling was at the door smiling at the two figures approaching.




That next morning, Xiao Bai was up early again but as soon as he stepped out of his room, he saw Ming Xue coming towards him.

"Ming xue, good morning.", Xiao Bai greeted.

"Xiao Bai, general Zhao wants me to tell you that today is your day off from training and wants me to take you around the town. However we will be going at 8:00 so you can sleep more, I'll come back to wake you up.", Ming Xue informed him.

"Hmm... Okay, then I'll be going back to sleep.", Xiao Bai then go backed to his room and slept happily.

He was not a morning person in the past life, Xiao bai's not gonna lie about that. So waking up very early for his training was a battle of will.

Ming Xue also left and got back to his quarters to prepare for their trip.

At the shopping center....

The shopping center was very lively. The treys are bustling with many people buying things here and there. There are also many stalls in the side with varieties of goods.

There are also big buildings from inns to restaurants to auction house to tea house and many more.

Xiao Bai was ecstatic! It was the first time that he could stroll around since he transmigrated. Thinking back, it seems like he never got any proper rest and it was very hectic.

After finishing his sightseeing, he pulled ming xue to a tea house for a snack. The tea house was naturally a first-class one.

It has two floors and the architecture is great, the interior design is very welcoming with a warm ambiance, the smell of bread, buns, and tea combined together could really entice them.

Ming Xue came to the counter while Xiao Bai waited and occasionally took glance at the people who all seems like to be staring at him.

Ming Xue told the man in the counter that they would like to get a private  table in the second floor. The man checked if there are tables available and called out a young lady to lead them in their place and also take their order.

Climbing the stairs, Xiao Bai tugged ming xue's sleeve from behind, "Hey, Ming Xue. Why do I feel like the people are staring at me?"

Ming Xue answered while still looking upfront, "Probably because you're a new here."

Xiao Bai thought that this was reasonable so just shrugged it off and didn't think of it anymore.

Here's the reason why Xiao Bai became the center of attraction....

A tall young man with ethereal features and dazzling aura, anyone who have eyes would naturally look at him to bless them!

Not just that, a beautiful young man with a jet black hair flowing like tranquil water accompanied with silver hair accessories that made one think of stars reflecting it's brilliance in the surface of an ocean in the darkness of the night.

Even those peach eyes that could capture one's soul. With long lashes that flutters like the wings of a butterfly every time he closes his eyes.

And those dark and boundless irises that made one think of a black hole sucking all the stars around it, deadly but beautiful.

He also had a lips that bloom like a plum. Round and plump and sweet just by looking at it.

The color was a little red with a hint of baby pink, it was very fresh.

If not for Xiao bai's stature being tall and flat-chested, there's no doubt that he could be mistaken as a woman from a wealthy family.

Maybe this was also the reason why they have to stare for a long time, to prove their eyes that this person is really a man.


Xiao Bai was from the future, a place where cosmetics and surgery exist, there is also celebrities, artists, and idols everywhere, it was like a feast in the eyes!

So he naturally didn't realize that this face of his is very outstanding in this era.

Arriving at their table, the both of them took a sit and ordered their most expensive tea and some cookies to accompany their drink.

Ming Xue silently ate his fill while Xiao Bai from time to time would talk about where he wants to go next.



At the farther corner of the same floor a man wearing a black cloak that covers his face was secretly eyeing them.

"Ruo Lan, do you know who that person is?", the cloaked man asked the person next to him who was nonstop stomping his face with food and delicacies like he had been starved for how many days.

With chipmunk cheeks, he raised his head and looked at the direction of the two persons who just arrived. When he saw the stoic man eating silently he nearly spat the food he was chewing.

The man in cloak immediately passed him a cup of water and patted his back, "what's with your reaction? Do you happen to know them?"

With a few coughs Ruo Lan was finally okay. He faced his master and then looked over the table again, "You're highness, which one are you asking me?"

"The one with the blue robe." he answered plainly.

"Well that is unfortunate but I don't think I know him, his face is unfamiliar. With that kind of unforgetable face if ever I did saw him I would immediately remember." 

Ruo Lan answered but he saw that his master's brows furrowed in his pheriperal veiw and continued, "However the one in the black robe, I definitely know."

Ruo lan's face darkened, " His name is Ming Xue, we used to be disciples under the same master and should've enter the palace as royal guards at the same time but he said that he didn't want to be in the palace throughout his life.

In the past, while we were still training, we would always spar with each other but he was really skilled and I always lose, so before I enter the palace I challenged him again.

