- "Why?"? – repeated her mother with surprise. – Can't you be more accurate with your question?
- Why do you want me back? We had a huge argument last time.
- Because we miss you, Sarah.
- Don't even try with this! I know that the real reason is much more different!
- Why would it be other? We did…
- FINE! You caught us. We need your help.
- Wait what? Did I hear wrong? You need MY help?
- Yes, we do.
- And what kind of help do you exactly need me for?
Her mother took a deep breath and looked Sarah in the eyes.
- As you know, when we separated, we were quite big. – the woman started talking.
- Yes…?
- Well these day things got complicated. – the voice of her father sounded from down the stairs.
- Complicated? In what way? – Sarah still couldn't get what they were trying to say.
- The mafia no longer got our backs. – simply said Mr. Zlo while walking up the stairs.
- What happened?
Her dad stepped on the last step, went to her mother and looked Sarah straight in the eyes.
- It was one year ago. – started he – Back then everything was going by my command, especially after they made me the boss. I had all the people behind my back and every policemen or soldier peeing their pants only by the sound of my name.
But everything changed after that mission…
- What mission? – Sarah couldn't handle her curiosity and asked.
- It was a task personally given to me by the vice president. – said her father.
- Wait what?! The vice president himself gave you a mission?! – she was taken by surprise when she heard that – And what was it?
- What else would a vice president want – to have the president killed.
- You had to kill the president?!
- Yes, but as you can see for yourself I failed at doing that. Unexpectedly he had too many bodyguards, who were literally everywhere. One of them took the bullet and the rest surrounded the president while shooting in my direction. I had only one chance and it failed. When the vice president heard about it he got angry and almost didn't put me behind the bars, but thankfully this didn't happen.
Still, when the other mafia people understood about it they decided I am no longer suitable for the position of a boss and put another person on my place. But for some reason this crappy woman didn't like me at all and used her power to kick me out for good.
- And what do you want me to do?
- Take a revenge for me.
- Revenge? What kind of revenge?
- You will kill this witch!
- How am I even supposed to do that?!
- You'll get inside the mafia. And get closer to her. The closer, the better.
- But they know you are my parents.
- They also know that we haven't talked to each other in years and hatred exists between us.
- The why did you want me?
- Because nobody is more reliable than the family.
- You said it yourself. There is hatred between us.
- But we are also connected by blood. It's only natural to help each other from time to time. Even Bulgaria once help Byzantium to get their country back, ignoring all the wars they had between each other in the past.
- Okay, fine. I'll help you out, but once I'm done everything between us will get back as it was.
- Deal!