Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 4 - I Died Yesterday, But I lived Tomorrow

Chapter 4 - I Died Yesterday, But I lived Tomorrow

[ *** Blood Source Available! *** ]

Alliyah's eyes became bloodshot red and veins popped out around her temples.

[ ***Hunt mode activate: < No/Yes >*** ]

Alliyah wants to quench her thirst now.

Alliyah seeing the hare in front of her, she started giving in to the thirst.

A frenzy took over Alliyah.

The desperate hare trying to escape from Alliyah but Alliyah was too fast for it. Alliyah grabbed on the hare quickly and took it into her mouth. She started sucking the blood of the hare like a hungry beast feeding for the first time.

There was nothing but a pure insatiable thirst that Alliyah desperately wants to quench.

Realization of Alliyah seeps in what she has done and released the dead hare from her bloody hands.

[ *** Energy still low! Life Force still at risk *** ]

Alliyah shakes her head while holding on to the curls of her red hair. She tries to rationalize what is happening to her. All she can remember was that after the ill-fated night where the orphan children and her best friend died in front of her, she was bitten and sucked dry by a vampire with platinum hair and . . . a tattoo of a crown on his neck.

It was something that convinced Alliyah that she was supposed to be dead. She was dead.

No human survives a bite from a vampire unless the vampire intends to turn a human into a vampire. Alliyah knows that she was fed on and intended to die. She was not supposed to be alive after being sucked dry by a ferocious vampire.

Confusion sets in and makes Alliyah ponder on her new reality.

'Why Am I still alive? How?'

These questions were all in Alliyah's mind.

Alliyah kept walking until she reaches the well part of their island. She sees her reflection on the water and sees how red her lips from the blood of the hare. Then she wipes her mouth and hands to wash away the blood.

Memories of the ill-fated night kept flashing as she washes. Screams and tears kept flooding in.

Anger was setting in and pure rage was starting to invade Alliyah's emotions.

In the moment of anger and rage, Alliyah broke the top side of the well which is made of stone bricks.

Astonished as Alliyah was from her newfound strength. She started to realize how quick her movement was when she tried to chase the hare.

During thirst, Alliyah was thinking of catching the hare so she did focus on moving quickly.

Alliyah thought, What if she focuses again on moving fast, will she move quick enough?

A coconut tree was few meters away from Alliyah. She kept thinking of getting to the shade of the coconut tree as quickly as possible.

The moment Alliyah decided on what she will do next, she started to focus on getting to her target mark.

A gust of wind started to pass through Alliyah's skin and flipping her red curly hair up.

Then, an unbelievable thing happened. Alliyah in an instant got to the shade of the coconut tree.

[ *** Super Speed *** - Unlocked ]

" Oh my GOD! " Surprised remark of Alliyah.

There is a moment of astonishment. Alliyah tries to get used to her newly discovered speed. She starts to one tree to the other. Her figure was blurring as she moves.

Falling leaves and movement of all the things around Alliyah becomes slow. It was a moment of complete slow motion. She moves too fast but everything around her becomes slow as she tries to move one place to the other.

Realizing that her speed has become incredibly fast, Alliyah became curious if her strength has remained or has changed as well.

Alliyah positions herself in front of a sturdy tree and prepares herself to try hitting the tree.

Another strong breeze of wind grazes on Alliyah's skin and curly red hair making. She let out one big punch toward the sturdy trunk of a huge tree standing in front of her.

One big swing of a punch, Alliyah released. She gave it all her might in trying to strike a punch towards the trunk of the tree.

Then the birds sitting still on the branches of the tree started to fly away.

There was a loud bang after the fist of Alliyah connected to the tree. It was indeed a strong punch because the tree is starting to fall after getting broken into half.

Despite her energy low and not fully quenched, Alliyah's strength was monstrous.

[ *** Super Strength *** - Unlocked ]

[ *** Energy still low! Life Force still at risk *** ]

A faint sound of feral pigs can be heard from a far distance. Alliyah looks around and checks if there are near feral pigs but she could not see any. So, she focuses more and concentrates on locating the sound of the feral pigs that she hears a while ago.

Then, there it was! Alliyah located where the sound of feral pigs coming from. She immediately sped up tracking the feral pigs.

Lo! And behold, there it was, the feral pigs laying across a mud which makes Alliyah drool.

Senses of unbelievable thirst start to invade Alliyah's rationality once again.

[ *** Blood Source Available! *** ]

Alliyah's eyes became bloodshot red and veins popped out around her temples once again.

[ *** Hunt mode activate: < No/Yes > *** ]

Alliyah wants to fully quench her thirst now.

Screams of the feral pigs could be heard resonating the entire forest. Alliyah broke one of the feral pigs' horns and threw it to another feral pig which is trying to escape from her.

Alliyah fed on her targets and sucked their blood dry.

After Alliyah sucked the blood of her targets, a feeling of soothing relief calms her senses and system. She then looks at her lifeless prey and a sense of pride in her eyes starting to emerge.

[ *** Energy level is High – Life Force stabilized *** ]

'What is this voice I am hearing? Is this real? Or am I still hearing things?'

Questions and confusion were running amok through Alliyah's mind. She wonders if the voice she is hearing in her mind, either a figment of her imagination, or is it truly real?

Alliyah tries to wait for the voice to appear once again but unfortunately, there is no voice she is hearing at the moment.

There at that moment, Alliyah realized …

First, she died along with her best friend, Sharmaine, and with the other orphan children.

Second, she is no longer a human but a vampire.

Third, she is a danger to Areej and must make sure she does not find out.

Lastly, the ones responsible for the death of the people she treated as family are no other than the Vampires.

Alliyah vowed to herself to find those responsible for everyone's death including hers and make them pay.

In her anger, Alliyah punched the tree with all her might but the difference now is that she is stronger so the tree flew across the forest making strong and loud impacts on the other trees.

"Allie- ?" a familiar voice appeared behind Alliyah.

Alliyah was too angry to realize there was someone behind her.