Chereads / Ark: warrior Jon / Chapter 2 - A1-C2- Massacre

Chapter 2 - A1-C2- Massacre

Jon was very ambitious about building his entire house/farm on his own. It is absolutely possible, but boring.

Harvest rocks, make cement.

Harvest rocks, make metal.

Harvest logs, make planks.

Harvest mud, make tiles.

Harvest fibers, make fabrics.

Make metal, make nails.

Make stuff, make tools.

The list goes on.

Jon wants to make his home with his own hands. But making the materials is being repetitive, and he decides to take a break.

It's been a week, and he hasn't leveled his class yet. It's time for a good old monster massacre.

And who is the best target for a massacre?

Green, stinky and has sharp teeth.

It's Goblin time!

During the week, Jon discovered a tribe of goblins near the beach. There are many goblins, armed with fish thorns and bones.

Jon made a wooden helmet stuffed with grass to cushion collisions. Quite uncomfortable, but necessary.

He is also carrying the ax in his hands and the tomahawk attached to his belt.

Jon comes down the hill quietly, very early. There are some predators in the area. Black jaguars, gorilla-bears and some wyrms flying around, but they don't usually leave their territory, except the wyrms, these curious pests are likely to appear during combat. In addition to these there is also some type of terrestrial dragons further north, but Jon never saw them, only the footprints.

Jon took almost 4 hours to get through the forest. He killed a rabbit beetle to make lunch before the attack. MRA still tastes better, has more spices, but in some weeks he will be able to harvest fresh herbs.


Combat log:

1X harmless rodent wiped out.

33,2% Class progress.


While Jon eats, he plans how to slaughter the goblins, they built a wall of rotten wood, without a gate but with an entrance. He can probably knock the wall down with a single swing of the ax but leaving it intact can help keep goblins in reach.

The biggest problem may be if they have magic users. But the challenge makes things more interesting.



Goblins are hunter-gatherers. This tribe seems to have developed fishing techniques, but some still venture into the forest.

3 goblins go to Jon's bonfire, they are not at all suspicious, even though they don't like the fire. The goblins sniff and eat the cooked bones.

A tomahawk flies over a goblin's head, burying itself deep. The other two turn to face their dead companion. A goblin opens its mouth full of pointed teeth to scream, but its head is severed in half, leaving only the tongue and jaw connected to the body.

Jon holding his bloody ax, goes quickly towards the last goblin, who snarls and tries to escape. It is useless, Jon attacks high, cutting off the goblin's forearm, head, collarbone and ribs in a single attack.


Combat log:

3X Small Humanoids wiped out.

60,3% Class progress.


Goblins give less experience than humans. But they are numerous and easy to kill.

He continues towards the camp, killing 4 more goblins. Jon gives up attacking for now, as he only needs two more to get to level 1, it's better to hunt goblins in the forest first. The trails lead to one of the territories that Jon wanted to avoid, gorilla-bears.

But if even the goblins come here, Jon will not chicken out.

The first goblin was easy to find, he was picking up eggs from some bird, Jon just threw the tomahawk. The second was more complicated, he went to a rocky part, where Jon lost the trace.


The distinctive sound of the bear gorillas echoes behind the rocks. Jon hides in time to see 3 goblins running around holding what looks like a bee hive, a swarm of bees and 3 gorillas-bear behind them.

"Nope" this has nothing to do with me.

Before Jon leaves, one of the bears is left behind. Sniffing the air. "Fuck me sideways" Jon doesn't wait to see what's going to happen, he skillfully launches the tomahawk, hitting the bear on the head.

But it is rewarded with just a shallow cut.

RAAAAWO-agrh Jon does not let the bear finish the cry, hitting the animal with the ax. The monster may be resistant, but an ax capable of destroying massive logs is not easily stopped.

The ax cuts through the hide and bones, destroying the bear's liver. Jon tries to take out the ax, but receives a desperate slash from the monster. To Jon's surprise, the animal flees, or tries, but cannot run. Falling down and screaming in pain.

He ignores it and carefully approaches the injured animal.

Jon takes the tomahawk and jumps on top of the animal, repeatedly hitting the head until he hears a crack and the bear stops resisting, dead.


Combat log:

1X Big Humanoid wiped out.

100% Class progress.

Lvl 1 Dragon Knight

Slayer (Knight-Magic)- Passive. Killing gives you a little energy and very little health.

+1 body

+2 soul

27% class progress

Hunter job available.


With the level up Jon's body heals, he barely reads the status and runs out of the forest, killing one of the gorillas was already an effort if he fights two at the same time it will be practically impossible to survive.

Jon goes back to the beach, the goblins with the beehive, are nowhere to be found. Goblin life is not easy.

And Jon will make their lives worse.



While Jon crush/step on goblin babies he thinks about making a shield, using the chopping ax without armor is asking to be hit.

And well, he was spiked. Nothing serious, but if it were with a metal spear instead of a fish's spine, it could be deadly. The helmet was also essential, the goblins threw stones and the unprotected head can be an easy target.

