Jon, built a Porkos pen, with access to water and a shelter. For food, they will feed on carrots, cabbage and weeds. Jon also builds a worm farm, beetle farm, cockroach farm and fly farm. To process food waste and animal waste. In a few weeks he can even harvest most of these insects/larvae and use them to make protein flour for humans and animal feed. The worms go back to the vegg's farm.
Growing insects is essential for the survival of humanity in the real world, Jon will introduce this new farm system here too, it is easy, cheap and nutritious. And insect/annelids dung are excellent fertilizers. And Jon received 2 more levels as a farmer and finally a useful skill.
Jon puts some poles covering the whole farm, but do not cast orb of light yet.
Orb of light - 1 mp, enchantment. Cast this magic on an object, the object absorbs sunlight and releases during the night. 2 hours of absorption equals 1 hour of cold light.
After all the preparations Jon decides to visit the city, for observations only. He follows the hunters' path the other day, none of them have returned since he killed the other two. Weird. So Jon is just going to observe, and get involved afterwards.
Jon finds a cabin, has some interesting things for him there, blankets, pots and glue. But he has no way to get it, for now.
In the late afternoon Jon starts to see rice farms, chickens, he sees some children playing around. Jon knows that the easiest way to get information is with children, easy to bribe and adults are constantly probing their knowledge.
"Hey kids, how are you? Do you like candy?" Jon have a few M&M's from the MRA's.
The children sniff the candy from afar, 8 children circulate Jon who distributes some chocolate chips to the kids who answer the questions.
"my father took me to a village once, there are several guards at the gate, and we had to wait a lot of time to enter. Our village is easier, without any walls."
"me, me, me, I know of a hunter, old Ajinsuh, but a black-terror took his arm off."
"no, mama died of a fever, father said it is very expensive to buy the medicine. But I have a new mother now"
"Everyone plants err, the Lord of the village takes a share."
"Only hunters go to the forest, ah! The men with axes too! That, the woodcutters."
"My brother has a Lancer class" "My uncle is the highest level of brawler" "My father is a hunter, much better" "Your father is dead, he doesn't come back from the forest in days, everyone knows- yarghh-" "no, he is not!!"
Two boys start to fight and Jon may be the reason the boy's father doesn't return. He keeps a few sweets and decides to leave. The city is not far away.
Jon doesn't feel guilty, the hunter attacked him first. Besides, he may not even be the boy's father, just another hunter.
Another hour of walking and Jon finally sees the small town, the most central part is walled, an early-medieval castle, the villagers developed around it.
In total, Jon spent 4 hours trekking and 8 more hiking. it must be about 20 ~ 30 km from home.
If he has a very good ox cart, probably two days to reach here, two to come back. He can do business bimonthly with this time range.
The problem is getting those things. Jon is seriously considering stealing some family farm.
This game is lacking in rich bandits. Jon decides to leave, he will steal some farm. I will become the rich bandit then, he smiles.
As he leaves Jon sees a commotion on a road farm, as he approaches, he hears: "Please! Be more generous!" An old man's voice.
"I give 3 eggs for this pot"
An old woman says, she is part of a group of ladies looking at pots, fabrics and other trinkets. "Arilda, this pot is excellent for broths, certainly it is worth a lot more, think about the children" He points to a 'pile' of children. The two begin to discuss the price of the pot. Jon keep watching, the final price was 4 eggs.
In 20 or 30 minutes several things are exchanged. Jon overheard people talking about what's going on. Apparently this farm worked as an orphanage, but the owners and some children died of disease.
The old man was the father of the owners, but he is too old to take care of the farm and started selling everything, but he was hoping that someone would adopt the children. But people are taking advantage of his desperation to get things cheap.
As soon as Jon understands what's going on, he raises his voice. "Do you have an ox cart? And two strong oxen?" Everyone is quiet. Most of the people present were groups of old women and young men without work, so Jon's voice stands out.
The old man stops too, he thinks for a few seconds and answers with his head down. "I have" "I take the cart with the oxen and I take 5 strong boys. I am able to feed and educate them!"
The man's eyes shine with hope "you look like a young man touched by the holy hand of God, how about 5 boys and you marry one of the girls? Yamond? Come here!" A great looking girl of about 14 or 15 comes forward. She has a good complexion, straight dark hair, black eyes and brown skin mix.
Fuck, Japan! Why always a wedding? Jon doesn't care about her age, although he looks like a young adult, he's only 16 (In the immersive reality Jon is hundreds of years old, adding up all his games, but this means nothing legally or chemically, so Jon is a teen too.). But it is a good deal just for the boys, they will be part of the job of taking care of the farm. Besides, I'm going to take the oxen.
"You have a deal, my name is Jon" He speaks smiling, looking at Yamond. "We can talk later, now can you choose 5 boys to help me on my farm?" the girl nods and brings 5 boys from 9 to 11 years old, all thin but healthy.
"If I fill the car with grain, can you take the other three girls?" The old man still has 7 more children besides the ones Jon is taking. But the other 4 boys are more likely to get a job on the farms in the region. The girls have to reach the age of 14 or 15 to get married and leave, the old man cannot support them for all these years.
Jon thinks again, the girls are 6, 7 years old, cant do much. But the grains help a lot, Jon exhales.
"Put one chicken for every girl and a rooster too, and we have a deal"
The man face darkens, a chicken is worth a lot. After all, they produce two eggs a week.
"one duck and a drake total" (goose).
Not that great, but it okay "Deal".
The cart condition is not very good, but Jon can improve at home. The oxen are strong, a bit older, I will have to retire them in a year or two.
