Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 2 - chapter 2

Chapter 2 - chapter 2

Hi guys here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy

The following day we cleaned the whole house

"Why are we doing this again" I asked as I was cleaning the mantle piece

"I told you Ray to make a good impression" she said with a sigh as she stood up after cleaning the coffee table I just rolled my eyes lucky for me she couldn't see me when we finished we flopped onto the sofa I put my feet on her lap as I told her how tired I was she said she was tired as well then we just laughed for no reason then she looked towards the mantle piece and stopped laughing I thought I hadn't cleaned up there properly so I looked but she was looking at the clock it read five forty five which meant they would be here soon my social worker and the woman who gave me life then practically threw me away (I'm sorry if that's offensive but come on she's fifteen and thinks her mother just gave her away because she didn't love her) I sighed

"Mum whatever happens today you're still my number one" I told her she looked at me with watery eyes I threw myself at her in a hug she laughed and sniffed

"I know, I love you sweetie" she told me then she let go but held me by my shoulders "and remember whatever happens today I will support you, this is about you not me, do you understand?" She said in a firm voice I knew I would probably never want to see my real mum again so I just nodded happy with my answer she nodded to then hugged me again she let go and wiped away her tears I wiped mine too. The doorbell rang "I'll get it" she told me as she stood up she went to the front door I took a deep breath and let it out this is it I thought to myself, time to face my demons a woman walked in with Mr Cooper she had long blond hair, unlike mine, which is black, tied up in a pony tail, like mine, I hated lose hair, she had brown eyes though mine were blue she was wearing a green knee length dress I really liked it "please sit" my mum was saying I stood up to meet her I shook her hand with a hello nice to meet you although it really wasn't nice

"You too Ray" she said with smile

"It's Raven" I told her no one calls me Ray except my parents and friends and she was neither the smile on her face was gone

"I'm sorry Raven" she said I just shrugged as she sat on the settee across from me, my mum sat next to me and I grabbed her hand between us the woman in front of us noticed this but didn't say anything

"Uh Raven this is Ms Banks" Mr Cooper said I had forgotten he was there

"Oh Shreya please" she told us I nodded Shreya was a nice name it suited her looks, don't know about her mind though we just sat there not saying anything Mr Cooper looked from me to her then me again when I looked at him he mouthed at me to talk I mouthed back no he looked at me challengingly but I just looked away

"So Shreya why don't you tell Raven why you did what you did" Mr Cooper said breaking the silence well this should be interesting

"I'll get drinks" my mum said as she stood up

"Oh on I'm fine, thanks Mrs Morris" Shreya told her with a nod she sat down "I think you should hear this too" Shreya was saying looking down at her hands "before I got pregnant with you Raven I had, had a miscarriage the doctors had told me I shouldn't get pregnant again because my uterus wasn't strong enough and that was the reason for the miscarriage, anyway I got pregnant the doctors advised I get an abortion" I gasped "obviously I didn't go through with it" she said quickly obviously, I was here "anyway James and I decided against it we decided that it's gods will I get pregnant so we decided to keep it I was very ill during the pregnancy I was mostly in bed but I was still happy I was going to be a mum" yeah right so happy you gave me up I thought "but during the labour I fainted the strain on my uterus had been to much and I fainted I was unconscious for two days when I woke up I was told my baby had died" wait WHAT I thought, there was nothing but sincerity in her eyes I could tell she wasn't lying "all these years I thought my baby was dead, three months ago James, my husband, died due to cancer he told me about you on his deathbed hoping for forgiveness before he meets the maker," she sighed "I mean I can understand why he did it I fainted giving birth to you he thought I wouldn't be able to cope so he gave you away to a mother who's baby died" I looked over to my mum next to me who was crying. I had to think I mean I knew yesterday when mr Cooper told me about her but I had thought it was all lies but now somehow I knew she wasn't lying

"There was a note next to you" my mum told me then stood up "I'll go get it" she ran upstairs

"I'm sorry" I heard Shreya say "if I had known" she let the sentence hang

"It's okay" I told her meaning it "I was loved... A lot" Shreya nodded

"I'm glad, I was worried these past three months" I smiled she cared that meant something, mum returned with a very crumpled up looking letter

"Here" she handed it to me I had never seen this before I looked at her "read it" she whispered

"Dear heartbroken woman

I don't know your name I just know your baby

died I'm sorry for your loss because your baby

isn't with you, and I can't keep my baby due to

medical reasons I was hoping you keep her I'm

sure you will love her just as much as you

would your own. I have one request though

would you call her Raven.

Thank you"

I cried

"James wrote that he told me about it" Shreya was saying I read it again he gave me away because of medical reasons she wasn't lying she told the truth wow what do I do with this information I mean at first I thought she gave me up because she didn't want me but it turns out she thought I was dead I brushed my hand through my hair and rubbed down the side of my face Shreya laughed, when she saw me looking at her questioningly she spoke "oh sorry James used to do that when he was thinking hard he'd brush his hand through his hair then he would rub his hand down the side of his face" she smiled, I smiled too I always did that when I was thinking hard it was an old habit and now I knew where I got it from. We sat and talked more she looked at baby pictures of me and I found out I had my dad's eyes his were blue like the water deep like the ocean she had said she ended up staying for dinner, all in all it was a nice evening I actually had fun and there was a connection as she was leaving she spoke again.

"I would like to do this again" she was saying I looked towards my mum who nodded

"Yeah that would be great"

"Ok excellent how about I pick you up from school on Monday we could go to my house or for a coffee?" I made a face I hated coffee

"I don't like coffee" I told her

"Ohh thank god, I hate coffee too" she laughed, I laughed with her my mum laughed too Mr Cooper just smiled

"Well you've seen my house, it's only fair I see yours?" I asked looking towards my mum she nodded with smile telling me that it was fine

"Ok great, which school do you go to?" She asked I gave her the name and details of how to get there and what time then after goodbyes she left mum and I went back into the living room and talked a little while



"You don't mind all this do you?, I mean I know you said you would support me no matter what but that was before we found out that this woman is not the wicked witch of the west" mum laughed at that

"I still stand by my comment Hun I mean you have every right to find out about the people who made you it's awful that you never got to know your dad but at least you can get to know your mother and she can tell you about your dad I'm honestly fine with it, as long as you don't forget me she can become your favourite I rolled my eyes I could never forget her I hugged her to show her that, she just smiled and hugged me tighter. I didn't want to admit it but I was looking forward to seeing the house I would've grown up in that thought made me smile.

I hope you guys enjoyed that next chapter Raven sees the house she would've grown up in look out for the update and comment please I would like to know what you guys think, c u soon