Chereads / Ark: warrior Jon / Chapter 4 - A1C4 - Ben-vindos

Chapter 4 - A1C4 - Ben-vindos

The journey home was fun for everyone but Jon, all the kids asked millions of questions, Jon didn't know how to answer most of them, because he doesn't know or the answer involves other worlds/lives.

But the general impression he left for the children is that he comes from a family of creators of technological magic devices (normal technology, in the future Jon will explain better) with experience in governing and that Jon has participated in several wars as training, but he doesn't have many levels or knows a lot about general knowledge.

"Why are you here? Where is your family?" Yamond asks.

NPCs... Jon thinks for a while and decides to say something close to the truth.

"It's how we learned. I'm not from this world. I come from an impossibly distant place. Children and teenagers are sent to worlds, together or alone, to learn things or to have fun or both. I need to learn leadership, and I was bored with my responsibilities in the other world. So I sent myself here. "

Yes, many of the VR games are integrated into the education system in the real world. Some games are as simple as cooking skills, some are fantasy and work with creativity, others are stuck in physics and players develop engineering and chemistry skills to win while others focus on teamwork and adventure. Others are absolutely free, like Ark, but certain actions are still worth credits.

Teens have the knowledge of science and practice, to rebuild the entire human civilization if necessary.

Yamond and the twins don't seem to believe in other worlds, but they did believe in much of the story.

The other boys and girls are flabbergasted.

"How is your home? Do people live long?"

"Who are the most powerful warriors in all the worlds?"

"You have sisters?"

"How many worlds have you visited?"

Jon looks at each child asking a question and answers as quickly as they are asked.

"My home on Earth is beautiful, Earth is the name of my world.

People live a lot, mainly in their minds, but the body only lasts 135 to 160 years.

With the exception of real Earth, the three most powerful groups are usually: MFY's (Martiah fuck yeah!), Mountai's (TMTIMP, The Mount Tai In My Pants!) And SAM's (South America memes) but it depends on many things and there are several semi-independent divisions.

No sisters, pervert!


"You are going to marry my sister! You are the pervert!" Dinho yells, accusing Jon.

Jon laughs out loud.



We arrived at the farm at the physical limit of the oxen, the children seem very curious about everything, but Jon wants to check the Porkos and the perimeter.

Jon leaves the children behind and takes a bow and arrow, which he had left in a strategic position. "I'm going to take a look around, don't walk alone. Don't break anything, don't come near the pigs without me."

Jon walks through the forest around his property, has signs of animals, rodents and amphibians passing by. He found a carcass of a Wyrm being eaten by insects, but despite the decay, nothing out of the ordinary, probably a natural death.

Jon walks through the forest around his property, has signs of animals, rodents and amphibians passing by. He found a carcass of a Wyrm being eaten by insects, but despite the decay, nothing out of the ordinary, probably a natural death.

When Jon was coming home he heard a shout from one of the girls.

He runs to see what's going on. Did anything cross the perimeter? Jon Slap himself in the face. First check your immediate surround, then your home and then the comprehensive perimeter.

Damn, damn, damn, damn. Jon finally enters his clearing. The children are all running into the house. Russell is holding a hoe, defensively blocking the door. I don't see Yamond or Lila.

"What happened?" Jon asks Russel

"M-Monsters! Stuck there" he points to Porkos' pen.

"Damn it, Russel, it's just pigs, man. Fuck, you scared me."

"They have wings! AAAAAAAAH they're coming" Russel yells pointing!

Jon looks again towards the pig pen's, 3 Wyrms are flying towards Jon.

Wyrms are the size of a golden retriever, not counting the tail that has 3 times the size of their body.

They are scaled, bipedal, with sharp and thin claws. They have several sawn teeth and two large incisor teeth.

They have 4 eyes, two well directed to the front of the body and two small ones more lateral.

Jon aims and releases an arrow, even before it reaches the target he has already loaded the bow with another arrow. When Jon releases the second arrow the first ends to penetrate the skull of one of the wyrms.

Jon releases the bow and handles his tomahawk. The second arrow lodged in the flying lizard's neck.

The third animal seems to be preparing to escape, but Jon will not let that happen, he runs towards the little dragon and smashes the ax in the sternum of the animal.

The wyrm lets out a cry of pain, and Jon breaks his neck to relieve the animal's suffering. He does the same for the one who is still alive.

Jon turns to the children "where is Yamond?"

Russel replies "she ran inside with Lila. She is bleeding."

Jon goes to see the girls, Lila has a cut on her leg, Jon helps to hold it.

"Damn, it cut an artery! Take a rope! NOW!"

"Jon, dragons tried to attack us! There were swine monsters defending their cubs against the dragons and one of them attacked Lila I don't know what to do! Jon will she die?" she says sobbing.

"Yamod! Listen to me! We are going to apply direct pressure! I need clean cloths, I have some in that box! Boys I need tools and threads, in that box over there! Now, come on! Someone start boiling water! Quick! I have some medicine over there, get it!"

Lila is screaming and crying all the time "LILA! I need you to be quiet! I will save your leg!"

Jon starts cleaning up large debris. The boys brought the first aid box, Jon passes sanitized cloths to clean the wound. He puts two sanitized cloths over the wound and takes two other clean, thick cloths and begins to apply force.