The boys help to fill the cart with grains. The girls were crying and picking up the few belongings in the hut. Each girl has two dresses and a waitress, the boys: shorts, pants and a shirt. Everyone has a rough blanket. Simple and low quality... Jon will have to go back to the city to buy more fabrics. Later.
Without delay or hugs they leave. The old man cares about the children, but he doesn't seem to love them much. It does not matter anymore.
The three smaller girls are sitting on the cart, Jon leading the oxen, his fiancée and the boys following on foot.
"Where's your farm?" Yamond asks.
"Two days away, close to the beach."
Her eyes pop "In the salt forest? Rayan always said that this forest is cursed"
"It's pretty normal to me" who is Rayan?
"are you alone there?"
"You are not afraid?"
"No" jon thinks a bit and decides to continue the conversation "the bugs are more annoying"
she seems to agree, but is still upset about something.
"have you seen any, m-monster?"
"I killed some goblins a few days ago"
The boys were attentive to the conversation and started to smile "You are a hunter!"
"can you teach me?"
"How many points a hunter class get?"
Jon had already realized that there is something in the hunter class, the children before seemed happy to comment on and the boys do not stop smiling now.
"Why do you think I'm a hunter? Why do you want to be one?"
"Everyone knows that hunters are the best class, they are the people who live the longest."
"only a few live long, most die in the forest" says Yamond looking at Jon with fear.
"But they are the strongest people and always have a lot of stories to tell."
"Miss Jessy was a punchingbag and she was very strong."
"Punchingbag? Is that a class?" Jon asks. Yamond looks at Jon strangely. "Yes ... a class that every woman has to take, just this way we can survive giving birth" Her face turns red as a tomato in the last sentence.
"After hunters, the punching bags are the ones that live the longest." a Boy says.
"Why is he focused on living long? he's only like in his 10s" jon asks
"Friko promised his mother that he would live a long time" another boy said.
A few seconds pass in silence,
"So, are you? a hunter?"
"No. But what are the classes that people have the most?"
The three boys look disappointed. Friko replies "Punchingbag, Lancer, Brawler, Hunter and there are the Fighters too, but they are all nobles that work for the lord''
"What are these Fighters?"
"How come you don't know that? They use magic and swords! And they all work for the lord, I think the lord is a fighter too"
"The lord is a Lord, you donkey!"
Jon remembers seeing the lord class, it was related to spells about oaths and protection. But it was not strong, it was one of the first to be eliminated. While the classes the boys talked about, Jon didn't even see them.
They continue to walk for another hour Jon wanted to continue, but everyone is tired. Jon decides to stop on the opposite side of the road. They sit in a circle. Jon lights a fire and begins to prepare flour with a little water, forming a dough and placing it on a hot rock. Road bread.
While the children eat Jon decides to speak to his fiancée.
"So, we're going to get married anyway, huh? What can you tell me about yourself and all of this?" This is being weird but Jon is not totally uncomfortable, he played some dating games and even got married and divorced a few times on mobas.
Yamond in turn looks embarrassed, but happy. She replies in a low voice "It's me and Dinho (reads tin + Gnocchi - key = Tin + Gno) -she points to one of the boys- My father was a farmer who died attacked by bandits and my mother ran away with another man. We've lived in the orphanage ever since, my dream has always been to marry a good man and grow up safe."
Fuck yeah! A simple girl! Fuck the princesses! Yamond is beautiful, trouble-free and my fiancée. Jon smiles: "We will get along well Ya and your dreams will come true." Jon takes her hand.
Jon doesn't mind having a sweet time with her for a while.
The trip to the hunters' hut takes 2 full days and from now on the path becomes even more difficult, jon will have to build a road here.
Along the way he learned several things about the people in the group.
Yamond will turn 15 in a few weeks and unlock the system. She is a simple girl with knowledge of sewing, cooking and farm basics.
Dinho is 12, he is a quiet boy but he seems to be good at handling animals and is curious, Jon thinks he will get along with insects.
Friko is 13 years old, he seems to be talented with plants and in the kitchen too. Gardener.
Russel is the most agitated, he always gets into trouble and doesn't seem to be very attentive. Jon wants to channel that energy into caring for the animals and construction. He is 11 years old.
Yeni and Cambi are twins at the age of 10, they are recent orphans, both are educated, it seems that they came from a family of merchants. Jon will turn them into assistants.
The three girls are under Yamond's responsibility.
The three have names of flowers, Rose, Sunny and Lila.
Jon now knows that classes must be learned first, he as a player can simply choose. He doesn't even know the requirements for learning Dragon Knight. But he decided to train everyone, with hopes they will get a good class.
Jon will teach MMA, medicine, mechanics, engineering and music to everyone.
Kung fu for girls and Hema for boys.
Yamond said she can hold the class selection for 1 year. Jon decided to teach leadership and business lessons to her.
"Allright, guys. We will spend the night here. We've been talking for the past few days, I know you're curious, my farm is at the end of the climb, my house is under construction, but I have hammocks for everyone, food will be tight for a month or two, but nobody will go hungry . I will teach you techniques to take care of my farm and animals, in your free time you will learn to count, write and train your body. Maybe magic too if I can develop myself. About my class, I am a type of Warrior, very different from the classes you have here."
Russel, Yeni and Cambi's eyes are giant. One of the twins asks (Jon still doesn't know how to differentiate) "What kind of Warrior?"
"The guy who fights with a mount"
The two boys are staring at each other. "Y-You are a knight!" "What is a Knight? Is it more powerful than a hunter? Can you teach me?" Russel looks between Jon and the twins.
"Knights are families of warriors. Extremely powerful! Lords work for Knights!"
"Dad told us that at least, I never saw a city of knights"
Everyone looks at Jon in amazement, not believing what the boys are talking about.
"Are you a lord of a lord?"
"not yet"