Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 27 - Secret Hospital

Chapter 27 - Secret Hospital

[-In the secret hospital-]

Compared to a normal hospital, Joe led Alliyah to a hidden and not obvious hospital.

It was located on a specific area where it will be safe to keep patients.

Most of the patients, according to Joe, were either fellow hunters or soldiers from the human kingdom.

The hospital main purpose was to serve the forces of the human kingdom.

In order to tend the needs and assist the army of the human monarch, there are hospitals and clinics scattered all over the territory of Human Kingdom to easily provide service and assistance when needed be.

Especially, there is an on-going war against the vampires.

Alliyah was astonished with the technology and hugeness within the hospital.

"Woah! It looked so small outside but it is so huge inside …" Alliyah could not contain her fascination.

Her expression made Joe smile because it was his first time to see a woman so light-hearted and exuding warmth of joy.

He wanted to explain it to Alliyah but he doubted if Alliyah could even comprehend the detailed explanation regarding the structural design and purpose of these types of hospital.

Knowing that Alliyah was a vampire as well. He did not want Alliyah to become guarded and suspicious of him.

Despite the nature of her identity, in Joe's eyes, Alliyah was beaming with radiance and life.

After a while, Joe looked around for any suspicious movement and scanned the lobby.

He saw an area in the lobby where he could wait for Alliyah and read some newspaper.

"Hey, dried capsicum!" Joe uttered referring to Alliyah.

Immediately Alliyah turned around because it was her first time to hear being called a dried capsicum.

"Excuse me? What did you call me?" Alliyah asked Joe for an explanation in his sudden reference.

"Dried capsicum … Don't you know what's capsicum?" Joe asked Alliyah while standing by the entrance of hidden hospital.

"Of course, I know what capsicum is! I want to know why you calling me that … You are the first one to call me, dried capsicum." Alliyah wondered.

"It is because of your hair! It reminds me of a dried capsicum and your personality is filled with spice. Happy?" Joe explained the reason behind it.

"Oh … You are silly!" Alliyah smiled at Joe and went back to her fascination as she turn her sight around the lobby.

"I am the silly one now? Look, who is behaving like a little kid between us?"

"Who's kid? Me? Pft!"

"I will just sit over there and go ask the lady over the reception area regarding your sister. If they asked how you find this hospital, just tell them your brother is an official hunter and you are tasked to look for your sister. You do that so you won't raise any suspicion. They have certain standard procedures here."


"Do not forget, once you are done … Just approach me over there!" Joe pointed the area where he would wait for Alliyah and went his way.

Alliyah wondered why there was no specific name of the hospital. And compared to other hospitals, this hospital looked more advanced from the lobby alone.

As she gets closer to the reception area, Alliyah hoped for a better experience compared to her last search for Areej.

It gave Alliyah some negative and discouraging thoughts regarding any hospital.

When she finally got to the reception area, she took a deep breath before asking.

But her expectations were wrong, because the lady behind the desk was the opposite of her last encounter.

"Hello there! How may I help you?" the receptionist was completely in a cheerful and accommodating attitude.

For a moment, Alliyah was taken aback so she had to gather her own thoughts.

"Umm … I wanted to inquire regarding any patient rushed here from 2 weeks ago. A blonde young girl, age of 7? Or if there was someone brought a patient with that description …?" Alliyah elaborated to the receptionist.

"Before anything else, how did you find out about this hospital?" Curiously asked by the lady receptionist.

Alliyah recalled the advice of Joe.

"My older brother is an official hunter, during one of his travel he brought our younger sister with him. Unfortunately they were attacked. While he fend off his assailants, he got separated with our sister. Now, we are in search of any possibility that our sister may have been admitted here." Alliyah confidently lied to the receptionist without even batting an eyelash.

Based on the observation of the receptionist towards Alliyah, she was completely convinced and believed everything what Alliyah said.

"So the patient you seek is your sister, am I right?" The lady receptionist tried to reaffirm her initial assessment before typing to the computer.

"Yes, the patient I seek is my sister."

"Okay … Let me check the system if there was any patient admitted based on your description."

Afterwards, Alliyah watched the lady receptionist type on the keyboard and search on the monitor in front of her.

In those moments, Alliyah prayed and hoped for the best.

'Oh, God! Please … Please … Let Areej be safe and alive …' silently uttered by Alliyah.

Then few moments after,

"Ma'am, based on the information here …"

Everything went like in a slow-motion for Alliyah due to her nervousness.

"There is a young girl admitted here, rushed by patrol officers last week! The same with the description you have given. So far the young girl remains unidentified." The lady receptionist informed Alliyah.


Author's extended Note:

I want to express my gratitude for the undying support and patience for the comeback of "The Making of the Vampire Queen" after a long hiatus.

Please help my other story reach 1000 privy subs for win-win event.


- It is only worth 1 coin for tier 1. So please help me reach it! If I do reach 1000 privy, I will make this story a daily release.


Please support my other story:



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Thank you so much!