And ended up losing—again(┳Д┳). And I haven't heard anything about him ever since."

XuWei glanced at them once again and looked at his personal emperial guard, "You have been with me for the past 5 years. I have seen your skills, to be beaten countless times by this fellow, it seems that he is very strong."

Ruo lan didn't respond and just vowed in his heart that he will soon avenge all of his losses.

XuWei in other hand, though his words seem to discuss about Ming Xue his mind was wandering about the other person.

Don't get him wrong, he was not after his face or his beauty but rather, he felt that there is something off with him. He seems to be different, like a poem waiting to be understood. Like a cipher code waiting to solved.

Xiao bai felt that someone was staring intently at him and looked arround to find who was who but found nothing so he thought that maybe he was imagining things and pulled ming xue out of the tea and dragged him towards the auction house.

Xuwei saw that the pair are heading out so he also stood up and gave chase.

They stealthily walked behind them, and stopped at the entrance of the auction house that Xiao Bai and Ming Xue just entered.

Ruo lan peeked inside and looked at his master waiting for his instruction. Xuwei just muttered the word 'follow' and they also entered the auction house.

This auction house is also very famous for its unique good from the western countries.

The auction house is called 'Golden Pearl Auction House' since the auction house was once a jewelry store but later auctioned their precious golds with very detailed craftsmanship and pearls that could glow even in the darkest night.

Seeing that they could profit more in auction they tried to venture further more and sold other items aside from world-class accessories.

The Golden Pearl Auction House also has a two story building but the interior design is more elegant and glamorous, with combinations of golds and silvers in every corner.

The second floor was naturally for nobles, merchants and other rich people; the ones below are just some commoner that would like to watch the show but someone from the lower room would also join the auction if the item is not too pricey.

Xiao Bai and Ming Xue was of course in the second floor at the best sit. Xiao Bai excitedly sat down and looked down towards the stage. The auction haven't started yet so many more people are pouring inside.

XuWei and Ruo lan didn't go to the second floor afraid that Ming Xue might notice them.

According to Ruo Lan, Ming Xue is a very skilled warrior and could sense if someone is very suspicious, and it also seems like ming xue is a personal bodyguard of the beautiful man so they couldn't guarantee.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen! The golden pearl auction house shall begin! Let's see the first product." the announcer with no waste of time immediately started and the crowd was also naturally very excited.

A beautiful and sexy woman entered while holding something that was covered with a white clothe and placed it on the table in front. The announcer opened the clothe and revealed a two pearls the size of a marble.

Xiao Bai's eyes sparkled seeing it and spoke, "That's no ordinary pearls, those are night pearls."

XuWei who was just beneath their table heard this and his lips curved upwards.

The announcer first kept silent to suspence the audience and said, "This are not just any pearls but night pearls. This pearls glows up at night like stars. This night pearls are very hard to find because they only grow on the deepest part of the oceans. This is a perfect gift for a loved one and for the girl you are pursuing for many years. Starting price would be 10 pieces of gold."

"Ming xue, I want it. Do we have any money with us?" Xiao Bai asked with puppy eyes.

He was like dreaming right now, night pearls became extinct in his time, maybe because of global warming and many night pearls couldn't adapt to the constant change of weather so he only saw it in history books. Being able to get one in this life time is a dream come true.

Ming Xue, "Of course. We can bid it."

Xiao bai calmed his excited self and focused on bidding but someone on the first floor was fighting against him.

The price has gone over a 100 pieces of gold, which was already very expensive for Xiao Bai who was once a poor man so he just gave up the night pearls.

'Bye bye. My night pearls(╥_╥)'

Ming Xue saw that his master looked a bit down and told him that he could keep bidding but Xiao Bai just shooked his head and returned to his normal self.

XuWei smiled after winning the night pearls. He then promised himself to asked his father to collect more night pearls for him.

The auction was heated just right from the start so the following items were just like fillers but the real intense bidding frenzy started at the last three items.


Author's note : I'll just inform everyone that Night Pearls are something that I came up with. And I don't know if they really exist but I like the idea of pearls glowing up in the dark.😅

Anyway, please don't forget to leave a comment below. And if you have that friend who also loves Boys Love novels, then don't hesitate to share this book with them!

☘Mini Theater☘

Xiao Bai: why did you steal my night pearls?

XuWei: I didn't steal them, I won them over fair and square.

Xiao bai: But—....

XuWei: but don't worry. I'll prepare a whole room filled with night pearls on our wedding night. *wink*