Chereads / Rebirth Of A Male Empress / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Earlier the next day.

As expected Ming Xue and Xiao Bai woke up early it's the first day of school and Xiao Bai felt excited. After quitting school when he ran away he almost forgot what it feels likes.

Ming xue, Xiao bai, and uncle Nan set off...

Uncle Nan stopped the carriage in front of the academy. Ming xue got out first and helped Xiao Bai down.

Uncle Nan bowed to them, "Have a nice day, young master. I'll send Fan-er later to bring your lunches."

Upon entering the gates they spotted a board and many students are crowding around it. They went to it and saw that it was a list of students what class they are in.

They took a look and searched for their names. They couldn't search it at first. Well, they couldn't cause their are looking at the normal classes.

"Can't find your names?", a voice said, the voice came from Xiao bai's side. So turned and looked at him.

"You. You're Guan Dingwu right?", Xiao bai exclaimed. Dingwu nodded. Then Xiao Bai remembered what Guan Dingwu asked him.

Xiao bai,"Yes, we seem to have troubles finding our names."

Dingwu, "It's because you're looking at the normal classes. Try looking at the special class."

Xiao bai, "Special class?"

Before Guan Dingwu could explain Ming Xue's voice sounded, "Xiao bai, I found it."

Still with his nonchalant voice and happen to be pointing at the very top of the board where a special looking paper was pinned and it also has the official seal of the academy.

Xiao bai paced towards where Ming xue is and  inspected the paper and he indeed saw his and Ming xue's name.

Dingwu walked towards them and smiled, "Then it looks like we'll be in the same class."

Xiao bai, "You too?

Dingwu, "There's my name." He pointed.

Xiao bai, "So that's how you write your name?[1] "

Dingwu, "Mn. The characters of your name is quite accurate as well." He then laughed.[2]

Ming Xue, "By the way, Guan Dingwu, right? Do you know where's the way towards the room?"

Dingwu, " Well I don't as well.  Should we go and get a copy school's map?"

Xiao bai, " They have one?"

Dingwu, "Yes, let's go."

Apparently, Yang Gui academy is such a big school.

Imagine a whole mountain being the schoolyard? Everyone who's a newbie could get lost.

The academy is so wide that in addition to the three areas mentioned by Senior Yang LianHua , there's this hunting grounds in the back of the mountain where there's a dense forest where you could hunt deers, rabbits, and other kinds of animals.

Along the way, Guan Dingwu and Ming xue got to know each other. But in reality, it's just Dingwu rambling anything he thinks of.

Xiao bai would laugh at some of his nonsense to keep the atmosphere light and not awkward. Dingwu also apologized for acting cocky at Xiao bai and promised to fulfill their deal.

He also announced this with his clench hands on his chest saying, " I'm a man who keeps his words." earning another angelic laugh from Xiao Bai.


Ruo Lan heard his young master then turned towards Xuwei with an acquiring look, "Young Master what's wrong?"

Xuwei snapped and dragged him away from meeting the group of three.

They got the maps and studied the area. Each establishments have a name on it and they are currently finding Yang Wenshu laoshi's building.

Yes, the teacher disignated to the special class was him.

They finally got on their feet and went to the Peace and Tranquility Room. [3] Nearing the room they heard a two voices bickering.

'That voice sounds too familiar!' Xiao bai fastened his steps. When he arrived he saw the two young masters, Lou Ziyan and Yuan XiangXin, fight once again.

He facepalmed and turned to Ming xue behind him.

Xiao bai slowed his steps so ming xue could reach him and whispered, "Seems like our fates are not that far from each other"

Ming xue chuckled and said, "It really seems like it."

"Wang Bai!", a loud shout called him followed by running footsteps. The shout attracted so much attention that even the debating young lords stopped.

Xiao bai, Ming xue, and Dingwu all looked back and saw XuWei, clad in white and black, running towards him.

"What are you shouting so loud early in the morning!" Xiao Bai irritatingly said. Xuwei finally caught up to them with a big smile.

XuWei, "We're classmates. Of course, I'd be happy."

Xiao bai rolled his eyes, "What do you expect? We got the same score it would be even more weird if they put us on different classes."

XuWei felt something off.

Usually Xiao Bai would only answer him limitedly and if it's really needed to talk, he would even talk to him without any emotions. But today, he appeared to be more open and playful it made xuwei's heart flutter, "Wang Bai, it seems like you treat me differently today."

Xiao bai was in a stance when he heard it.

He, himself, also didn't know why. It's just an involuntary action, since he had that dream his mind keeps telling him to associate with this person more. It was frustrating but he couldn't stop himself.

Xiao bai kept his calm face but he was panicking inside, "Oh really? I just thought that being in bad terms with you won't let me have a peaceful schoolyear."  

Xiao bai regretted this for the whole year afterwards—.

XuWei just shrugged. He felt slightly disappointed in Xiao bai's answer but he don't even know what kind of answer he expected in the first place.

