Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 2 - The First Gig

Chapter 2 - The First Gig

The next morning Schaffe was in the fridge to get a beer. Ian walks in and says, "ain't early to drink Boss." Schaffe then says, "never too early it's six somewhere." Ian then says, "true pass me one." Schaffe then passes Ian a beer. Jess walks in all covered again and sees them and says, "should I ask." Ian then says, "Nah it's fine it's better than what Schaffe did for a while he used to be a druggy." Jess then says, "wait you used to do drugs Schaffe." Schaffe then says, "the term use to yes I was in a dark place back then." Jess then says, "Damn." Schaffe then says, "it's alright I'm done with that shit." Schaffe then goes to the fridge to grab another beer but sees a Nuka cola with a note on it "Dear Fucker, Fuck You, Hate Alan." Schaffe then says, "well my secret admire got me a drink." Ian then says, "well he's a sweetheart isn't he." they then hear someone come in and say, "is Schaffe here." they go into the store and see it's a brotherhood soldier.

Schaffe then says, "what you want I told your boss we don't business with you anymore." The Solider then says, "I have a message for Schaffe Deathclaw from Paladin Sara." Schaffe then says, "you're lucky we like Sara then the rest of you now get the fuck out of my store." Schaffe then reads his message and it says, "Schaffe I wish to speak to you about a job for you their caps involved Sara." Ian then says, "it been a while since we have seen Sara ever since became in charge of the brother right Schaffe." Alan walks in and says, "what with the soldier motherfucker." Schaffe then says, "Sara got us a job." Jess then leans on the counter and a picture frame fell over. Jess goes and grabs Picture and says, "sorry." She then sees the picture which was of Schaffe, Ian, Alan a woman with black hair wearing power armor, and then a man wearing a cowboy hat in a red trench coat. Schaffe looks at the picture and seems a little upset about it. Ian then says, "it was taken long ago and the frame was a bit busted." Jess then says, "who is this man." Schaffe then says, "That Phil he no longer with us I'm going what this job is." Schaffe then leaves. Jess then gives the photo to Ian and he says, "Schaffe and Phil use be very close like brothers Phil was the first person he meet when he awoke from cyro sleep and taught him everything to survive in this world." Alan then says, "Schaffe even sacrifice his left eye save Phil from a gunshot according to Ian." Ian then says, "just don't about Phil around him it just makes him feel bad."

Schaffe enters the capital building where he sees Sara in her power armor. Sara then says, "oh Schaffe you have come hope things are well." Schaffe then says, "what you want you know I don't like brotherhood much." Sara then says, "well have you heard of Psychics." Schaffe then says, "those people that can control things with their mind I heard they disappeared after the small Refugee village of Serenity was hit by rads about 20 years ago." Sara then says, "yes they are easy to find they have odd color eyes that are bright and hair like blue, orange, and silver." Schaffe then says, "Where and Price." Sara then says, "Ontario Lake and how 10000 caps." Schaffe then says, "Alright then I'll be back for the caps later." Schaffe then starts to leave when Sara then says, "it never too late join back with brotherhood Schaffe." Schaffe then says, "That ended when Phil died and never again." Schaffe then steps outside where a little rock formation was with a wood cross that said, "Phil." Schaffe then says, "you think I made the best decision Friend."

Schaffe then return to Times Union Center they waited in the kitchen. Ian then says, "so what the job." Schaffe then says, "she wants us to go do some recon at Lake Ontario to see if there are Psychics there." Jess then says, "Psychics?" Schaffe then says, "people that can control things using their mind not a bad perk if you ask me." Ian then says, "well so who are we talking with." Schaffe then says, "me, you, and Jess we need to show her the ropes." they then head to the garage to get into a jeep. They then drive to the highway. Ian then says, "have you been to lake Ontario Schaffe back in the pre-war era." Schaffe then says, "yeah used to take a tour of it but it is now probably filled with mirlurks and bloat flies." Ian then says, "well at least one of the good sides we can get crab meat hahaha." Schaffe then says, "at least we get to see these Psychics I've heard about them before." Ian then says, "true they used to live in that abandon Refugee village near Buffalo but one night they just vanished some were what do you think Jess." Jess then says, "never heard about them." Schaffe then says, "hopefully friendly hate to kill something that cool." Ian then says, "ditto it like finding the best cigarette in the box only to be ruined easily in the rain." Schaffe then says, "man you and cigarettes like it your god or something." Ian then says, "only god I would go to every Sunday pray for ." Schaffe then says, "funny we both know there is no such thing as a god in this world."

