"Where is he?"
I made my way back inside, standing at the backdoor entrance of the kitchen. It was just Bishop and my brother in there now.
"Where's who?" Caleb looked at me.
"Cyrus. We were talking and then he asked me about the whole me changing thing and I told him when it started then he just got up saying he was gonna take a walk but that's kinda sus because we were talking so I doubt he's just gonna take walk. And then he walked off but I didn't try to stop him and now I don't know what's going on or what he's gonna do."
Bishop looked to Caleb then me.
"Well I didn't see him walk in here."
I ran through the house and out to the front. Not a person in sight. Well the person I'm looking for was nowhere around.
I sat on the steps, running my hand over my face.
"Where did you go." I sighed.
I stood up about to make my way back inside when I heard footsteps behind me.
As I turned around, I saw a little girl running up to me, I smiled knowing exactly who it was.
"Mariaaaa." She giggled hugging me.
"Hey Wendy." I hugged her back "What are you doing here?"
"Well they decided that they wanted to stay for the summer, I know I should've probably called or something." Juliette said, stopping infront of me with Jacob beside her.
"Oh no that's fine. You're welcomed anytime." I smiled.
Jacob gave me a fist bump and then headed into the house as we followed behind.
"Welcome to my humble abode. And a home to all superhumans and mutants." I lifted my hand waving it around "Calum, Ashley, Caleb, Mads we have guests." I called out.
Ashley popped up beside me, making Juliette jump, and Calum ran down the stairs sliding down the railing halfway down.
Caleb and Mads walked out of the kitchen.
"This is Wendy and Jacob, show them around and please don't break anything." I squinted my eyes at the two teenagers.
"We can't make any promises." Calum laughed while they walked off.
"Well it'll come out of your allowance." I yelled back.
Caleb chuckled beside me.
"Juliette, hi." Mads greeted.
"This is my brother, Caleb." I introduced, he waved at Juliette and she smiled and waved.
"Hi, it's also nice to see you two again. I just want to know for sure will they be safe here?" She asked looking a bit worried.
"Of course, most definitely. Why what's wrong?" I replied walking into the living room to take a seat.
"It's something I highly regret from my past and you wouldn't have believed me or trusted me but when I was younger I was apart of this organisation."
"What kind of organisation?" Caleb quirked an eyebrow.
"Well, the type of organisation that trains and makes assasins."
"What?!" The three of us said at the same time.
"You're apart of The Mob?" Caleb asked his eyes wide.
"Well was, my sister and I used to work for them. Only I left and she stayed, upon my leave I took something of theirs."
She reached into her bag, taking out something wrapped in a cloth then started unwrapping the cloth. When she showed it to us, it was a glowing blue orb. I could feel the energy coming off of it, making my eyes glow a light purple. I closed them, shaking off the funny feeling.
"Even though it was many years ago, they were planning on doing something with this." She handed it to Mads. "I knew that whatever they were going to do with it wasn't good and I also wanted to leave but they wouldn't let me leave willingly. So I took it and escaped, changed my identity so they couldn't track me or so I thought. I'm probably paranoid but I feel as if they've finally caught up to me after all these years so when I found out about this place I had to get my kids to join for their safety. But they wouldn't understand. Atleast if anything happened they wouldn't get to my children." She sighed.
"Well, they'll be safe here no need to worry." My brother says.
"Just make sure that you're safe too. If you need any help or anything comes up don't be afraid to call us." Mads says.
I nod in agreement with them and give her a warm smile in which she returns, hugging us.
"Oh thank you. You don't know how long I've been trying to keep them safe and I can't let anything happen to them."
"We understand." I sighed.
More than you know.
Juliette left the orb with us, thinking it'd be in safer hands and told her children goodbye as she'd be stopping by tomorrow to check up on them.
They were already fitting in with the rest of the kids. Aaron had stretched hisself to become a trampoline again, Wendy, Jacob, Nessa, and Wally were currently jumping on him.
Mads and I were sitting in the living room when Lexi joined us.
"Maria, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say-"
I stopped her, looking up from my phone. "Lexi, it's fine really. I know some of you are scared of how I can get and you just wanted to keep everyone safe and that's fine I get it so no need to apologise alright."
"You sure Mar?"
I looked up at her and sighed. I seemed to be doing alot of that now.
"Yes I'm very sure."
I'd set up Jacob and Wendy's room with help from the others. Since they were new, I doubt they would want to share a room with anyone else although they were getting along with everyone already.
They had settled down, so did the others, as the house was quiet, everyone in their rooms sleeping or doing whatever.
Mads, Caleb and I were watching a movie in the living room. I hadn't been paying much mind to the TV since it was now 1:35AM and there was still no signs of Cyrus. Mads was keeping me company until she fell asleep on me. My brother had dropped asleep from the beginning of the movie. Useless much.
I heard the front door open and close. Then a thud and a groan.
I have to admit I got a little scared and I didn't wanna wake the two sleeping potatoes up. They'd be of no use in that state.
So I got up and tip toed my way to the hall that lead to the front door, ready to attack anything I saw.
When realisation hit me, with a hint of relief.
I found a drunk Cyrus leaning on the bottom of the stairs, holding his head.
"Mar, is that youu?" He hiccuped.
"Cyrus what happened to you?" I knelt beside him, inspecting him.
He reeked of alcohol, but no bruises on his face. He didn't seem hurt until I came across his hands.
"What the f*ck did you do to your hands?!" I said a bit too loud, causing Caleb to come running and Mads not too far behind him.
They both stopped beside me, looking down at Cyrus and I.
"What's wrong with him?" Caleb asked kneeling beside me.
"He's drunk Caleb, to the point he's totally out of it." I took his hand in mine. "And I think he might've gotten himself into a fight."
Caleb shook his head and helped lift him off the ground, carrying him upstairs into another empty room and laying him on the bed.
"You guys can go off to bed. I'll be fine here." I told them, walking into the bathroom to get the bandaids.
"You sure sis?"
"Yeah, I guess this is my way of saying thank you for helping me when I was drunk as hell." I sat on the edge of the bed looking down at Cyrus who was currently struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Alright. Call us if you need any help." Caleb and Mads took off to their room.
"You're very pretty you know that." Cyrus mumbled as I lay the wet cloth on his hand.
"So I've heard."
Wiping away the dried blood off his hands, I took his hands resting them in my lap, and hovered my hands over them healing them with my powers.
"What's this purple red stwuff?" He asked.
"Well it's my psionic energy, I rarely use it, or my telekinetic powers for anything. Just my magic and that's even too much for me sometimes. I haven't used this in a year or two actually since I would only use them when I was angry all the time. But since your hands seem pretty f*cked up, I have to." I explained.
This power made my eyes glow a dark purple, and formed a mist like energy around my hands which were now covering his and slowly healing his hands.
"I hit a tree." He chuckled.
I raised my eyebrows. "You did what? Why?"
"I took out my anger on a tree, because I was frustrated with myself."
"About what?"
"For leaving you. All of you. When I knew you needed me the most. I didn't want to but I thought that was what was best for you at the time."
I scoffed. "Best for me how?"
He didn't say anything, when I looked up at him, he was fast asleep. I sighed, shaking my head and continued to heal his hands.
It was around 3 AM when I finished. I used my powers to take his shoes off and his jacket, then covered him up with the sheet and left two aspirins and a cup of water on the bedside table.
I stood beside the bed, looking down at him, moving his hair out of his face. "I'll never fully understand why you left will I."
I gave him a light kiss on his forehead and left the room, quietly closing the door behind me.