Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 23 - Hidden Truths

Chapter 23 - Hidden Truths

After few minutes of travel…

Finally they have arrived at their destination.

Alliyah could not contain herself in looking around.

Her heightened senses have become more convenient to Alliyah.

She is starting to get hang of her heightened senses.

From afar, she could see every detail that a normal human could not.

Unknown to Joe, Alliyah is a vampire.

And unknown to Alliyah, Joe is also trying to hide something about him.

Something that is about to be revealed soon.

Both having hidden truths about themselves that they are not ready to share towards one another.

They made their way out of the train station.

"Where we going now, Joe?" Alliyah asking Joe.

Joe still could not stop blushing over his imagination about Alliyah in her towel and steamy look.

"Umm… Joe?"

"Huh… What?"

"I said, where are we going now?" Alliyah repeated her query.

He realized that he was being asked by the red-haired beauty beside him.

"Oh! Well, we have to use a route which will take us like 3-4 hours. In order for us to reach the hospital that I am telling you." Joe replied Alliyah's initial query.

"Is there any shortcuts or quicker route?" Alliyah could not take another hour or another day being apart with Areej.

Knowing that she is on her own, Alliyah could not wait to be reunited with her only remaining treasure.

Joe could see in Alliyah's eyes the burning desire to be reunited with her younger sister.

"It may be dangerous if we take the quicker path."

"I do not care! Please, I want to find my little sister!"

"There will be wild beasts and dark creatures that we may encounter along the way, if we take the quicker route."

"I am not scared! I can manage my own. I have been through with many life and death situation so I do not care if how dangerous it can get. As long as it allows to be reunited with Areej sooner then so be it!" Alliyah explaining her decision to Joe.

So much conviction and burning desire to meet her younger sister could be seen in the eyes of Alliyah.

Joe breathed hard and replied, "Fine! But we have to get our weapons first and wait for me by the alley. You wait for me, understood?"

"Yes! I will." Immediately Alliyah went by the Alley which Joe pointed at.

As she makes her way, it raised a curiosity on Alliyah regarding the weird behavior of Joe.

[1] Joe always cover his face when going to public places and lowers his head down so he will not make eye contact with those armored men patrolling the town.

[2] When Alliyah asked about someone's picture in his apartment, he immediately tried to hide the picture and changed the topic.

[3] They always have to walk on less populated route.

[4] Joe is always carrying a sword with a ruby emblem on its pommel and a golden lion sigil on the hilt of his sword.

Despite her own curiosity, the thought of being reunited with Areej invaded Alliyah's mind.


In King Avalon's castle,

Prince Vincent walks around the halls of the castle with his retinue following him.

Amongst them was Sharmaine.

Sharmaine was assigned as his personal assistant but everyone knows that she is a newborn turned by the prince himself.

For intentions and purposes that up until now, Sharmaine is not aware of.

A hidden truth from her that she is about to become… a pawn in the bloody game between the royal siblings.

Filled with arrogance and viciousness, Prince Vincent enters the royal court with his retinue.

As he and his retinue walk towards King Avalon, the prince notices that his older sister has excused herself once more.

It has been days ever since Prince Vincent introduced Sharmaine to everyone as his new sired newborn.

Ever since, Princess Sylvia has avoided Prince Vincent and has not engaged in any conversation with him.

"Ethan, does my older sister know something?" Prince Vincent asking his best friend discreetly in a lowered tone.

"I am not aware of it as well. Why do you ask?" Ethan's reply to Prince Vincent.

"She always avoid my presence and has not talked to me for days."

"Maybe she prefers to be alone at the moment. I heard she always request not to be disturbed in her private chamber."

"I doubt that! I know her the most and I think something is up. I hope she is not aware of our plans. Even though I have high respect for her and she is close to me, she is still a competition to the throne of my father."

Ethan chuckled, "As the famous line goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer! In that case, always keep your sister in check! So that no surprises from her. We cannot afford to deal with going against her at this time. Our hands are full on deck with your cunning brother.

The other prince is also having his own discussion with his advisers and other allies who supports his claim to the throne.

Members of the royal court and the other audience seems to be preoccupied discussing the current update on the news regarding the halt of human attacks within their territory.

No one seems to be paying attention to Prince Vincent because everyone is having their own conversations and matters being taken care of.

While everyone is so busy with their own matters, Sharmaine is reminiscing her days in the Caragua Island with her best friend and the orphan children.

A realization came into her mind that she is no longer living the life that she dreamt for herself.

On the other hand …

[In the Royal Garden of King Avalon's Castle]

Princess Sylvia flew in the sky and summoned some thick fog around the castle.

The princess kept shaking off certain thoughts that has been invading her thoughts and dreams.

But the sight of Sharmaine makes it difficult for her to restrain or even contain these feelings inside her.

*** Thoughts about Sharmaine ***

Sharmaine wearing black and maroon dress with long sleeves.

Hazel eyes …

With tanned complexion…

Curves of her body is being carved perfectly by her dress…

Her cleavage being evident and enticing for anyone to take a peek on her treasures hidden by her dress.

A curiosity of what would it look like beneath it and how will it taste within her mouth…

*** End of her Thoughts ***

The moment she descends, an appearance she has been trying to avoid suddenly appeared.

Standing beside her favorite flowers and smelling it.

An irresistible feeling conquered Princess Sylvia's senses…

Her own beastly nature is desperately trying to take over…

"What are you doing here? Where is your master?" Princess Sylvia aired out her questions.

"Forgive me, princess! It seems that they are currently still discussing regarding the next move against the humans in the royal court…" brief reply of Sharmaine.

"How about my other question? You have not answered it yet."

Sharmaine looked confused and realized that she only answered regarding Prince Vincent but not to why she is here.

"Oh, I felt bored and prefer to look around." Sharmaine answered with only half-truth to her words.

She did not want to be surrounded with so much vampires that killed the people she cared about and hearing about killing humans was too much for her ears.

But what she doesn't know, Princess Sylvia is struggling to contain herself.

Until, a change in the princess' eyes.

Right before Sharmaine could point it out, the princess quickly moved and was already in front of her.

"P-pr --…" Sharmaine uttered incompletely.

"Shh! Just look into my eyes…" Princess Sylvia has finally gave in to her true self.

A start of something that will change Sharmaine completely...


Author's Extended Notes:


My Entry for WPC#148:

"Transmigration of Shams: The Legendary Cultivator"

-It is a lighter story filled with fun and entertainment to lighten your mood.

Please support me through

[1] -adding in your library-

[2] And voting with powerstones..


Next Update will be on December 27.

I apologize for the long gap but I have to focus on the competition and taking care of my elderly father who needs my attention. I am so sorry for the long gap of waiting.

Though, I promise to Mass Release on the last week of December to make it up for the long wait.

*** Coming Soon! ***

[1] Joe finding out about Alliyah's big secret.

[2] Reunion of Alliyah and Areej.

[3] Princess Sylvia's inner desires.

[4] Sharmaine's new life in the Vampire Kingdom.

[5] A showdown between the two royal princes.

[6] Some betrayal and loyalty ...