Chereads / Toxic(Jimin Park Fanfic) / Chapter 8 - .08:distance.

Chapter 8 - .08:distance.

It had been a while since I had talked to Annya since they sent Christian to a mental institution. I had sent her flowers and even had to endure hours of pointless therapy, I was still scared to sleep at night unless Jim-in was near . The guard did nothing for me even though he was basically there 24 hours a week .

I just really was counting down the days when Jim-in returned home. Even though the time was near it was approaching so slowly.

I was super close to pulling my hair out. Who'd would of thought all the bad talk that was spoken against Jimin only to find out there was something wrong with Annya and Christian.

Even though I haven't been able to speak to Annya, I was able to speak to Christian.

I had to gain enough courage to ask him why he went through all this.

Now I was scared to live and/nor function right .

He claimed it was love at first sight and he always loved me.

Why he didn't just tell me is beyond me because stalking me only made me unstable.

He claimed that it wasn't supposed to be like that but Annya got into his ear and started telling him that he had to have me bad .

He said it wasn't even supposed to happen like that and he's very sorry that it did .

I instantly felt bad and did the thing most people struggle to do.

I forgave him .

Even though I was paranoid at times , I finally got to the point I could sleep at night and leave my house alright .

I told Jimin what I did and he was livid.

He couldn't understand why I did it.

I wanted clarity honestly and because I got it I was better off .

I went with my guard and at the time I didn't see any bad in it and I even started back to school .

The first day was pretty cool but the more I started returning more and more the stares begin .

Fear rose up in me and I didn't like that .

I went to the office to call my mom and she came to sign me out for the day .

The following day Annya and a group of girls at school walk up to me . I ignore them I just got back and I promised my family I'd stay out of trouble .

"Look whose back?". Annya spits at my feet .

"Oh she's ignoring us guys", she growls .

Where was my guard when I needed him, anger was raising up in me.

I mentally face palm myself.

He probably ran to the bathroom not thinking something like this would happened .

I instantly thought of my mom and how I promised her no fights this years like back in California but this girl was seriously testing my gangster .

"What do you want Annya?", I ask with hidden fear in my voice Because I mean there was like 15 girls standing here .

"Your blood on my hands", she spat and that's when I blacked out.

When I awoken I was at the police station.

"Ahh hey I see you're finally awake. Your parents are on their way now and you gave those 7 girls a beating", the police officer says giggling .

I couldn't remember a thing.

"Oof someone's here and ooh he's cute", he says coming to unlock the door.

"Jimin", I say excited to see his cute little face .

"Kaori are you ok princess?", he asks as I run into his arms .

I nod in his chest.

I forgot he was coming back and I was glad he was here.

We head out of the station and too his car .

"Where's moms and dad?", I asked .

"They stayed late for work and since I was back I just came to get you", he admits .

"I'm so glad you're here, I don't even remember what happened", I reply .

"From my cousin you beat all the girls up pretty bad", he says parking in his driveway .

"You had a witness so you were just going to be held overnight but your bond was cheap so You're with me for the night", he says smirking .

He opens my door and we head inside.

I plop down on the couch and rub my fingers through my hair.

"You ok kk?", he asks from the kitchen.

I nod .

I just had a lot on my plate In all honestly and I was going through so much since I moved to North Korea.

It was the worse and best thing that ever happened to me.

"Here I made you something to eat", he says handing me a plate.

I smiled .

"Thanks", I reply .

He matches my smile .

"When you're finished I ran you a warm bath", he says heading upstairs.

I finish eating and then i head to the bathroom.

I don't see Jimin he must be in his room and so I proceed to undress and climb in the tub . I wait for him but he never comes .

I wash up and head to the room . He's sitting on the bed smirking at me.

I look around in utter confusion cause who is this fine man looking at.

He bites his lip .

"Drop the towel", he demanded.

"Excuse me", I say kinda shy .

My cheeks flash red as he grabs the towel from me .

He stands back and admires my body .

"Move your arms", he demands .

Even though he had seen my body before I still remained nervous around him like the first time I met him .

He pulls me close and holds me in his arms.

"I love you Kaori", he says holding me tightly .

I was scared I had to admit, I was scared to love again after what happened in California.

"I- I love y- you t- too", I say.

I was sure in my heart that I loved Jimin but a tad bit of doubt filled my heart .