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Raven the Witch

Raven was adopted, and after fifteen years she finds out she's a witch, she has to learn how to use and control her powers by her sixteenth birthday, something other witches start to learn before they learn how to walk, new friends, new problems, how will she do?

Chapter 1 - chapter 1

Hi welcome to my story, I'm new here, and I hope you enjoy this book.

"I'm home" I shouted as I entered my house I threw my book bag down and ran into the living room then flopped onto the green sofa with a sigh it was Friday today which meant no school for two days! Excited? Oh yeah

"Hi Hun how was school?" My mum asked as she pushed my legs off the sofa and sat down Indian style next to me. I just shrugged as if to say it was ok she rolled her eyes at me

"How was work?" I asked, my mum worked for an ad agency, she shrugged I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed

"Actually work was great, but Mr Cooper called" Mr Cooper is my social worker why do I need him you ask? We'll I'm adopted I found out when I was twelve I had been upset but I got over it, I mean what was I suppose to do? I did think about finding my real parents but then I figured what's the point looking for people who didn't want me around?

"What did he want?" I asked

"Well I don't know yet he's coming by later to talk at us"

"Us? You mean both of us?" She nodded "why?" She shrugged as if to say she didn't know then she sent me upstairs to do homework after that we had a snack which consisted of jam sandwiches the doorbell rang at five I opened it to reveal Mr Cooper I showed him to the living room he didn't look happy he looked sad, mum and I sat down opposite him and waited for him to start talking

"Hi guys, ..... Ok uh the reason I'm here today is because... Well there's been a ... Development ... Uh you see ... Well"

"Oh spit it out" I said I couldn't stand it anymore mum patted me on the leg trying to calm me down

"I'm sorry Raven but .... Your mother, your biological mother has been in contact she wants to meet with you" I gasped my real mum wants to meet me why after all this time I've always wanted this but do I really want this what about my mum the mum that bought me up the mum that looked after me. So many emotions were going through me I was overwhelmed i stood up and ran to the back door and went into the garden I heard my mum calling me but I didn't stop. once I got to the garden I fell to my knees and cried, I cried because of all these emotions they were to much. I felt someone rubbing my back

"It's ok Hun" my mum whispered

"Why..... Why now" I whispered not trusting my voice

"Well she didn't know about you until a few months ago, she's been looking for you since" ok I was confused I turned my head towards her she smiled knowing that I was confused so she went on to explain "when she gave birth to you she fainted when she came back round she was told her daughter died she grieved over you all this time, her husband died three months ago he told her the truth on his death bed" wow that was a lot of information to take in but did I believe it there was a question I wanted to ask

"Mum would it be ok to meet her"

"What are you crazy?" She doesn't want me to meet her that's ok I guess "of course it would be ok, what do you think of me I'm not some sicko that would stop you From meeting your own mother" she nearly shouted "now come on let's get you inside away from the cold" we went back into the house Mr Cooper was still there sat on the sofa when he saw me he smiled as if to say sorry I just nodded and looked towards the ground "thank you for waiting Mr Cooper" my mum was saying how long were we outside I looked at the clock over to my left it was six Mr Cooper had been here for an hour wow

"It's quiet alright" he said "what about you? Are you alright?" His question was directed at me I just nodded again still not trusting my voice I asked

"When do I meet her?" He sighed I could almost hear him smiling

"She wants to meet you as soon as possible" I just nodded "May be tomorrow" I gasped looking straight at him with wide eyes that's too soon I thought "she's missed nearly sixteen years she wants to meet you soon she wanted to come here with me today but I told her it would be too much for you and you would probably run for the hills if you saw her without warning" I nodded the man had a point but am I ready even now? Will I run for the hills? There were questions I wanted to ask I looked over to my mum as if to ask her what she thought she just nodded reminding me it was up to me and she would back me up no matter what it's times like this I really miss my dad he would tell me what to do but he died two years ago we tried not to cry we imagined he was with Louise their daughter the one that died at birth I looked at Mr Cooper again and nodded he sighed as if happy and stood up "if you change your mind, I hope you don't, then call me we'll be here at six tomorrow evening" he winked and after pleasantries he left, mum and I sat down nervously wow I thought I'm going to meet the woman who gave me life I wondered what she would be like I was happy with the mother I got for fifteen years but I still wondered I looked over to mum who was on the verge of crying I hugged her tight and repeated over and over again how much I loved her and she kept telling me she knew and it was ok what I was doing.

Ok guys this is the first chapter I hope you enjoy and I hope you give this book a chance.