Chereads / Blacksmith of the Apocalypse / Chapter 1225 - 1224. One of us is going down.

Chapter 1225 - 1224. One of us is going down.

The moment he felt her skull cave in, through the leather of his Trignis Gloves, Natina suddenly exploded with power, blasting the blacksmith away from her. It was the same flame-like power from before, that now surrounded and protected her from outside views.

Like a flash, it was over as quickly as it happened, Seth had no time to interrupt what happened in the fire. Although he didn't know what exactly happened the result presented itself to him in all its questionable glory.

Instead of the necromancer, there stood a terrifying beast. Its features were vaguely that of a woman, but distorted and beastly. The skin was black as tar burning in ethereal purple fire and the long, bright red tongue stretched from the maw filled with fangs and tusks.

Especially the chest area with an exposed pair of wilted tits sent a shiver down his spine. In any other context he would have called it an ugly demon, but right now, was this the representation of Kali? Had the power of her blessing descended onto her?

The beast stretched out her eight materialized arms, all grasping Natina's remaining legendary items, and roared to the point that it overpowered the music of Oz and the other instrument. A fear-inducing skill meant to frighten and discourage the opponent.

However, Seth wasn't in the right state of mind either. Demonic intent kept pouring into him from the vast aether connected by . There was no fear to find. To the battle-crazed blacksmith, this was a challenge, not a warning.

"It's been a long time comin'!" he continued singing, with an excited smile on his lips. Without warning, he used to appear on the right of the creature and attack with the Staff of Seth, using again.

Surprising the incarnation of Kali, the beast was only able to move the four closest arms in an attempt to block, but even when this was a skill that had part of the divine power take shape in the chosen's body, it was still just a mere copy, created at the brink of death.

Under the power of the quasi-divine armament, the Sword of Sleep broke, her staff and spear were pushed aside, and the fourth claw-like hand, which had no armament because Natina lost the unbreaking shield earlier, tried to catch the scepter, only to be crushed into a mess of flesh and energy,

Almost unhindered by the attempt to block, the Was-Sceptre tore into the transformed necromancer's side. It was like a small explosion of blood and guts, but it was obvious that the descent of divine power had made her a lot tougher. The wound was much smaller and localized, only pushing her back several steps.

"Bet you got the message now," unimpressed by the toughness of the opponent. It just meant he had to hit her a few more times. The creature turned to him with an angry roar, ready to attack, but suddenly wobbled for a moment.

Seth had been using since the beginning, and it seemed that the disease and plague effects of the demonic enchantment finally showed some effect, even if it was only vertigo and sickness.

"Cause I was never goin'-Yeah, you're the one that's going down"

Using the moment of distraction, the blacksmith attacked again, wielding the scepter with unprecedented force. A black knee exploded into minced meat and splinters of bones. The incarnation of a goddess was just about to scream, as Seth followed up on his attack, with his next in one smooth movement.

It may have seven arms, but it only had two legs- one leg-none. The sharp eyes of the monster that had shot fire and brimstone, threatening to kill the blacksmith and everyone he knew, without saying a word changed.

"One of us is going down." The bard's voice was brimming with demonic power and cruelty. This was not just a song text. His words tore into his opponent's mind, taking deep roots. This was a promise and made sure the transformed Natina understood this even in the deepest and darkest recesses of her mind.

Fear and reason appeared in the eyes of the tar-skinned, legless creature. It still had seven arms, holding six legendary items, yet it seemed like the knowledge of them had escaped its conscience. lifting her body using the remaining arms, Natina began scrambling away from the blacksmith.

"You're not runnin'. It's a little different now."

The force of the song, the demonic energy received from the aether, was carried away with these words and weighed heavily on his opponent. it was almost a pitiful sight, as the crippled, distorted representation of Kali was trying to get away, only to suddenly freeze by the fear and pressure burdening her.

But only almost.

"'Cause one of us is goin'...One of us is going down."

The shadow of the blacksmith towered over the transformed necromancer, as he slowly approached her, weighing the staff in his hands. Down...Down... his words echoed in the air, as the staff rose to the sky for a last time.


---Cinema Dimension---



Silence filled the cinema dimension. Moments after the blacksmith's final move, they were still speechlessly staring at the screen. Finally, someone dared to interrupt the silence, that had laid over the room like a heavy blanket.

"Is...Isn't he a little too strong?" Hermes asked hesitatingly. He didn't want to offend anyone. On one hand, there were the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but there was no way he could say anything against those, after all, they were technically the doing of the System God.

On the other hand, there was the Staff of Seth which was clearly more potent than it was supposed to be, however, saying this was all owed to the god of chaos and destruction giving it a tat more power also seemed wrong.

The automatons, the golems, his items. The little blacksmith showed a terrifying strength because of a culmination of all of it. If it was just about Seth, or the System god, Hermes would not have been so worried about his words.

Who he was frightened to offend was Hephaestus, if the god of the smithy decided to take his words as belittling the results of a craftsman's hard word. Still, he couldn't resist the silence and had to voice his question.

The little blacksmith had just, effortlessly, crushed the Chosen of Kali in a duel. Even when she was weakened due to the previous battle, he actually killed her while she was transformed into a pseudo-avatar of the goddess.

At this point, Hermes was unsure what was more concerning. The blacksmith who had unknowingly grown so strong, despite all of them constantly watching, or the results of his actions. Even though the age of gods had started on Urth a while ago and gods had to be prepared for their chosen to lose their lives....

Judging by the skills and power Natina showed, she stood quite high in her patron's favor. What would Kali do - The cinema dimension darkened and the screens showing the situation on Urth flickered with static as someone picked up his question.

"Yeah! What the FUCK is up with that!" the strong, female voice hollered so loud and forcefully that most gods were forced to cover their ears. Hermes' worries came true. Kali had come here, right after her chosen fell.