Chereads / The Hidden Gift / Chapter 12 - Calm

Chapter 12 - Calm

"What are we going to do about her?"

I slowly came back to consciousness, feeling the throbbing in the back of my head I rubbed the spot trying to numb the pain a little.

"It's getting worse she almost killed us." I heard Lexi whispering, quite loudly I should say.

"Not intentionally Lexi, whatever that thing is inside of her-"

I looked around realizing I wasn't in the infirmary anymore, I was in my room which made me relax a bit. The lights were off, making the sunset outside the only light shining into my room. I flicked my wrist turning on the lights, sitting on my bedside table was a glass of water.

I took up the cup, gulping down the water then rested the empty cup back on the table top, checking the time on the digital clock it was now 5pm.

How long have I been out...

"She's been fighting this for years now, don't you think she's trying her best to control it she can't help what's been happening." I heard my brother whisper yelling.

I slowly sat up just incase my head wanted to throb any harder, and leant on the headboard for support.

"Well then she shouldn't be here, she could hurt someone." Lexi argued.

Blurry visions of what happened earlier in the infirmary passed and went by as quick as they came.

"Look she's been through alot, kudos to her for not flipping to the darkside already." Mads replied angrily.

I turned my body, swinging my legs over the side of the bed my feet meeting the cold wooden floor. I got up slowly trying my best to not topple over thanks to the pain in my head.

Once I made sure I was sturdy and standing up straight I made my way to the door, the whispers were getting angrier and a tad bit louder so they weren't quite considered whispers anymore.

I twisted the doorknob, it making a click sound, and opened my bedroom door. Mads, Lexi and Caleb were on the opposite side, they instantly stopped talking once they saw the door open. I opened the door fully and stepped out my room closing it behind me.

"No by all means carry on, don't stop because I'm here." I said sarcastically.

They all stayed silent.

"Lexi you seemed to have the most say before why so quiet now? I'm here now so if you have anything to say you should say it to my face." I raised a brow.

"It's nothing Maria. How are you feeling?" She asked in hope of changing the subject.

"Don't pretend to really care about that now." I walked off leaving the three.

Sighing, I stopped at the banister looking down into the center hall. I could hear the TV on in the living room, chatter and playing and some movement in the kitchen. I wasn't ready to face anyone.

But I couldn't hide in my room. Sooner or later they'd burst down the door to get to me so I had no other chance but to face all this sh*t now.

Looking both ways, behind me and down the stairs ever so quietly I tip toed my way down. I was nearly at the bottom and no one had heard me yet, I silently rejoiced in my head which didn't quite last.

"Hi Ms. Summers, how are you feeling. Are you okay?" Ashley poofed infront of me as I'd finally reached the bottom step.

Jumping back a bit, I held my chest "Ashley I told you to stop doing that, scares the crap outta me." I ruffled her hair and she laughed slapping my hand away "I'm somewhat okay, feeling kinda normal, Aaron told you guys didn't he?" I rolled my eyes already knowing the answer.

"Well duuh. I wish I had powers like yours, they're so cool even when you tried to fight that Cyrus guy. And he told us how much of a badass you were earlier. Ugh I wish I was there." She whined.

I'm really gonna need to talk to Aaron about keeping his blabbing mouth shut about certain things.

I chuckled at her remark "Trust me my powers might be cool but they were hard to get the hang of and it's still kinda hard to control now. As Aaron told you what happened then you'll know that they still get a little out of control every now and then. Things can happen and people may get hurt. Now you wouldn't want that on your mind now would you?"

We walked towards the kitchen which was quite busy as per usual. Bishop was, as always, making dinner with help from Emily who to the looks of it was just finishing lunch and starting the preparations for dinner.

Emily wanted to become a chef and she was aspiring to be one, she use to work at a restaurant but was fired because they found out she was a superhuman. Apparently they had done secret tests on everyone that worked there to see who wasn't a superhuman and who was.