But in the end, it was a successful crusade.


Combat log:

43X Small Humanoids wiped out.

18X Infant Small Humanoids wiped out.

92% Class progress.


Jon saw some wyrms approaching and decided to leave the bodies and the few living infants behind, the goblins have nothing of value except XP. The return home is even easier, after all Jon is 5% stronger and more agile. And much happier.

He looks at his Status and goes back to work on the farm.


Jon Johnson (human)

body: 21

Mind: 20

Soul: 6

Magic: 6

Class: Dragon knight- 1

Job: Farmer*- 3/10


Spark (Natural-Magic)- 1 mp to cast. Create a small flame of very low duration.

Soul bond (Dragon-Magic)- 100 mp to cast. You can create or force a soul bond with a dragon.

Light feed (Farmer-Magic)- Passive. Like plants, the farmer receives energy from intense light.

Body armor (Knight-Magic)- 10 mp to cast. Cover your body with a magic layer, much more efficient against magic attacks, lasts 1 hour.

Slayer (Knight-Magic)- Passive. Killing gives you a little energy and very little health.

*gets skills randomly by raising the level. (75% null)


Jon is disappointed with his status. More specifically with his farming skills. Light Feed must be an important skill for a villager in the middle of nowhere, but for Jon it is useless magic, he is building his farm with modern techniques ensuring food security in the future and intends to use armor, making the effects of the magic diminished.

Jon still hopes to get a good farmer's skill, but the 75% null is disappointing.

The next few days, Jon creates a forge and advances in the production of his farm, he finally consumes the first product of his efforts, baby spinach. Nothing fancy, but production will escalate over time.

In addition to taking care of the farm and creating tools Jon started to make the foundation of his house with cement. Unfortunately he cannot afford to put steel bars in the building, limiting it to 2 floors, for the engineering capacity he currently has.

The house needs to be fortified and very defensive, that's why Jon is making double doors, the first will be fortified metal with a visor, the second will be wooden. On the first floor, a lounge, a complete bathroom, a parlor and the kitchen with basement (kitchen pantry). The second floor will have the master bedroom and two adjoining rooms, perhaps a small office maybe a toilet. it will depend on the plumbing that he manages to do.

The first floor will be made of stone with thick wooden pillars, the second floor will be made of clay bricks, the roof with red tiles as well. Cooking all that clay is a huge task, but it will be beautiful and strong.

During the night Jon is testing Spark

He can feel the mental button, which activates the magic. Nothing new in fantasy games. But what changes, is that he only feels the button. It is usually possible to see patterns or even codes that make up the magic.

But in ARK? Just the button. He tries to squeeze, push, pull, no matter the action, the magic always trigger. Even more annoying is that the young Dragon Knight can only do 6 tests per night and runs out of magic. Passive skills? Not a specter of their existence. The spells he doesn't have enough mana to use are also gone, but it's as if they're almost at the end of his field of vision. Sometimes he swears he sees one more button, but when he focuses, there's only spark there.

The player's peaceful life continues, a few more weeks pass, and he picks small red radishes, onions and baby carrots.

Jon prepares a big pot of soup and eats happily.



During the night of that day, Jon woke to the sound of pigs screaming and wood breaking.

Dozens of wild pigs are destroying crops and eating everything. Jon's heart stopped for a second, some of the plants needed only two or three more weeks to harvest. He picks up the tomahawk and screams towards the pigs. Almost all of them run out into the woods, but the biggest adults stay to defend the flock. The pigs are huge and have two tusks coming out of their mouths. Wild pigs are very dangerous animals, due to the fact that they are very resistant to damage, intelligent against traps and are very happy to fuck you up. In the fantasy world? Pigs have regenerative ability to top it off.

But Jon has an advantage, Warhogs were common enemy monsters in a very famous game from a few seasons ago and people (including Jon) were playing against these animals to kill them in quick and numerous ways. The ideal is a spear, polearm or a war pick. But a tomahawk will have to be enough.

The pig came as an avalanche to the Knight, who gave a spin and kicked the animal's posterior knee, the pig lost his balance and got into the ground, with luck, broke his paw. Jon doesn't have time to check, two more monsters come towards him. Jon decides to take a risky approach, but as these pigs are furry it may work.

Jon turns around and, listening to the pig's arrival, he calculates the time to backflip.

He jumps.

In the air, Jon can hear his heart, upside down with his left hand he grabs a tuft on the animal's back and anchored, falls sitting down.

For a moment jon can feel Soul bond, but it disappears.

And he attacks with the ax at the base of his neck in an attempt to put the monster to sleep but it did not have the effect, just a bleeding cut, meanwhile the other animal attacks the flank of the first pork, sticking deeply with the tusk in his companion's belly.

Jon's mount, The Porko-Loco, went insane with the foreign weight on its back, the head attack and the betrayal of the herd-bro, and started attacking the other pigs too. Jon seized the moment and stopped attacking Porko-loco and attacked the other pigs from above.

