Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 9 - Friendship Over

Chapter 9 - Friendship Over

A pause and a silence, only the breeze of wind and a desperate sobbing from the pleas of Alliyah could be heard.

It was a desperate moment for Alliyah to see Areej in such situation. She clings on the hope that Sharmaine will cool down and will realize the right thing to do.

The grasp of Sharmaine on Areej's neck is not too tight.

Then, after few moments of silence and pause…

"This is not me, I should let this kid go." Sharmaine stated to Alliyah as she looked at her.

Sharmaine moved her arms and loosened her grip on Areej's neck.

Areej was crying while Alliyah could not stop praying for Sharmaine to spare the young child.

Then …

Alliyah sees Sharmaine moves her arms and loosened her grip but she does it so she could toss Areej hard enough to throw her off the cliff.

It was like in a slow motion that Areej was floating in the air going beyond the edge of the cliff.

"A-A-L-L-I-I-E-E !!!" screamed by Areej.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Areeeeeej!!!" desperately screamed for life by Alliyah.

Tears were pouring out so much from the fear for the life of Areej. Sharmaine lets out an evil satisfied smirk as she sees the body of Areej flown to the air as it floats all the way to the edge.

Screams from Alliyah was so apparent that it caused birds to fly.

"Aaaaarrreeeeeejjjj!!!! Noooooooo !"

Everything went slow for Alliyah and she tried to move so she could save Areej from falling to the edge.

But Sharmaine saw Alliyah intends to save Areej and she could not let this happen.

Both Alliyah and Sharmaine raced towards their own objectives. Alliyah intends to save Areej but Sharmaine intends to stop Alliyah. They both activated their

*** Super Speed ***

It was Sharmaine succeeded first in tackling Alliyah.

While everything was in slow motion, both of them were wrestling it out on the ground.

This time around Alliyah is using all her strength against Sharmaine.

"Aaaalliiiieee !!!" screamed by Areej. The little closed her eyes as she cries in fear.

If few moments ago, Alliyah hesitated in hurting Sharmaine but this time around she is doing her best to go against Sharmaine.

An inner force was starting to form within Alliyah.

[*** Rage Activate ***]

< Yes / No ? >

Alliyah did not hesitate and was too desperate in saving Areej so she chose…

< Yes! >

The eyes of Alliyah became completely white with her veins appearing visible around her left and right temple. Sharmaine's weight started to become light and easier for Alliyah to toss around.

There has been an incredible increase on the strength of Alliyah. It has become exponentially more outrageously stronger and she has become faster.

It surprised Sharmaine as both of them wrestled on the ground.

In Alliyah's desperation, she was able to throw Sharmaine far enough towards the trees while she tries to save Areej.

Everything was slower for Alliyah but she knows through her own estimation, it will still be too late to save Areej from the distance she is in.

"Aaaarreeeejjjj!" Alliyah screamed while extending her hand in desperation.

[*** Telekinesis – Unlocked ***]

[*** Activate ***]

<<< Yes / No? >>>

Alliyah chose,

<<< Yes! >>>

A sudden force field surrounded Areej. Alliyah was able to stop the supposed fall of Areej at the edge of the cliff.

Tears were flowing non-stop from the eyes of Areej.

Motion of the young girl remained suspended in the air as Alliyah tries to move the body of Areej to a safer spot.

When Areej felt her hands in contact with the warm and tingling feeling of the green grass, she started to open her wet eyes from her own tears.

Then Alliyah came rushing to the side of Areej and brought her far from the cliff.

Both of them are now hugging under the shade of a tree.

"Aaallieee !!!" Areej cried in relief while hugging Alliyah tightly.

Alliyah was surprised with the discovery of her new powers and the mysterious voice within her mind that kept reminding and announcing stuff in her head that only she can hear. Her appearance went back to normal while she kept hugging Areej tightly.

Though despite all the confusion that Alliyah is feeling right now, nothing else mattered to her since she was able to save Areej from a life threatening situation. She is just grateful that Areej is safe and was able to prevent her from falling completely.

"Hush! I am here now. Stop crying! I told you! I promised you, didn't I? As long as I am here, you do not have to worry about anything. I will protect you, little peanut!" Alliyah trying to comfort Areej.

Areej started to tremble once again while Sharmaine's presence became apparent to both Alliyah and Areej.

"Hmm, you really annoy me more and more Areej! Why don't you just disappear when I want you to? And you really never fail to impress and amaze us, Allie! As usual, you are full of amusement!" declared by Sharmaine.

It becomes even clearer to Alliyah and Areej that Sharmaine has no intention to change her mind from harming them both. Sharmaine's silhouette is revealed from the shadows as she approaches Alliyah and Areej.

Sounds of the wind passing through in between the gap of Alliyah and Sharmaine becomes intense.

Hatred of Sharmaine is about to reach its climax, a feeling that endangers one's life.

"Time to send you both to the underworld!" Sharmaine issues a threat against Alliyah and Areej.

Alliyah positions herself protecting Areej. While Areej hides behind Alliyah.

"Aaaallieee…" fearfully said by Areej.

"Sharmaine, Please do not do this! We have been friends since we were young. Please do not throw it all away!" desperately begged by Aaliyah.

"No, you were the one who ended it first! When you left me to die at the hands of a monster, you threw our friendship away. The moment you chose to protect that little brat over saving your bestfriend, our friendship already ended.

SO FRIENDSHIP OVER!" declared by Sharmaine to Aaliyah.

After declaring such a heartbreaking moment, Sharmaine launched a quick attack towards Aaliyah but Aaliyah was also quick enough to push Areej aside and grabbed Sharmaine to end their battle.

Areej is bewildered with how quickly things are happening.

Only trees falling and the sound of loud clash and exchanging of blows were visible for Areej.

Things are getting ugly as it is.