September 12th
The flat belly wasn't so flat anymore. A small minuscule bumb, continued over Kierra's skin.
"You know your already a trouble maker".
Kierra has been caught several times talking to her belly by Coles friends so she had taken to talking in Spanish. That may have protected her from roommates and friends but not her unexpected visitor.
"¿Cómo está mi osito hoy? Sabes que a veces hablar con un grupo estúpido de células me hace sentir estúpido, pero mejor de alguna manera sabes a qué me refiero"
Francesca Peña had decided to pop in on her niece, just to check up. The whole family knew she'd been feeling unwell, but what she heard when's he popped in surprised her. Why was her niece talking to a stupid cells. The woman was very confused to say the least but kept listening.
"Mi tía Petra tuvo un bebé el año pasado, era muy lindo, dudo que sea tan lindo como tú, mi osito, pero podría perder mi trabajo si me parezco a Petra después de esto. espero que no me odies aún no está escrito en piedra, pero lo único que se me da bien es modelar"
In all her years Francesca has never been so surprised. Her niece, was pregnant.
"Mariposa, ya le has dicho a mamá y papá como paso esto, es por eso que has estado tan enferma, Miguel y Mateo van a matar a tu novio que es tu novio de todos modos" Francesca gushed
"Tía,English, and don't call me butterfly, and do not tell any of my siblings especially Miguel and Mateo."
"My little niece is pregnant. I'm going to be an aunt"
"Your already and aunt" I remind her
"I don't know if you can be my niece after what you said about Petra" She jokes
"It's true" I retort, she ignores me.
"Come on now let me see the bump" She orders, "so precious, you mama will be so proud"