Chereads / Taken By Storm(Original) / Chapter 2 - N.A.I.L

Chapter 2 - N.A.I.L

The bus pulled into the parking lot about an hour later. Abby helped Jenny pack a bag with her stuff into it. They put her sword into a different compartment. For safety they said. Jenny didn't mind. It took about 3 hours to get there due to some traffic. Most of the city looked like a mix between farmland and a suburban neighborhood. The driver said they were in Larson Town. It was in the country called Gil, after their founder Obo Gilbert.

They finally arrived at the large academy, surrounded by a bright green lawn with volleyball nets and targets littered everywhere. Many looked like they had been burnt at some point. A tall teenager stood by the road and waved to the bus as it turned into the parking lot.

Jenny stepped out of the grey bus."Hello," the girl said, "you must be Jenny right? I'm Samantha, the head of the student council."

Jenny nodded, "Nice to meet you too."

Samantha looked at the bus driver who was taking Jenny's sword out of the bus. "I can take care of that sir," Samantha said to him. He paused then handed it to Samantha. He headed back into the bus.

"Here," Samantha handed it to Jenny, "You'll need this."

Jenny awkwardly took it, "Um, thanks."

Samantha eyed her for a second, "Nervous?"

Jenny shrank, "A little. This may sound weird but I don't remember anything about myself except for my name and a few words that seem important."

"Oh." Samantha said, "Well that's ok, I'll be here to help you."

Jenny smiled, "Thanks, Samantha."

Samantha patted her back, "You can call me Sam if you like. Come on," She beckoned, "Let us start with the tour."

* * * * * * * * * *

"And over here," Sam continued, "Are the practice rooms, where you can practice different things like your powers." They walked into a padded room.

"Powers?" Jenny echoed, "Oh, like the doctor. How she used her magic thing on me right?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah. There are quite a few that have been recorded. However, they usually come knowing their power and prepared to learn more. You, however, might require more help than them."

Jenny looked around. A few people were inside practicing. A girl was sending waves of light, hitting targets and burning a hole in the middle. In another practice room was a boy who was making water jump through hoops.

"So," Jenny asked, "By chance would there be like nature and earth powers?"

Sam looked back at her, "Well, in a sense yes. But they're more specific. For example, the power of Life can grow things but can't control water. Like how Illusion power isn't the same as mind power. Things are very specific about what you can control. They all come from a small core behind your heart."

Jenny had a thought, "So you can't have all of them?"

Sam paused, "Well, not naturally."

Jenny cocked her head to the side, "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, it has happened. Scientists learned how to cut out a power core from a person and inserted it into another person. The person lost all control and escaped the lab."

"He wreaked havoc on the country while he was alive. They found his body a year later. He was burned from the inside out. Since then, it's been illegal to artificially transmit cores into any living thing."

Jenny nodded, "That is understandable. What would you call a person with all the powers?"

"Well, they called his power Infinity. It sound's cool, but it's not." She said.

Jenny followed her, "What's your power if you don't mind me asking?"

Sam smiled, "Not at all. My power is mind. I can't do much with it."

"Hey, Sam!" A blond-haired boy ran over to her, "There you are!" He looked at Jenny, "Did I interrupt something?"

Jenny shook her head, "No you're ok. Sam's just giving me a tour."

"Newbie eh? Well then," He held out his hand, "The name's Jack."

Jenny shook his hand, "I'm Jenny."

"Pleasure. So," Jack crossed his arms, "what's your power?"

"I... can't remember that. Actually, I can barely remember anything past a few hours ago," Jenny replied.

Jack frowned, "Really? Nothing? I don't think that's ever happened before," He looked at Sam, "Right?"

"Probably not or I've would have heard of it before," Sam replied.

"Then what's going to happen to me?" Jenny asked.

Sam scratched her chin, "Well, they'll probably put you into different exercises to trigger them. That's what they usually do."

Jenny nodded slowly, "Ok."

"Anyway, any questions?" Sam asked.

Jenny thought for a second, "No, not really."

"Ok, moving on," Sam began to walk away. Jenny followed her. She glanced at Jack who gazed at her with an unreadable expression. Jenny turned away and looked down the hall.

"That's Jack," Sam explained, "He's been here for a Quarter."

"Oh," Jenny turned around, "He seems nice."

"He's a good friend," Sam's smile said otherwise.

They walked down the hall towards the dorms. Jack pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He lifted it to his ear.

"Hello," A voice on the other line spoke.

"I found her."