Chereads / The Hidden Gift / Chapter 9 - Blast from the Past

Chapter 9 - Blast from the Past


I sat on one of the large fluffy pillows I had at my window seat looking out at nothing entirely, I've been like this for a week now.

Everyone thinks I might explode any minute, well, maybe they're right.

I heard a knock on the door, looking over I saw my brother and Cyrus standing at the open entrance. I didn't want to see them. Not after what happened.

"Mar we need to talk." Caleb said walking into my room and standing across from me. Cyrus came and sat beside me, I shuffled away from him. I could see the flash of hurt in his eyes but he quickly covered it up.

"We understand that you hate us at the moment and you think what we did was wrong but you have to understand that it was what we had to do, what mom had to do." Caleb was looking at me but I turned my face away from him.

"We had to protect you at the time, and then it was the right thing to do." Cyrus spoke.

I looked to the two of them.

"How was clearing or warping my memories the right thing to do?" I asked them.

They didn't say anything.

"And you both knew and didn't say anything, thanks to Madison for giving them back to me or I would still not know anything." I got up from my seat and stood up looking at them.

"Even after what happened to Cece and mom, you still thought it was okay for me not to know about what was going on-" Caleb tried to say something when I moved my hand and he hit the wall due to the metal bracelet he had on his wrist.

"Babe calm down." Cyrus tried to loosen the grip I had on Caleb with his own power.

I turned to look at him "How could you let them do that to me, you said you would protect me, I thought I could trust you." My voice cracked.

He slowly stepped closer to me, still trying to break the hold I had on Caleb.

"Believe me, you might not think it now but in the future you'll understand it was for your best interest at the time. Just trust me-" I stopped him and pushed him against the wall aswell.

"I don't want to listen to you two anymore. It's lies all lies. I hate you both, none of you ever cared about me, only yourselves." I yelled.

They struggled to break free from my hold, Cyrus using his powers to free himself. He was still struggling against me, maybe my anger had made me stronger.

"Maria stop, your anger, rage its fuelling you to do this. You don't wanna hurt Caleb he's the only family you have left." He tried to talk through the chokehold I had on him.

I stared right at him with a blank stare.

"Maria, your eyes are changing color this isn't you." Caleb spoke looking straight at me.

I suddenly stopped what I was doing, my hands dropping to my side. I sat back on the seat near the window and brang my knees up to my chest.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just so angry I-. Both of you are afraid of me now aren't you." My voice a mere whisper.

I put my face in my hands and started crying. I was angry with them yes but I was a whole different person just then. I would never hurt Caleb or Cyrus.

Two arms wrapped around me and brought me into their chest. I looked up through the tears and it was Cyrus.

He kissed my forehead, my cheeks and then planted a light kiss on my lips.

"I'm not scared of you Maria and I never will be." He said softly wiping away the tears.

I buried my face into his chest and let the tears run down my face soaking his shirt.

*End of flashback*.


I squinted my eyes at the sunlight making it's way through the crack in the curtains. I must've forgotten to draw the curtains before I fell asleep.

But then it struck me.

I didn't fall asleep in my room.

I jumped up, instantly regretting it as my head started pounding.

I realised I was in my room and not on the couch anymore. I rubbed the side of my head with my index finger and leaned against the headboard sighing at my stupidity of last night. I would tell myself to never do this again but we all know it would most likely happen again.

My headache got worst once I sat up, I'm gonna need about ten aspirins the way my head was pounding but I could hardly sit up muchless go on a search for one.

"Dummy." I muttered to myself.

Looking over to my bedside table, I saw a glass of water and two aspirins looking right back at me.

I blinked at them, thinking it was just a dream but they didn't dissapear.

I didn't put those there.

Maybe Caleb or Madison had done it.

So who carried me to my room and also, I looked down at my change of clothes, who changed me?

I started to feel a little uneasy but brushed it off. I popped the aspirin in my mouth and gulped down the water as fast as I could.

I then got up and did the necessary things in the morning in the bathroom.

I think you all get the jist.

I changed into a skinny jeans, a thin lime green sweater and my sandals.

"Mar your up." Madison said in my head.

"Ugh yea, what's up?" I replied.

"Oh nothing, I was just um checking up on you but when you come downstairs um...don't freak out."

"Why, what's going on Madison?" I stood at my door waiting for her to answer. Which she never did. I sighed and rubbed my head.

On my way downstairs, a couple of the kids rushed past me and ran down the steps.

I stopped Ashley and Calum.

"Okay what's going on?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"There's some guy here who seems really cool, said he's gonna show us a couple tricks, come on." Ashley said grabbing my hand and poofing us downstairs.

"I will never get use to that." I said to her while holding my already painful head.

"Come on come on come on." She bounced on her feet.

"Alright I'm coming." I shook my head and tried to keep up with her.

The backdoor leading to the backyard was in the kitchen, as I entered Bishop was making pancakes as some of the smaller ones sat around the island waiting. I stepped through the back door, walking down the path that lead to the backyard. We passed the training bunk we had built for those with certain energy powers to train in so no one could get hurt. Then we also had a training room installed inside the house.

The house itself was basically a huge mansion.

Apparently this house was very very old. My mom grew up in this house according to my grandma.

The design of the house was old looking after all. It consisted of three floors, a basement and an attic. There were many rooms, so it was enough space for everyone when we started this whole recruiting thing. The kitchen itself was large enough to be considered a living room decked out with oak cupboards and marble countertops just like our old house. The living room was twice as large, there was a gym on the second floor and the training room. The infirmary was built in the basement and the lab was on the third floor amongst the other rooms. Now that's quite alot to have in one place but hey it is a mansion.

Before my grandma died, she had passed over the rights of the house to Caleb and I. It then turned out to be a savior when we had to leave Florida because of an incident in which we really had no place else to go.

"Hey Ashley wait up!" I yelled after her but she had already dissapeared. Sighing to myself, I kept walking. I knew I was close though because I could hear my brother and some of the other kids talking.

Madison turned up infront of me, startling me as I jumped back a bit.

"Jesus, Mads you can't do that." I held my chest and my head. It was throbbing painfully by now but what I didn't know was that it was about to get a whole lot worse.

"Uh what are you doing out here?"

"Ashley brought me out here to see what's going on, now would you let me pass." I walked around her but she stepped infront of me again.

I raised my eyebrow "Madison."


I squinted my eyes trying to get into her mind, she was putting up a wall so it was rather tricky considering I haven't used this power in years but that didn't stop me.

I broke through the wall and read her mind, I was surprised it didn't take me longer to get through.

I saw her and Caleb talking to someone but their back was turned, at first Caleb was fighting that someone and Mads stopped him. It seemed pretty heated as Mads too looked upset then after a while they were somewhat calm but the conversation itself was still heated.

Then the person went back upstairs, into my room.

Fast forwarding a bit I saw him and Mads walking out back and Caleb joining them. A couple of the teens were outside training already.

Suddenly, I saw the person moving two metal balls in there hands. Infact they were hovering and spinning.

I stepped back and looked at Madison.

"What- no." I gasped.

She sighed and looked down, confirming what I just saw. I pushed past her and walked further into the backyard.

Caleb was standing beside him and there he was. Twirling the balls in his hand, something he would always do when he wasn't at ease.

I walked up closer to them until I was behind them both.

"Hey, Maria you finally made it." Calum waved at me.

He stopped spinning the balls, lifted his head and slowly turned around.

Our eyes met, I stood there.

Looking at the only person who had my heart.

And the same person who broke it.

"Hello Maria."