"Fuck me, can the bloody pissheads leave us alone for one second"
Craig was always pissed of when the zombies (we couldn't think of a name for them so we just call them zombies) attacked us. All we had to do is open the windows and throw a couple of our hand made anti-zombie grenades. They suck the toxins out of the zombies, returning them to human, but a dead human. So off we went chucking grenades out of our windows, for the billionth time in god knows how long.
We were so close to finding the cure to the toxin that had adapted energy that was sending energetic waves to the blood causing the blood pressure going too high for the human body to cope with and boiling the blood until the last moment and then it stops boiling and the toxins release into the inflamed blood vessels. Anyway we had managed to survive this process how you might be asking. Well that's what I'm about to tell you.