Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 18 - Joe the Hunter

Chapter 18 - Joe the Hunter

After watching Alliyah leave, the barkeeper asked Joe, "So you are not gonna assist her?"

Joe could sense that he is being mocked by the barkeeper.

"I do not need another baggage in my life! I have learned the hardest way …So never again I will fall for that kind of rabbit hole …" Joe drank the remaining beer in his mug.

A sudden memory flashed in his mind that made him serious.

*** Flashback ***

A bald woman in her early twenties, laying down in the hospital bed.

The nurses informed the patient for her scheduled surgery and reminded her about the DNR form that she signed if it is final because there is still time to change her mind.

But the patient reassured and confirmed that her decision is final.

Then, the nurse left the room disappointed since she became attached to Maria.

"I pray for your operation's success, Maria!" expressed by the nurse.

"Thank you!" Maria's reply.

Though, Joe is not happy hearing all the things about the DNR she signed.

"Maria!! Please, change your mind about the DNR. Revoke the DNR form! PLEASE!" begged by Joe.

DNR means 'Do not resuscitate', it is medical order to provide no resuscitation to individuals for whom resuscitation is not warranted. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ("CPR") is the common term used to refer to resuscitation.

Thus, once a patient signed this DNR form, the medical officers, doctors and nurses will not provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation ("CPR") towards the patient.

"I am sorry … But … I cannot live this way anymore. These walls have suffocated me long enough. Every time I get my treatment, I do not feel any better but it just takes away a part of me and drains the life out of me. So, if ever it is my time to go then I have to accept my fate." Maria explained to Joe while touching his face.

"Have you even thought about me? To how will I feel if you give up on living?"

"Big Brother! I am not giving up, I am only accepting my fate if it is my time to go then I will be accepting it. You should as well! I want you to live your life the way you should live it. I cannot tie you around me just because of your obligation to me."

"You are not just an obligation! You are my sister! You are the last remaining treasure that I have in this world. So please, take back the DNR! PLEASE! PLEASE! MARIA!" Joe holding his sister's hand while he begs to her in tears.

Maria knew that it will not be easy to convince her older brother. She does not even expect him to understand her decision. But she remained firm in her decision.

"I am sorry big brother! My decision is final." Maria tells her older brother with sadness.

Then she continued, "I pray that one day, you will find someone who will care for you. The same way you cared for your spoiled little sister. I know that it may seem that I am giving up but this is me giving us both the chance to accept fate and move on with our life with no further complications. If I survive then thank God but if not, then I pray to God that you will have a bountiful and healthy life. I have caused too much problem and burden to you already …"

Joe interjected his sister's explanation, "Who said you are a burden to me? I will beat that person's ass. You are never a burden to me! Never… You are my little sunshine remember! So, how will I live if you give up? H-how? … Tell me, Little Sunshine!"

Tears kept falling and falling…

Then a sudden shift in Joe's mood.

"I did not even agree for this operation of yours. How could you decide on things without consulting me? I am your older brother for God's sake!" pointed out by Joe.

"The doctors said there is a 20% chance of my cure if we went through this operation. If they attached that special tube in my heart then I would no longer need to stay in the hospital. I would be able to take care of you and be a good sister at home." Maria smiled at the hope of her cure.

Maria has been staying in the hospital due to her heart problems.

"But it is risky!!!"

"It is worth the risk, big brother! I would be willing to risk it all for the cure… Won't you as well?" replied by Maria to her frustrated older brother.

"Do not worry big brother! I am a fighter! I will survive it for you!" Maria smiled at her older brother who is worrying for her welfare. "So, will you get me some apples? I want a bite even just a bite."

Joe immediately went to fetch an apple for his younger sister.

*** End of Flashback ***

"Give me a refill!" Joe handed his empty mug.

The barkeeper stopped mocking Joe after seeing the change in Joe's mood.

It seems to be known for the barkeeper when to joke around and when to keep his mouth shut.

After long hours of drowning himself with dozens of beer, Joe seem to be still awake and rational.

"Are you sure you have been serving me beer? I do not feel anything! I think you are giving me water! I need beer not water!" Joe venting his frustrations to the barkeeper.

"Look, Joe! My beer is not the solution to make your troubles and pain go away. Why don't you go home now and sober up? Your smell stinks with alcohol. You had too much beer already! It is a miracle you did not pass out!" explained by the barkeeper.

"Pfft! This is pointless. I will just go to the next city and maybe they will have better beer than your water beer… or maybe bubble gum beer, hahahaha!!" Joe mocking the beer product of the barkeeper.

After paying all the beers he drank, Joe went out of the tavern and intended to walk along the alley.

While Joe is walking, he notices from a distance the woman he met in the afternoon.

The one that asked for the direction to the hospital.

Joe intended to ignore her because he does not want to burden himself with the problems of others.

Then he heard something that reminded him of something.

"Where are you my little peanut? My remaining treasure …" Alliyah cried while miserably sitting on the ground holding her red hair.

A reminder of something that Joe could not shake off in his own self. Then he gave up and decided to approach Alliyah.

"What's wrong? You look miserable!" Joe tells Alliyah.

Alliyah lifted her head to see who is talking to her. Tears kept falling while looking at this man who just approached her.

"I am looking for someone. My little sister, I lost her in a shipwreck. I woke up by the shore and with her nowhere to be found. She is not even in the hospital. They said, she most likely died or drowned." Alliyah broke down in more tears and stuttering in misery.

"There is a hospital near the docks, it may not be famous like the other hospitals. But I have a feeling whoever found her may have brought her there." explained by Joe.

"Who are you? How do you know?" curiously asked by Alliyah with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"I am Joe! I was a licensed hunter. So, I would know the places!" Joe reassures Alliyah of his own assessment.