Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 16 - Arrival (Part I)

Chapter 16 - Arrival (Part I)

Finally, Alliyah arrived at the first destination which was pointed out by the old man to her.

As she looks at the sight of the entrance of the city,

There are armored guards all over the entrance roaming around the walls but not bothering to check every individual.

Since it is broad daylight, each human is confident that there are no vampires around or would dare to enter. It is known that every night there are stricter measures for entry and exit to the city.

At night, a more strict protocol and security are being observed around the city. All citizens of the human kingdom are advised to stay indoors at night to avoid any danger or unnecessary troubles. A permit is required from any individuals which are doing transaction at night within the premises of the city.

Huge signage could be seen which welcomes anybody that enters,

-- Welcome to the Capricorn City! –

The moment Alliyah passes through the entrance,

Bricked buildings and more developed roads could be seen.

If only Areej was with Alliyah, she knows exactly how Areej would react.

The scenery of a much more developed place compared to their structures and roads in Caragua Island are completely different.

Definitely, Alliyah thought that Areej would jump like crazy and will show her fascination towards the view.

After a while, curiosity came across Alliyah's mind,

'V-voice within, why don't I burn under the ray of sun?' asked by Alliyah to the voice within her with a hint of hesitation while riding around the town.

Alliyah waited patiently for the voice to reply back to her query.

From no reply, Alliyah scoffed within her mind as if she is feeling crazy.

'So you do not talk when I am asking you but when I do not need your warnings or nagging, you just appear like that!' Alliyah scolding her own system within her mind which is currently not entertaining her query.

Then, out of the blue Alliyah just realized that maybe she is already becoming crazy for talking with a voice that does not reply or talk to her.

'Who am I kidding, really!?!' Alliyah decided to give up asking her own system inside her mind.

A tavern that Alliyah knows that she could gather information with. She decided to give up asking about her condition.

Instead, she decided to get her focus back on finding Areej.

And looking for the nearest clinic and hospital is her priority. So, she intended to ask around by going to the tavern.

People walking around seems to be unfriendly and unapproachable. Thus, it might be easier if she asks the tavern to keep or anybody in the tavern since it may have friendlier vibes compared to what she is getting from outside of the tavern.

Upon entering the tavern,

Loud noises from different conversations and talking …

Clinking noise of mugs and utensils …

Laughter …

Shouting …

Keys …

Footsteps …

Everything came rushing into Alliyah's strong senses.

It became too distracting and got her disoriented for a moment.

Due to her sudden disorientation, Alliyah accidentally bumped into someone.

"I am sorry! I did not mean to …" Alliyah trying to apologize to the person she bumped into.

The stranger spilled his mug of beer. He was about to yell at Alliyah and vent his anger out but upon seeing her full view.

From head to toe, despite her manly attire.

Alliyah's figure and beauty seem to be exceptional that it caused the man to be mesmerized at her beauty.

"I-I am r-r-really sorry!" stuttered by Alliyah while apologizing.

"Oh, no worries! This is nothing. How may we help you? You seem lost!" the man offered his assistance to Alliyah while the barkeeper just looked at the man trying to hold his laughter for seeing the man offer his assistance.

"Thank you!" naively expressed by Alliyah while smiling.

"I am Joe! And you?" introduction by the man.

"My name is …" Alliyah does not know if she could trust the man so she decided to lie since they will not be meeting again, "Ling, I am Ling!"

They both shook hands…

Joe thought that it is a weird name for a beautiful lady to have a Ling as a name.

"Nice to meet you, Ling! How can we help you? My assistance is for free… That's how compassionate I am towards others." Joe seems to be trying to impress and soothe his way with Alliyah like a charmer.

"I just want to know where the nearest hospital or clinic is." By the mention of Alliyah of the hospital, Joe suddenly lost his interest.

One of the things he assumes when a lady asks for a hospital, it is either she is sick or someone close to her is sick.

For Joe, a woman with sickness or having a family with sickness is a person with baggage or trouble that he prefer to avoid.

A burst of laughter suddenly released by the barkeeper, "Haha! Now Joe why don't you assist her since you are such a compassionate person!" mocked by the barkeeper.

Joe heaved for a heavy sigh before replying, "Oh, just go two blocks away from here then go right then you will see a large church then beside it is a small hospital."

Alliyah became excited after hearing the directions to the hospital.

A gleam of hope that she will be reunited with Areej once again.

"Thank you so much!!!" Alliyah showed her gratitude while shaking Joe's hands then immediately running towards outside.

After watching Alliyah leave, the barkeeper asked Joe, "So you are not gonna assist her?"

Joe could sense that he is being mocked by the barkeeper.

"I do not need another baggage in my life! I have learned the hardest way … So never again I will fall for that kind of rabbit hole …" Joe drank the remaining beer in his mug.

A sudden memory flashed in his mind that made him serious.

"Give me a refill!" Joe handed his empty mug.

The barkeeper stopped mocking Joe after seeing the change in Joe's mood.

The barkeeper knows when to joke around and when to keep his mouth shut.

Psssshhht !!

Sound of beer being refilled by the barkeeper.

Then, Joe continued drowning himself with the mug of beer that he kept refilling.

On the other hand, Alliyah went her way to the hospital.

'Oh, Areej! Please be okay!'