Ming xue is about to tell Xiao Bai to settle down but his words got stucked on his throat and he felt his whole body stiffen.


The voice he couldn't mistaken anymore. He tried to deny it since the exams but now he really couldn't. He hoped that they could meet later, he's not yet prepared to face.

The past will bring him pain again.

Ming xue slowly turned behind and saw the man he wished he couldn't see again. His best friend whom he betrayed and brought pain to, Ruo Lan.

Ruo lan was behind Xuwei whispering something that the emperor wanted to convey. He didn't noticed Ming xue at first. But he felt that someone was staring at him.

As an instict he also looked towards it's direction but he also froze. And the both of them stares at each other for a good minute. Ruo Lan was the first one to avoid and excused himself for a moment.

Ming xue also turned around, and excused himself to find some vacant sit for the young master. Dingwu also accompanied him and the people left in the entrance was Xiao Bai and XuWei.

They looked at each other with questions in their eyes. But none of them could take a guess, both of their guards are acting strange.

XuWei might have an idea since he knew that they were once an apprentice under the same teacher with a little died of competence but now he felt that there is more than meets the eye.

Because normally even if they are on the rivalry they could still talk like comrades but just now they completely avoided each other like they were strangers.

Yang Wenshu finally entered the room...

Everyone was already in their seats. The seats was divided into two groups. Each group has five rows, and the rows are consist of five seats. Xiao Bai was sitting at the third sit, first row of the first group. On his left side were Ming Xue and Guan Dingwu, on the right side were XuWei and Ruo Lan.

Xiao bai was protesting at first but XuWei just ignored him and Xiao Bai eventually had to give up since Yang WenShu was already speaking. Xiao Bai could only sigh.

Beside him is an annoying brat. There's even the two mortal enemies on his back. Seems like his school year will be quite eventful.

And so they spent the whole morning getting to know each other. Yang wenshu also lectured them about the history of Yang Gui, how it was founded, so on and so forth.

They finished the half day of their class, and Yang Wenshu reminded them to come back early this afternoon since he will tour them all over the academy.

Although they already have maps that have Yang Gui's layout it is still more convenient to walk around and get yourself familiar at the place.

While walking to the waiting area where Yifan and other stewards are waiting, Xiao Bai noticed that ming xue was a little out of it. Even though he didn't show it on his face, his eyes looked a bit troubled.

"Ming xue, is something wrong?", Xiao Bai asked in his most sincere voice.

Ming xue, "It's nothing." Yes, I should keep my self together.

'I'm here to do my duties not to let my emotions run wild. I should tell this first to General Zhao, since it's already confirmed that Qin WeiXu is Xin XuWei.'

After reflecting, Ming xue returned to normal. Whatever happens will happen, I'll just face it. But I still hope that young master will accept me despite my dark past.

The bell rang, it's time to take a break. Ming xue initiated Xiao Bai that they should go immediately so Yifan won't wait long which Xiao Bai thought so as well.

When they arrived, Mu Yifan was waving at them. Finally getting together, Ming xue led them to sit under the shade of a peach blossom tree and ate their meal with the serene tranquility of nature.




"Young master, please have your lunch.", Ruo Lan invited his young master to eat, they are currently in some pavilion in the back of the school.

The pavilion was a little old and unkept, it was abandoned but in a good way like a ruins, despite it it was still usable and very peaceful.

Earlier Ruo Lan suggested that they should go find an empty pavilion but he didn't expected that his highness would choose this pavilion instead of those well-preserved outside.

XuWei also didn't like this place but he don't hate it as well. A while ago he noticed that Ruo Lan was trying hard to maintain his calm but his eyes are telling otherwise.

Even though Ruo lan was just a subordinate he still pretty much give importance to him. He wanted to know just what is really going on.

XuWei looked at his then gestured his hand towards the seat in front of him, "Ruo lan, take a sit."

Ruo lan stopped busying his hands in serving the young lord and sat in front of him.

XuWei, "Can you tell me just what is really happening between you and that Ming xue?"

Ruo lan immediately denied it, shaking his head while cold sweats are forming in his forehead.

XuWei was patient today since he was in a good mood because of Xiao Bai, "Do you really think of as a fool? Tell me as your prince and master."

With this Ruo Lan laughed nervously and clasped his hands together, "Young master really don't need to worry himself though. It was just some past conflicts."

Xuwei's face frowned, "I'm not concerned about you. I'm concerned about Xiao Bai, he seems to be quite troubled earlier."

Ruo lan was speechless about Xuwei's shamelessness for a moment but eventually conceded, knowing his young master, he was sure that even the Emperor couldn't stop him from being stubborn.

"If young master really wants to know then I'll speak. We were scouted by our master, Ling ShiQuan, when we're just 6 years old. Ming xue and I grew up like brothers because the familial love we both desires was taken from us at such a young age.

We both experienced hardship, happiness, hopelessness, all kinds of emotional ups and downs. We're there to help each other.