In a second container Jon asks the boys to mix two substances. Glue. In another container they prepare under orders from Jon to put handkerchiefs in the chitosan.

Jon calmly lifts the cloths to watch the bleeding. He maintains pressure above the bruise, but that only stops the venous bleeding and almost nothing from the arterial. Luckily it was a superficial cut.

Jon puts the Homeostatic dressings on top of the blood fountain and puts the cloths back on to apply more pressure. "I'm going to keep putting pressure on it. I need someone to put the thread and needle in the boiling water. Yamond continue to calm her down."

Jon keeps the pressure on and the boys clean the leg and instruments. After 40 minutes the bleeding stops.

Lila is pale, but her heart is still beating, very weak, but it is beating. Which is great news. A heart attack was going to be an obstacle that Lila's body couldn't take. Jon takes the pressure off so he can see her pulse through the hemostatic cloth. He removes the cloths very gently so as not to break the clogs. Jon sews her leg and applies surgical glue.

He prepares a wooden case for her leg. "She won't be able to move that leg for 4 or 6 months. But she will survive and walk!"

Everyone is tired and bloody.

But the news makes everybary happy. Death is a very common thing in these times and Jon has proven himself capable of teaching medicine to them.

Children are too tired to be impressed by Jon's skills, but the events left a strong impression on everyone's mind.

One of the girls cries, wanting to go back to the village, Jon ignores it and goes to check on the Porkos.

He blames himself. Because it's his fault. Such a simple method, check your immediate surround, then your home and then the comprehensive perimeter.

He failed and someone is hurt. The basics saves more lives than the complex.

I have to do better

Arriving at the Porkos' spaces, Jon sees Loko all hurt with two little pigs under him. Of the others, only parts of their bodies were left. Loko is scared "You can calm down boy, I'm here now, everything will be fine!"

Jon lost more than half of his herd.

Of the 18 Porkos, only 3 survived. He changes the water and adds more feed. Cabbage, lettuce and bits of smoked meat. Like pigs, Porkos are cannibals.



"This is corn. I didn't want to plant it so much now, but we will need grains, we don't have vegetables for the whole year. It grows in 3 months maybe a bit more." Apparently, beans, corn, potatoes, cassava and many other vegetables do not exist here on this continent. Jon doesn't know if they don't exist anywhere in the world, actually.

The farms here consist of rice, wheat (it doesn't grow well here, the orphanage is one of the few places that still tries to plant wheat), yams, carrots, onions and cabbage. This is very good for trade, since Jon has different veggs. He just needs to teach children to cultivate these things.

Jon, spent these 3 days teaching the basics of his farm activities to the children. He will still be left with the construction work alone. Moreover, he plans to return to the city (The children insist that it is just a village) in two weeks, to exchange the meat for tools, money and more food. Besides getting a dog and a cat that he forgot last time.

But there are still things he needs to work out here.

"We've been here for 3 days. It's time for you to start learning a little bit about self-defense and combat." The children are shocked by the events of the first day, but are already so used to deaths and injuries that they are returning to normal, even with their semi-conscious friend at home.

Jon started doing physical conditioning exercises for the kids. While he guided the children he prepared other jobs. One of the twins exceeded Jon's expectations. Perhaps he can become a warrior.



During those two weeks, things on the farm stabilized and started to progress faster. The insect farms are doing well and in a week Jon will make the first protein meal from fly larvae.

Jon upgraded Farmer 2 more times reaching level 10 without gaining any new skills, he released Farmer II but lost interest. Jon has two options that are catching his attention right now, builder and blacksmith. Builder can help make his home faster. But Jon doubts that this house will be the definitive one. And he doesn't plan to make the new one with his own hands.

Blacksmith, there are not so many immediate advantages, but Jon will have to make mechanical innovations with his own hands, so it will be advantageous to have skills in this profession.

He unlocked others that seem to be interesting too but are not necessary, such as a butcher, teacher, bricklayer, miner, architect, etc.

What Jon doesn't know is the average upgrades in the profession are 3 to 4 levels per year. The fact that he mastered 10 levels of a profession in less than 6 months is the first time it has happened. This is due to the number of innovative farmer techniques he knows. His children will have a faster than normal progress in this profession, but not as monstrous as Jon. Jon chooses Blacksmith. If he knew he would be able to fully upgrade Builder in a week or two he would be bleeding from his nose with so much hate.

After selecting Blacksmith he sees the level limit is much higher than the farmer, 25, and the asterisk also changed to 20% chance of winning a random skill, 20% chance of winning a point in Body. 60% null.

The first thing Jon does with his new class is a reinforcement ring for the shield he has made. The shield is lightweight, and small far from ideal either. But as he is going to the city he doesn't want to draw too much attention either.

Besides that, the meat has finished curing and smoking, so Jon carries 3/4 of his stock in the carts.

The children seem apprehensive about being alone in the woods, Jon will only take Yeni. To always have someone taking care of the oxen.

"Since you all behaved well this week's, I'm going to bring a dog." He would grab one anyway, but it doesn't hurt to use it to boost kids' morale.

This made the farewell less apprehensive. Jon said goodbye and went on his way.