They then make it to Lake Ontario. Schaffe then says, "Jess and I will head left of the lake you take the right way." Ian then nods and heads to the right. Schaffe and Jess head to the left side till they found a small camp full of bandits they then head behind a big rock. Schaffe then gets his P.B.P out and says, "hey chimney we found a bandit camp but no Psychics let's go back and get our caps." The device then says, "alright boss heading your way." but then as they were going to get up Schaffe feels a barrel of a gun on his neck. It was a bandit and he says, "well well how about you go introduce yourself." The Bandit then took them into the camp they then tied them up. One of the bandits then says, "hey wait is that Schaffe Deathclaw." the other bandit then says, "yeah I think so the guys got big balls to come here then again he raises deathclaws." the other Bandit then says, "well Schaffe are you scared." Schaffe then says, "why should I be afraid of a bunch of clowns like you." The Bandit then hits him but the bandit hurts his hand. Schaffe then says, "even if they hit like girls now." but then a big super mutant comes and says, "what going on here." the bandit then says, "a wise-ass and his girlfriend came for a visit." one of the bandits then take Jess's hood off and sunglasses and says, "Hey boss I think this girl is a Psychic." Schaffe then says, "well first I knew about this." Jess then says, "well looks like the secret out." The Super mutant then says, "kill the man than the Psychic bitch." they then tie Schaffe to a big rock. Jess then says, "Hey I'm sorry I got you dead." Schaffe then says, "don't worry Jess will be going home shortly." The Super Mutant then picks up a boulder and says, "this going to hurt you." Schaffe then says, "only thing hurting me is your ugly face." The Super Mutant then throws the boulder at Schaffe. Jess then use her telekinesis to grab all the bandits guns in the camp and aimed them at them and says, "you'll pay for that." but then they see the boulder move Schaffe then picks up the boulder over his head and says, "guess it my turn to throw the ball." Schaffe then throws the Boulder back at Super Mutant. One of the Bandits then says, "I guess it's true he is The Human Devil." The Super Mutant then gets up and goes for a punch Schaffe then dodges it but he lost his eye patch. Jess then says, "what the." Under Schaffe's eye patch was a weird-looking eye. Schaffe then says, "neat huh it fully working deathclaw eye besides great vision it gives me enhance physical abilities." The Super Mutants then goes for another punch but Schaffe grabs his arm and says, "only downfall is it makes me more violent." Schaffe then breaks his arm. The Bandit then yells, "shit he Broke the boss arm like a twig let's get out of here!" The Bandits ran away Ian then comes out and says, "did I miss the party." Schaffe then says, "pretty much got a spare eye patch." Ian then grabs an Eye Patch out of his pocket and Schaffe puts it on. Ian then says, "any luck with finding Psychics." Schaffe then says, "well I found one." Schaffe then looks at Jess and helps her up. Ian then says, "wait for Jess she's a Psychic well damn I just thought she hated the sun." Jess then says, "what now." Schaffe then says, "go home and get our money no Psychics here." Jess then says, "wait but I'm..." Schaffe then says, "I was told any here not what I brought your more valuable to keep let's just say you just got a raise plus I like dicking over Brotherhood any day." Jess then says, "what about that eye of yours that is not normal." Schaffe then says, "well a few years ago I was gifted this eye from the brotherhood after I lost it and I had ever since I also wear this eye patch not because it cool cause I can't close my all the way and helps me sleep at night." Ian then says, "let's go home it's Pizza Night."

they then go back home where Alan was working on a motorbike in the shop. Alan then sees Jess and says, "what finally done hiding." Schaffe then says, "she a Psychic I guess." Alan then goes back to work on his bike. Jess then says, "well that fine." Schaffe then says, "he's a ghoul he seen it all at this point." Ian then comes in and says, "I got the caps how doing this." Schaffe then says, "split 3 ways so 10000 divides by 3 would equal 3333 and give the spare one to Jess." Jess then says, "you're good at math." Schaffe then says, "I used to be a programmer back in the day used to work with numbers all the time." Ian then says, "better than me just know how to build cars from back in the day." Schaffe then says, "well let's get dinner going." they then go to the kitchen start dinner, and get relax for the evening.