Five years later, even at the age 11 we were already like young adults, tall and sturdy. We can't wait to go home and tell our parents about our training and everything but it wasn't like that to Ming xue.

You see, Ming xue is an orphan since birth. The one raised him until he was scouted was a two humble elder who couldn't even buy their own food but still insisted to take care of an infant.

Because of poverty Ming Xu was forced to mature early and do some work even though he's just a brat. He was helping his adopted mother sell fruits they grow and even sales talk the people to buy. That's how master met him.

Anyway, we parted ways and went home. My family was waiting for me at the entrance but it's not what Ming xue saw when he arrived.

What he saw was a big restaurant. He was at lost and thought that maybe he got the wrong area but a clerk from the building noticed him and asked if he had some business, so he said that he's finding their house. The clerk laughed and said that the two elderly died 3 years ago and that the land was bought by a noble.

Hearing the name of the noble, his fury immediately flared up. It was the owner of the land.

Ever since he came to understand the world he noticed that that noble house would always send someone to beat his adoptive father because they couldn't pay the rent.

Their meager wage from farming was just enough for 2 meals. It was of course their responsibility to pay the rent but that noble is too unreasonable. He knew that they were poor but he keeps increasing the interest."

XuWei was listening but the whole time but Ruo Lan stopped mid way so he looked at him saying 'continued' through his eyes.

Ruo lan gulped and lowered his head, "I don't know what really happened after that but the people outside are in a commotion so I asked and they said that there was someone going berserk at that noble's mansion.

I immediately rushed and saw Ming xue, his hair was deshiveled, his body covered in blood, and his eyes are bloodshot and red. I only stared at him in surprised and ran inside the manor, their I saw countless bodies scattered everywhere.

But there was one that I couldn't forget. The body of my older sister, laying coldly in the ground. I ran towards her but it's too late, she's dead. I cried for my sister.

Ming xue also sobered up and tried to come close to me. But I'm too angry at him so I attacked him and fought to death.

Between our exchange I keep asking him why would he massacre the entire family without leaving my sister. The sister who was like a mother to me. We only stopped when a traveling man came and knocked us out.

When I woke up, Ming xue was nowhere to be found. Master came to visit me and said that because of our misconduct he will cut our ties with him as our master.

After a few days an emperial guard came to me and asked if I was a former disciple of Ling ShiQuan and they took me to the palace. But that night, I received a letter from Ming xue, he wants us to meet.

Of course, I went to him and asked him personally why did he have to succumb to hatred and kill anyone who comes in sight. He just tell me that he's sorry though I don't need it, what I want is explanation.

I was so disapointed that I challenged him in a duel, I told him that if I win he would tell me the truth but it seems like he's not prepared to tell me his reason so we fought all out and I lose."

XuWei, "So you want to beat him this time to know his reasons? Are you not angry about your sister dying in his hands anymore?"

Ruo lan, "Of course I'm still mad, but I already mourned and grieved for her. We couldn't bring the dead back however Ming xue is still alive and I want to understand him. He's still my sworn brother in every angle you look at."

XuWei, "I see. Anyway, it's better to make up with him. You'll be classmates for a whole year, you know?"

Ruo lan, "Yes, however I don't know how to face him and what to say. You must have noticed it earlier, the way he looked at me is very complicated, I don't know what he really feels."

XuWei, "Don't worry, I've got a plan that would benefit us both." Ruo lan was staring at XuWei with a questioning look but didn't dare to voice it out at all.

However one is for sure, he's young master sure does know how to smile wickedly it makes one shudder.


[1] 关锭雾-Guān Dìng Wú- the character '关' means mountain pass ,the character '锭' means ingot or gold , and the character '雾' means mist or fog. So Dingwu's name means a mountain pass with a golden mist.

[2] 王白-wáng bái- the character '王' means King or Monarch while the character '白' means white, pure, or snowy.

Dingwu meant that Xiao Bai's name fits him perfectly because he's demeanor is that a monarch but with a pure and snowy kind of beauty.

[3] 和平与宁静室-Hépíng yǔ níngjìng shì- peace and quiet/tranquility room.

Author's note: Another chapter done! Don't forget to share this with your friends or leave a comment for more updates!

☘Mini theater☘

@the peace and tranquility room

XuWei, in his mind: I was so angry earlier. Imagine? Another idiot was sticking at him! He really has the power to attract bees and butterflies everywhere.

But now that my Xiao Bai is treating me differently makes my anger disappear in thin air.

Xiao bai, in his mind realizing his behavior towards XuWei: Am I insane? Just because of some dream? Really? Just what is wrong with me!?

Xuwei: He looks confused. I shouldn't have said that. (Facepalms)

Xiao bai: Awkward. I should make an excuse. Wait! Wait! Wait! Why should I make an excuse? Anyway, let's just say that it's for a peaceful schoolyear.



Hey! Why do you look so disappointed?

XuWei, sulking in his heart: You should have said that you are finally giving me chance🤧.