It wasn't pretty, too bloody even for Jon's taste.

As pigs regenerate, they must be grinded repeatedly in order to kill them.

But in the end, Jon and The Porko-loco, as he dubbed his pig mount, survived.

Both exhausted, Porko even more, since it is full of cuts.

Jon thinks about ending the animal's suffering. But, he has the constant feeling of Soul bond appearing in his mind and disappearing.

Jon closes his eyes and concentrates, energy and pig.

Soul and mount.

Dragon and pig.

Pig and pig.

Nothing happens, but Jon feels the 2 points of magic that he regenerated disappear.

A blue notification screen appears.


Combat log:

7X Swine Monster wiped out.

1X Porko-loco domesticated

First human to tame a Swine Monster.

Domesticated swine monster will be known as Porko-loco.

100% Class progress.

Lvl 2 Dragon Knight

Body over matter. (Knight-Magic)- Passive. Heavy weapons distribute their weights up to 5 kilos evenly in the body until the moment of the attack.

+1 body

+2 soul

77% Class progress.

Farmer level up X3

Porko mounter job unlocked.


The notification leaves Jon amazed. People did not domesticate pigs?


Jon sighs, thinking about what to do with Porko and the half-destroyed farm.

If anyone knew that Jon thinks the Swine Monster is just a pig would probably pass out. Jon plays a lot, what he thinks is a pig is very different from a real pig. Jon is used to Warhogs, huge creatures of 4 ~ 5 meters. Swine Monster is just 1.7 meters with 1 ton, for Jon this is a farm animal.

The little ones ran away because they were puppies. But as adults they become absurdly aggressive, impossible to domesticate, until now.

About the new skill, Body over matter is a great skill, very common in fantasy games, it allows players to use ridiculously heavy weapons with more grace, precision and speed. And when the attack connects the entire weight of the weapon is released with an enormous momento.

That said, Jon realized that he is way behind schedule. In the middle of the night with a lot of bodies.

He lights a big fire and starts to butcher the 7 Porkos. It is not an easy task, about 40% of their weight is meat, which gives 450 kilos per animal. And on top of that there is Loko, The Porko-loco (he need a new nickname, since all pigs are Porkos now) who is peacefully eating vegetables that were spread by the piglets before.

Jon will have to make a space for him and capture the piggies. Hopefully they will domesticate themselves in Loko's presence.

Jon doesn't sleep all night, he prepared all the meat and left it to smoke.

In addition, he prepared another clearing to put the Porkos. The piggies have come back and are following Loko, destroying Jon's farm, he can't get close to the offspring, they run like arrows. He can't do anything for now. It's very frustrating, but all the weeks' work is being destroyed and Jon has to focus on doing something else and maybe save some crop later. Maybe.

The greatest grace is that he used less than 1/3 of the seeds he started. Technically speaking Jon can fail again. But his supply of MRA is running out. 2 days maximum of food.

Speaking of which, Jon's stomach growls.

Pork barbecue hehe.

it's noon, jon as usual, starts thinking while cooking.

Even if the meat smokes, it won't last long and I won't be able to eat it all in time. I need to exchange this meat for more useful things, the problem is, how? I can't take all of this and I don't even know where the city is to exchange things.

Jon pulls his status and plans what to do.


Pork trade:

Find the city.



Grains. (for him and the Porkos)

A dog.

Slaves? Only one or two.


Jon thinks of slaves as a half joke, the game was created by a Niponic company, so obviously there are slaves here, but he is not particularly a fan of slavery mechanic. He agrees that there is virtually no difference between a summoner and a slave master. But Jon easily accepts being a summoner. And even though he has slaves in games, it still leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

Means for an end, do not stick. Unfortunately, it is very difficult not to be a hypocrite in virtual games where everyone uses slaves.


Jon Johnson (human)

body: 22

Mind: 20

Soul: 8

Magic: 6

Class: Dragon knight- 2

Job: Farmer- 6/10


Spark (Magic)- 1 mp to cast. Create a small flame of very low duration.

Light feed (Farmer-Magic)- Passive. Like plants, the farmer receives energy from intense light.

Orb of light (Farmer-Magic)- 1 mp, enchantment. Cast this magic on an object, the object absorbs sunlight and releases during the night. 2 hours of absorption equals 1 hour of light.

Body armor (Knight-Magic)- 10 mp to cast. Cover your body with a magic layer, much more efficient against magic attacks, lasts 1 hour.

Body over matter. (Knight-Magic)- Passive. Heavy weapons distribute their weights up to 5 kilos evenly in the body until the moment of the attack.

Slayer (Knight-Magic)- Passive. Killing gives you a little energy and very little health.

Soul bond (Dragon-Magic)- 100 mp to cast. You can create or force a soul bond with a dragon.


The sys gave no explanation or notification about what happened to his soul, he was hoping to gain a new skill. To make worse, Jon didn't receive any farmer skills.

I will need people to help me.