Her power was pretty cool though, whenever she went underwater gills would appear at the side of her neck and she'd take on the appearnace of a mermaid.

I sat on one of the stools around the island in the middle of the kitchen where Emily was cutting up some sweet peppers beside me. Ashley sat across from me.

"I think I'd handle your powers quite fine. They don't seem that hard to deal with and what's the worse that could happen." She smiled.

Oh you really don't want to know.

I rolled my eyes, ruffling her hair again. She tried to slap my hand away, I pointed my finger at her making her float out of the chair and up near the ceiling.

"Hey that's not fair." She huffed crossing her arms and poofing herself back into the seat. Bishop and Emily started to laugh as they took notice to what was happening behind them.

"Hey Maria, you're finally up. How ya doing?" Bishop asked me while flipping a roti.

"Pretty okay I guess."

"We heard about what happened." Emily glanced up at me then back to the cutting board.

"Aaron right?" I asked.

"The one and only," She chuckled "We just hope you're feeling better. Gave us a scare there not waking up for almost 24 hours."

"20 what!?" My eyes wide and my mouth following suit.

"Don't worry about that" She waved me off "There's some guy named Cyrus, cute guy, he's been waiting outside for you." She nodded her head to the door leading outside.

Ashley looked up at me wriggling her eyebrows, narrowing my eyes at her, I flicked her on the forehead and made my way outside.

Walking down the pathway, my mind went over what happened. This is the worse it's ever been, usually I would start crashing and breaking things around me without knowing, nothing too dangerous, and that'd be the end of that. But I'd never be possessed or whatever the heck that was. It was me but wasn't me at the same time.

There's only one other time something like that happened and the end results weren't good. It was the whole reason we had to move from Florida in the first place.

I needed to get a hold on whatever this is happening to me, I don't want it happen again and probably even worse than the last time. Then everyone would be cautious of me when I'm suppose to be keeping them safe.

Reaching near the wooden bench placed near the training grounds, he was sitting down twirling the metal balls again.

I twirled my finger, snatching them from his grasp to mine. He laughed.

"Still doing that now are we?" Without turning around he raised his hand and they went flying back into his palm.

I stood behind the bench not wanting to sit down. Once he realised I wasn't going to sit beside him he turned himself around, looking up at me.

"So how are you feeling?" He smiled.

I rubbed the side of my head "I've been hearing that way too many times today. I'm perfectly fine really." I glanced at him, rolling my eyes.

"Come on, we care about your well being and we all ask because we want to make sure you're okay."

"Oh really, like hell you do." I muttered, I was trying to get over the past. I really was, but it wasn't gonna happen so quickly.

He looked at me with guilt in his eyes but vanished in that same second.

"Just a bit weird hearing me talk about well me in 3rd person." I muttered.

He nodded, "Like it was you but wasn't you at the same time huh."

I nodded. As I stood there, neither one of us said a word, just the sound of the wind and the few birds chirping until he looked up at me and furrowed his brows.

"Did this all happen when I left?"

I looked at him confused on what he was talking about.


"Did you start getting this... change after I left?" He asked again but in a low tone.

"I- I don't know, I was pretty upset and angry and sad and sh*t would just happen. I mean yeah I guess after you left because I'd also get these weird dreams and- Wait why are you asking?"

He looked upset, confused. He started running his hands through his hair and running them up and down his face. I knew he only did that when he was angry.

"All this time. I left for no rea-"

"Cyrus what's going on?" I was standing infront of him now.

"Nothing, forget I said anything about that." He got up and walked away from me.

I ran up to him, holding onto his arm stopping him. "What's wrong?"

He wouldn't look at me. "It's nothing alright. I'm just gonna take a walk but I'm glad you're okay." He looked at me, leaving a light kiss on my forehead and then continued walking away.

I didn't stop him, I watched him walk away until I couldn't see him anymore.

"What the hell just happened."