The test itself contained five parts: Mathematics, Economics, English, Biology and Art.
For each segment there were four pages and for each page a student had approximately three minutes.
Sarah took a deep breath and started writing.
The first part was Mathematics. Even though it had only four questions, all of them had many aspects of the learned so far which made a problem at least a page long. It all seemed easy for Sarah. She had memorized the whole material and was answering all the questions without much effort. She was ready for less than four minutes and quickly turned the page to the next segment of the test.
The second part was about Economics. Here the questions were once again only four with a page long answers. One had not only the task to write down the growth of certain products and businesses, but to give analysis of the development in the next three years too. For a second Sarah felt insecure, because she hadn't reviewed anything that had to do with economy, but was relieved when she saw that the questions were close to her everyday life. One of them was about the biggest weapon company. Of course Sarah managed to answer it with zero effort since she had followed the development of the weapon companies all her life. The second one had to do with the crime growth in the country and how this would affect the economy. Then followed a question about the IT sector and the last one was about the media. Only the fourth one made her a bit unsure of her answer, but despite all that she was happy with what she did.
The next part had to do with English. This was definitely not Sarah's strength, but despite that she managed to answer all the 20 questions with satisfactory answers.
Next was Biology. Once again she got lucky, because it was mostly about anatomy. Forty questions, with about thirty seconds for an answer. With no hesitation she answered all of them with perfect accuracy and went for the last part of the exam.
The art segment was probably the trickiest one. The students had not only to be prepared for theory but at the end had to draw something. Thankfully Sarah had managed to do the previous questions for forty minutes and now had twenty more to do the hardest for her part of the test. She was not an art fan and therefor had the worst time while studying this, but thanks to her brilliant mind managed to remember the theory by heart. For five minutes in total she was done and now only had to draw.
This was probably the hardest part. Unlike the rest of the tasks, she had no preparation for this one and now had to draw for fifteen minutes. Of course the teachers were not out of their minds, so the students only had to draw an apple in the most realistic way possible. She took her pencil and started drawing. A circle, then added some shadowing and at the end made the circle more in the shape of an apple.
All done!
She stood up and went to the desk where the teacher was sitting. The rest of the students lifted their heads in surprise. There were ten more minutes left. Even the teacher couldn't believe at first – usually the students took the whole hour to complete the exam and sometimes even needed ten extra minutes for the last task, but here this young girl had taken only fifty minutes to finish it all.
How was that even possible?